Wisdom from Vacation Gnomes & Fairies of Chincoteague VA

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00;00;06;15 - 00;00;14;13
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge from animals and other beings within multidimensional realms. Hello Diana.

00;00;14;16 - 00;00;17;06
Hello Karin.

00;00;17;08 - 00;00;38;08
Now we're back and we're talking again today with some more fairies, and I want to do a little follow up to our fairies and the house fairies. It said that my house has not balanced in the back room where I'd had other people's art, and so I've been moving my art around and rearranging it and I want to hear from the art fairies, if you don't mind.

00;00;38;08 - 00;00;51;14
Diana, tell me if the art that I've added to the back room, which are some of some of my paintings and a couple of photographs of the flowers, are helping balance the energy in this house.

00;00;51;17 - 00;01;25;16
Okay. So, yes, they are saying this is not just the art fairies in the back room. These are the fairies throughout your first floor and they're saying, yes, the energy is more balanced between the front and the back of your house, but it's still not quite the same. I think you just you're saying you need to wait a little bit more because energy takes time to clear or develop because these art is not static.

00;01;25;16 - 00;01;47;18
The energy in works of art is not static. And so it's just moving around. And also they're saying, okay, I don't know how much time you spend in that back room now, but if you spend more time in there, it will help to sort of foster the same kind of energy that you have in your front room.

00;01;48;04 - 00;02;06;19
interesting. So the art fairies and the art itself is working on clearing the energy over time. It takes time for it to clear all the energies. And what is the benefit of me spending more time in there, which I do spend time in there, maybe when it's warmer out, but it's very cold right now, so I don't spend as much time there.

00;02;06;24 - 00;02;31;29
Yeah, so, so you know, the fact that your energy combined with the energy that exists in the room already, combined with the energy from the art works to have a certain level of energy. And they're saying because you're not spending as much time in the back room, the energy is not quite the same. One thing you could do to help speed up.

00;02;32;04 - 00;02;34;04
So, like, you know.

00;02;34;06 - 00;02;40;08
I spent my time in there this morning. Did that help? I spent my time journaling in the back room this morning.

00;02;40;08 - 00;02;42;06
Yes, Yes, sure. It helps. Yeah.

00;02;42;06 - 00;02;48;09
Okay. All right. Awesome. Well, tell them thank you. And I'll I'll check back in time.

00;02;48;09 - 00;02;51;08
Better saying, you know, okay, everything's going to work out.

00;02;51;10 - 00;03;20;03
You know? Perfect. Perfect. So I think that today we're going to move on to the fairies and Diana's B and B in Chincoteague Island in Virginia. They have stepped up to asked to be on the podcast, and I believe they're all very excited about being on. And so, Diana, you want to you want to tell us what they are, what they're saying, what they're doing right now.

00;03;20;03 - 00;03;22;04
And okay.

00;03;22;06 - 00;03;23;20
Well, they have this here for us.

00;03;23;27 - 00;04;12;06
Well, right now, like ever since we started talking about the fairies, they were really excited. And the ones in Chincoteague, they actually started thinking about how to transmit out there. Their part of the conversation to us, since we're actually Diana and Karin, are not in Chincoteague Bay, we are in Washington DC. So they came out with this. It looks like an old fashioned kind of transistor radio or something like this, and they're gathered around it and they're slowly twirling the dials and so like, Yes, yes, we could hear you, you know, you're coming through loud and clear.

00;04;12;08 - 00;04;17;23
So they're giving me the thumbs up sign. So, yeah, they're good to go.

00;04;17;25 - 00;04;18;08
All right.

00;04;18;08 - 00;04;36;22
That's okay. They're saying that it's actually pretty cold there. So the ones that are outside and they are now inside because it's cold outside, although they do love being inside. Both the outdoor and indoor house fairies and then the house gnomes down there.

00;04;37;04 - 00;04;40;19
so the outdoor fairies are actually gnomes in Chincoteague.

00;04;40;19 - 00;05;08;02
Well, this they're there's like two different kinds down here. Got the fairies and the gnomes, and they look quite different, although they're both the same size. So the fairies look like. I mean, I see them as, like, regular little, little people. And the gnomes look like what we imagined gnomes to look like. You know, like the statues in a garden that lots of people.

00;05;08;05 - 00;05;20;27
So but and they're not really related. However, they're part of this larger community that's down there. So they know basically all the other fairies and gnomes on Chincoteague.

00;05;21;00 - 00;05;21;06
The whole.

00;05;21;09 - 00;05;24;03
Island. Yeah. I mean, the island is pretty small.

00;05;24;05 - 00;05;41;26
I have to ask a question because we've talked about cat cats and dogs briefly before and they had attendant fairies and then the dog attendant fairies. And Chincoteague is famous for its ponies. And I'm just wondering if there's.

00;05;41;28 - 00;05;43;27
Only pony attendant fairies for this whole.

00;05;43;28 - 00;05;45;15
Time. There is a pony fairies.

00;05;45;20 - 00;05;55;18
Darryl The fairies and gnomes we're talking to now, they're a little bit disappointed by this question because it's taken a focus off.

00;05;55;21 - 00;06;04;00
We can come back to the Pony Fairies after we're done with them and if they would like, because I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to distract us. I just.

00;06;04;02 - 00;06;06;13
Yeah, they thought we were going to be talking to them.

00;06;06;20 - 00;06;07;26
All right, let's talk to them.

00;06;07;26 - 00;06;10;00
We've already waited a couple of weeks.

00;06;10;02 - 00;06;14;02
Yes. And they're their presents. So can they accept my apology?

00;06;14;02 - 00;06;21;10
Yes. Yes, they. They do have spirit. They're saying you're fine. You're fine. Okay. But we want to talk about us all.

00;06;21;13 - 00;06;37;12
All right, here we go. So how many different fairies are there? Types of fairies in fair quantities of fairies? I think we had like ten spelling fairies in my house. So how many fairies are there in this? This rather large bed and breakfast house?

00;06;37;19 - 00;07;08;03
Okay, so you're saying that like, there's about five in each room and you you may wonder why why fairies would be specific to each room. It's because each room has a different kind of energy to it, because each room has a different kind of flowered wallpaper on it so that some of the fairies prefer one wallpaper as opposed to a wallpaper in another room.

00;07;08;10 - 00;07;12;19
Okay, That's that's why they're fairies.

00;07;12;23 - 00;07;15;05
That's why they choose the room. They write them.

00;07;15;09 - 00;07;27;11
Exactly. Exactly. So there's five free. True. So that means I know it's like 40, 45 fairies here. Wow. That's a lot of them. Wow. Yeah. So, my God.

00;07;27;17 - 00;07;33;22
There is a lot of fairies, so what? What is their role in each room? What do they do?

00;07;33;24 - 00;07;42;12
Well, they're on vacation there. This is like a permanent vacation for them. You know, they don't really have to do anything.

00;07;42;17 - 00;07;54;15
So they're vacation fairies in a vacation bed and breakfast. It. Okay. And but they're so they're just hanging out there because they like like it there.

00;07;54;18 - 00;07;56;05
You know? They like it there. Yeah.

00;07;56;05 - 00;08;03;00
So they're not doing any work at all. They're not clearing the area, keeping it clean, making sure that guests are happy. No.

00;08;03;10 - 00;08;29;21
well, you know, that's not really work for them. That's part of they consider that as part of creating a nice environment for themselves. Okay. So they're doing this well for obviously for people that stay there, provided that they're nice people. If they're not nice people, then they kind of like find ways to get rid of them.

00;08;29;23 - 00;08;34;10
But play tricks on them. Like what do they mean, get rid of them? They're not like, I'm not sure.

00;08;34;13 - 00;09;02;03
I'm not sure what they mean. There was one time the elf. okay. Sometimes when me and my husband or just me or my husband go down there, I say I, I kind of feel that there's there is they're very sad when we leave. Right. There was one time where I really felt that. And every time we started to leave, I would look back at the house and I realized, there's still light burning.

00;09;02;11 - 00;09;25;12
That happened three times, even though I thought I'd actually gone through the house making sure all the lights were off. So I don't know. I just thought they were maybe telling me in a more visible way that they really sad, maybe even a little angry that we're leaving. So, yeah, but that's that's kind of like an aside. They're not really mean fairies, you know.

00;09;25;12 - 00;09;45;28
Of course, you know, I mean, they have, but they're very happy that the house is going to be turned into a bed and breakfast where more people will be there, more nice people. They're a lot of the time. And I will be down there a lot of the time. So they're really happy about that. So their happiness actually makes the energy.

00;09;45;28 - 00;09;54;09
They're more positive. Okay, which is actually part of their I mean, if you want to call it work, they don't think of it as work. That's what they say. They're on vacation all the time.

00;09;54;09 - 00;09;58;26
Right. Well, I just asked them what they did. You know, they said, you know.

00;09;58;27 - 00;10;00;26
Well, they also go to the beach, too.

00;10;00;28 - 00;10;01;26
They do go to the beach and.

00;10;02;02 - 00;10;04;11
yes. Yeah.

00;10;04;13 - 00;10;07;25
Do they ride the ponies.

00;10;07;28 - 00;10;19;06
When they come across? So the ponies are really at the beach or I once they go to the Arctic Park. Okay. And then the ponies are there. okay. But the ponies are currently too big for them.

00;10;19;17 - 00;10;25;07
all right, all right. I thought maybe, you know, a whole bunch of fairies could get on one pony.

00;10;25;07 - 00;10;36;16
They could? Yeah, but they like to visit with the ponies, too, because lots of times the ponies are just standing around chewing the grass, eating right. So the fairies go to visit with some.

00;10;36;24 - 00;10;37;04

00;10;37;04 - 00;10;41;17
And with all the birds down there to low flying on the birds.

00;10;41;19 - 00;10;54;11
So they're much more interested in flying around on the birds than riding the ponies. Right? that's interesting. Now, do they fly around on the birds to get to the beach and back?

00;10;54;13 - 00;11;19;02
They've got multiple ways of getting there. They can teleport themselves. They can just think over at the beach. You they can ride along with people, you know, in their cars or on the rooftops of the cars with people back to the beach. You know, they can hop on the bike basket or whatever the person. Yeah, they've got different ways of getting around.

00;11;19;02 - 00;11;39;02
They fairies themselves could fly too. So but of course, that requires a bit of exertion. So because this is a vacation, they, they opt for more and less strenuous ways of getting around which makes sense.

00;11;39;07 - 00;11;43;07
Yeah, definitely makes sense.

00;11;43;16 - 00;11;50;23
yeah. And then of course, they love ice cream.

00;11;50;25 - 00;12;00;18
So do you ever feel like a fairy yourself when you're, like, drawn towards ice cream and you have to go get some? Where do you feel you're sharing it with the fairies when you're eating it?

00;12;00;21 - 00;12;11;00
Yes. Yeah. Because, I mean, they've got their own kind of virtual ice cream, I guess. Flower nectar and stuff like that. wow.

00;12;11;04 - 00;12;19;07
Here's some ideas, doesn't it? Flower nectar, ice cream. Yeah. I wonder if there is such a flavor yet.

00;12;19;10 - 00;12;43;14
This is. I mean, there's lots. There's lots of flowers down there, lots of plants. There's various kinds of flowering plants around the front porch of the chicken house. And also my neighbor in the back, she's got this incredible garden, unbelievable, really all kinds of plants, all kinds of flowers, and even so, miniature fruit trees.

00;12;43;16 - 00;12;50;13
So do they go over there to that garden and harvest some nectar and come back and make ice cream with it?

00;12;50;16 - 00;13;01;09
Yeah, that's one of the things they do. They also just like, can we go walking around in the garden and just sitting under the plants or relaxing here?

00;13;01;11 - 00;13;04;02
What about roses? Do they like to hang out in the roses?

00;13;04;06 - 00;13;05;25
Yes. Yeah.

00;13;05;27 - 00;13;09;06
And do they have a favorite flower?

00;13;09;09 - 00;13;19;19
You've got to know. Okay. You're saying No, not one favorite they like small though. So that's what the house fairies do. So they're not really house fairies. They're indoor and outdoor fair.

00;13;19;21 - 00;13;22;25
I see. And they're. They're not mountaineering fairies at all.

00;13;23;01 - 00;13;32;12
no, no, no, no. Okay. There are some of them there that are mountaineering fairies. Or is it just the gnomes? No, it's. They learned just from.

00;13;32;12 - 00;13;34;04
The gnomes.

00;13;34;06 - 00;13;44;08
Because one of the favorite things gnomes like to do is actually slide down the banisters.

00;13;44;11 - 00;13;46;03
So you just go.

00;13;46;06 - 00;14;06;28
And then when it gets to the end, right, they just go flying up off the banister and they don't mind if they just go splat. But they're not. They don't hurt themselves, you know? So the fairies have seen all this and they've they, they started doing that and then there's also the like climbing up the windows and stuff.

00;14;06;28 - 00;14;15;21
But that's compared to coming to the top toboggan ride down the banisters. It's not as exciting. I see. Okay, So.

00;14;15;24 - 00;14;18;08
So how many gnomes are out there?

00;14;18;11 - 00;14;21;07
Okay, Gnomes are not particular to the roofs.

00;14;21;07 - 00;14;22;03

00;14;22;06 - 00;14;33;17
Gnomes are particular to the house. And again, like the fairies are both indoor and outdoor elves. There's probably about 10 to 15 nodes.

00;14;33;19 - 00;14;37;13
And there are gnome families. Like a gnome community.

00;14;37;15 - 00;14;39;08
Yeah, it's a known community.

00;14;39;11 - 00;14;43;15
Okay. It's not like gnome babies. Children.

00;14;43;18 - 00;15;00;25
Okay, so, like, they're saying the gnome community is actually the larger Chincoteague gnome community. okay. And so they all know each other. So yeah, they're saying they there are families here and yeah, there's even a couple of kitty house families.

00;15;00;29 - 00;15;04;26
And not only do they live outside, they're just in for the winter or.

00;15;04;29 - 00;15;32;20
I'm a they're saying it depends what does it depend upon which depends on how they're feeling sometimes gets really hot outside. So even during the summertime they still like to be inside George Cooper as long as he sees on as well. Well, I know. See, I'm telling you, it's like these are not your your regular. I was going to say working.

00;15;32;20 - 00;15;34;08
Class like you're your.

00;15;34;08 - 00;16;00;27
Reason. Gnomes know. Okay. These are ones is that their mindset is permanent vacation So but you also have to understand that even though they're thinking they're on permanent vacation things to create a very nice environment for themselves and an exciting and in extension for anybody else that's actually in that house and in the area.

00;16;01;02 - 00;16;30;21
Okay. So we had talked not on this podcast, but we had talked before about there being a huge community and family of families of gnomes around my parent's house in Erie, Pennsylvania. Those were mostly outdoor gnomes and they were my you know, that's a big family house. And there's family stuff going on. And there were family gnomes. And and, you know, that community seemed to be mostly living outside year round.

00;16;30;21 - 00;16;48;24
And it was very cold there. And that's totally different than the Chincoteague ones, which are more of a vacation area, you know, And the gnomes there are like it's like, what do they call them snowbirds that go like to Chincoteague to like, just chill out and to have an easy life here.

00;16;48;24 - 00;17;18;01
Life is not easy. Okay, But the mindset is different. The gnomes in Erie, Pennsylvania, that in your parents house, they're kind of like the mindset is not vacation. They're they're working and they've got stuff to do every day, like chopping virtual wood, gathering stuff, cleaning things up.

00;17;18;03 - 00;17;20;18
Sounds like life inside the house, too.

00;17;20;20 - 00;17;30;12
Yeah. The gnomes in Chincoteague, their mindset is different. I don't know why it just is. They're more relaxed about stuff.

00;17;30;18 - 00;17;37;21
Well, maybe it's because we were further south. Theoretically, the further south you get, the more relaxed people get.

00;17;37;23 - 00;17;46;06
To hear it is. They're more polite and more polite. Are they? I don't know. Yes, they are. They are more polite. Yes.

00;17;46;17 - 00;17;48;10

00;17;48;12 - 00;17;55;16
And so, of course, the fairies and gnomes are more polite, you know. Okay.

00;17;55;19 - 00;18;13;19
This is very interesting. So do these fairies. Do they have I mean, I, I guess one of the questions that came up that I, I had to delay asking is, are there kitchen fairies there?

00;18;13;21 - 00;18;14;29
Kitchen fairies?

00;18;14;29 - 00;18;25;09
Yeah. Interjecting. Ever been a bed and breakfast because you're as a B and B, the kitchen's kind of used to serve the clientele.

00;18;25;13 - 00;18;59;04
Okay, well, okay, now it's not really a B and B. Yeah, okay. It used to be a b B before 2018. So they're telling me that Yes, comes of being B in August of this year. Again, there will be fairies there who are ready to help me in the kitchen because that's where even though they're vacation mindset, okay they they want guests and also themselves the fairies also and the gnomes to have good food to eat.

00;18;59;06 - 00;19;18;23
And so even though I will be the primary maker of this food, they want to create a nice atmosphere and good energy for me to actually create delicious food. So that's that's that's what's going to be happening. There's going to be a small contingent of fairies that will help to do that.

00;19;18;29 - 00;19;26;25
No kind of feel like I already know the answer to this question, but couldn't the fairies just go ahead and prepare all the food for you?

00;19;26;28 - 00;19;32;18
Yeah, if you want. Eat virtual food.

00;19;32;20 - 00;19;37;07
I mean, I mean, what the heck?

00;19;39;01 - 00;19;49;14
okay. They can create. They can make food for themselves to eat, but I don't think I would be serving the food that they make to great 3D human guests.

00;19;49;14 - 00;20;05;10
Okay, But this indulge me for a minute because, you know, there are people that talk about eating something like piranha, which is energy. And these various, I'm assuming, are doing that right. They're they're consuming prana. Prana, too.

00;20;05;12 - 00;20;07;10
Yeah. But they're also sort like.

00;20;07;10 - 00;20;08;15
Ice cream prana.

00;20;08;19 - 00;20;13;09
Right. They're turning it into virtual things that we can identify.

00;20;13;11 - 00;20;22;27
Right. So like a muffin prana and right, right. Smoothie prana. So whatever they're eating, that's yes, that's of their interest. So so what.

00;20;22;27 - 00;20;33;25
They're doing is when I'm actually creating food from the 3D non virtual ingredients, they're adding their energy to that food.

00;20;33;29 - 00;20;37;11
So the food will have a higher or a stronger or.

00;20;37;13 - 00;20;40;03
What they describe very vibration that.

00;20;40;03 - 00;20;46;05
Will have a scary vibration. Yeah. So let's just say there is an adage that says you are what you eat.

00;20;46;05 - 00;20;52;03
Everybody's still not okay, not fairies themselves won't be in the food, you know.

00;20;52;05 - 00;21;06;10
No, I know what it says. You know, the adage is you, you, you are what you eat. So if you're eating this very vibration food, are you going to then feel better? You'll feel better. Will you have some of those more intrinsic qualities of a fairy?

00;21;06;12 - 00;21;10;05
Yeah. You'll be more relaxed. You'll enjoy yourself.

00;21;10;11 - 00;21;13;04
Sillier. Maybe you'll get a sense of humor.

00;21;13;11 - 00;21;23;14
Yes. Yeah, exactly. Better sense of humor. They actually, like I was going to say, quit playing pranks. But these are they're like, being silly. They're not serious.

00;21;23;19 - 00;21;47;27
Right. So. So this is a really interesting aspect of series that I hadn't ever thought of before. And I don't know who else is thought of. I guess we could do some research on it. But food prep series to bring, you know, this, this, this higher vibration or not higher, but, you know, more playful and more relaxed vibration to the food that you're preparing is awesome.

00;21;48;02 - 00;21;54;16
Do I have those fairies in my kitchen when I'm cooking? Because I work on that all the time.

00;21;54;19 - 00;22;01;27
Let's see. What are they saying? You got to pay attention to it. And then they will they will start to do that.

00;22;02;03 - 00;22;08;29
Look. And so if I could do that, anyone could do that. We could invite the fairies into the kitchen to help us prepare the food.

00;22;09;02 - 00;22;18;04
Yeah, that's right. I mean, well, theoretically, anybody could do that. But you have to know you yourself have to be at a certain energy level. In my.

00;22;18;07 - 00;22;19;06
Energy level?

00;22;19;08 - 00;22;20;10
Yeah. Yes. Yes.

00;22;20;12 - 00;22;33;18
Okay. Phew. All right. So if you're called to do it, you're probably at that energy level. Maybe. Right. If you're not called to do it, then do some work on yourself to enhance your spiritual or energetic character.

00;22;33;19 - 00;22;49;24
Is okay. They're saying something to qualify this. Okay? It's like, okay, even though person say, we're not talking about our houses now, we're talking about sort of this hypothetical person somewhere out in D.C., even though.

00;22;49;26 - 00;22;52;07
In D.C., I mean, out in the world.

00;22;52;07 - 00;23;11;07
Somewhere, we're talking about this region. This person could believe in fairies, but perhaps they don't believe that they could. They have they're not quite at the energy level where they can ask fairies to help them bring more energy into their food. But the fairies who are actually within their space could be thinking, okay, well, this person needs help.

00;23;11;07 - 00;23;12;11
We'll just go to help them.

00;23;12;27 - 00;23;17;13
so the fairies could just automatically help? Well, I'm just putting it out there right now that.

00;23;17;13 - 00;23;18;18

00;23;18;20 - 00;23;26;24
Would like to be aware of the fairies and thank them for showing up to help me if they haven't been already, because that would make me really happy.

00;23;26;27 - 00;23;47;07
Yeah. Okay. It makes them have to, you know, because it's all part of like, making the environment that you and the fairies as well as the human people making their environment more better, you know, more better, more better.

00;23;47;10 - 00;24;12;18
We need a good English. Yeah, we need, like, some kind of more poetic fairies to, like, intercede here. How can we state this? So, but seriously, I put a lot of, you know, a lot of care into my food prep and, you know, choices of what I'm doing. And I would love to know that the fairies are adding their magic.

00;24;12;18 - 00;24;29;18
But, okay, they could have been doing this hour or however, I didn't know that they were doing this until I actually asked that question. And then they actually told me that, yes, this is what they do, right, is what they will be doing down there. So it could be that they've been doing this all along for you and for me.

00;24;29;18 - 00;24;30;06
You know.

00;24;30;07 - 00;24;33;14
What can we ask them? Have they been doing it all along?

00;24;33;16 - 00;24;36;23
Yeah, to a to a lesser extent.

00;24;36;25 - 00;24;39;02
Than they will be now, because I'm aware.

00;24;39;08 - 00;24;43;18
Right, that I'll be thinking of this when I actually prepare food.

00;24;43;24 - 00;25;06;15
Just since we're on this subject a little bit, I want to say that, you know, as I walk through my house now, I'm more aware of the fairies hanging with the art pieces and moving around my house myself after our conversations. And so I'm grateful that we have this time to kind of expand my awareness, at least of the fairies and and hear what they had to say.

00;25;06;17 - 00;25;16;02
So the Chincoteague fairies and gnomes, do they have something specific that they would like to say that I haven't asked yet? You haven't asked yet?

00;25;16;04 - 00;25;34;07
Okay. Well, they're saying that they believe relaxed and happy and spooky. And in this vacation mindset all the time because they live in the moment, you don't really worry about the future. So that's their message.

00;25;34;09 - 00;26;17;20
So the idea of living in the moment and that that ability for the fairies to to accomplish status is considered a fairly high exalted state of being. And it's an advice that comes from many, many gurus and wise ones say that. And I'm just I have a question for the fairies because I understand they're doing that, but they can do that because someone else, namely Diana, is providing them with a house, electricity, you know, a place, a building, you know, so an environment for them to do that.

00;26;17;22 - 00;26;53;11
And you know what? So for Diana to completely live in the moment, she starts be thinking, well, can I make enough money to pay the AC bill next month for this place, you know, or how much should I charge for the muffins and it it pulls her, you know, forward and backwards and the timeline quite often. And it's hard to stay completely in the moment at every time for for the person who's doing this, you know, work so that they can be in the moment.

00;26;53;14 - 00;26;54;17
For for the fairies.

00;26;54;17 - 00;27;24;16
For the moment, yeah. The fairies and the gnomes can be in the moment because Diana is over there basically serving them with her work, which is not entirely in the moment, because that's what it takes for her to to create this environment for the fairies to be in the moment. So I can understand that there's a symbiotic relationship there because they're adding energy to her life and to the food and to the the building and to the whole process of what she has to do.

00;27;24;16 - 00;27;40;28
But at the same time, could the roles be reversed for the fairies are doing the work and Diana can sit there being in the moment the whole time, just asking the fairies that question, is it not a possibility? Well.

00;27;41;00 - 00;28;09;04
Yeah, sure. The work. Okay, this is what they're saying. even even that can be solved. Okay, So they can engineer things so that whatever things need to get done was in, in like to make the B and B. Brian spending too much time arranging or organizing or managing things. So they're saying there are yeah, they wouldn't mind or they would be pleased to take on roles like that.

00;28;09;09 - 00;28;11;28
Yeah. Okay. That's, that's, I mean that's awesome.

00;28;12;01 - 00;28;19;22
That's awesome. So basically we're working towards a little bit more balance now. Have we officially asked for that? So I just having this conversation.

00;28;19;25 - 00;28;21;08
Who kind of.

00;28;21;10 - 00;28;24;22
Kind of design Diane has to ask herself.

00;28;24;25 - 00;28;50;04
One thing I do know is that I'm relying on them, right? I haven't asked them right. Then because they're bringing so much positive energy to to the place I'm relying on them for actually attract the right kind of bed and breakfast guests. And enough for some too. So you hear that? Fairies knows. You hear that?

00;28;50;05 - 00;28;52;22
Okay, Diane is making a request.

00;28;52;27 - 00;28;59;26
Just put it out there. Part of our job. But see, they don't really think of it as a job, right? Well, that's what they do.

00;28;59;26 - 00;29;04;11
I think that's awesome that they don't. They don't. I mean, the idea that and.

00;29;04;12 - 00;29;28;22
And also when things like, okay, it's Diana needs help with the cleaning, they'll arrange it so that somebody will show up. They don't really have to go searching extensively for, you know, somebody to help with the cleaning. That's how they will help.

00;29;28;28 - 00;29;52;02
Right. Okay. And so we can extrapolate that to anybody who has had enough use, not high enough, but has a real relationship with the fairies that they can actually be helpers as not so much work, but just they can they can show up and they can be part of your life and they can make things a lot easier and they can work with you.

00;29;52;05 - 00;29;55;26
And so you can reach more of a balance in your own life.

00;29;55;26 - 00;30;08;06
Yeah, I mean, I mean, if you're relying on them to help you organize things, right? You don't have to stress out about things, right? You just know that with their help, you know, things will things that are supposed to happen are going to happen.

00;30;08;09 - 00;30;15;11
So I'm wondering if these to critique fairies or any fairies, it doesn't really have to be the Chincoteague various homes to and no.

00;30;15;11 - 00;30;16;02

00;30;16;04 - 00;30;51;26
Right could actually you know give us a little outline for like not so much a course but instructions for how to they don't have to do it right now but you know we can invite them back because that might be a longer a little course on how to actually become acquainted with the fairies, work with fairies, use them and enjoy them and, you know, kind of make their own lives more peaceful and balance by incorporating fairies or, you know, some kind of fairies into their entire life idea.

00;30;51;27 - 00;30;55;19
So like, this concept, of course, is a little bit foreign to them or whether.

00;30;55;19 - 00;31;09;23
It's instructions or, you know, steps and how to reach the point where Diana is for you. You, you know, you see the fairies and you're communicating with the fairies and you can work.

00;31;09;26 - 00;31;10;04

00;31;10;04 - 00;31;12;00
Them. Collaborate with them is probably a better.

00;31;12;00 - 00;31;17;10
Word and work with them. Right. Or co-create with them.

00;31;17;12 - 00;31;21;03
Kind of like I do with the art is co-create with the fairies.

00;31;21;08 - 00;31;24;25
Right where they're saying that they have to think about and that's.

00;31;24;25 - 00;31;26;23
Fine, but we'll all expect them.

00;31;26;24 - 00;31;31;13
To because they they've not really thought about this previously. Okay.

00;31;31;16 - 00;31;43;06
Well, that's fine. You know, then get back to us whenever it was just a question I threw out there. So is there a special message maybe from the gnomes? Was that a collective message that we got before about living in the moment from the nose?

00;31;43;14 - 00;31;45;15
narrowest gnomes ever. Fairies.

00;31;45;17 - 00;31;47;13
Okay. And gnomes and the fans.

00;31;47;16 - 00;31;57;09
I mean, it could be that is specific to the ones that are on Chincoteague, right? Because they're out of this vacation place.

00;31;57;12 - 00;32;19;12
It could be, indeed. Well, that begs another question then. Are there plenty of fairies and gnomes and areas where they tend to be heavy and vacation areas that are similar? You know, because that area does have residents in it. But it also is really known for seasonality. And so people would come there from on vacation because it's close to the residents.

00;32;19;12 - 00;32;26;14
There also are a little vacation mindset. Okay. You know, I mean, everybody down there, whether they live there permanently or just.

00;32;26;17 - 00;32;33;28
Is it because they're closer to the water or is it just the area draws people in, They're more vacation minded.

00;32;34;00 - 00;32;47;08
I think, because it's kind of like isolated from the mainland that contributes to it. Also, somehow like the energy that's on the island is concentrated on the island. It just it doesn't burst on to the mainland.

00;32;47;12 - 00;32;52;06
So when you cross the bridge to go to the island, you're immediately going into a different energy, which is that of.

00;32;52;08 - 00;33;01;05
Yeah, more relaxed. No, just the relaxed energies on Chincoteague. And then if you cross the bridge, it's a different kind of energy.

00;33;01;12 - 00;33;03;27
But when I was crossing the bridge into.

00;33;04;00 - 00;33;05;10

00;33;05;13 - 00;33;29;13
Across the bridge out of to take it to go so but yes, well that's interesting, isn't it? Because you really do feel that you know in your head and somewhere like specifically, at least I feel like if I'm going to the mountains, I feel like I'm going on vacation or if I'm going to some island somewhere, I definitely feel like I'm going on vacation a much more relaxed.

00;33;29;16 - 00;33;35;11
I imagine a bigger island with a big city on it could be a little different. But yeah.

00;33;35;14 - 00;33;38;02
Yeah, quite different.

00;33;38;05 - 00;34;02;27
So that's that's cool. So is it a good idea to switch over now to the Chincoteague Horse Pony Fairies ponies? They're called ponies because most of them are little smaller. They say sometimes it's because of the what they eat out there makes them a little smaller than a big horse. But it we can get some insight on that to why they're called ponies.

00;34;03;12 - 00;34;08;09
they're called ponies because they're actually half the size of horses right.

00;34;08;09 - 00;34;10;04
But I heard that was because of what they eat.

00;34;11;03 - 00;34;19;05
I thought it was because of they're sort of descendants of some kind of special breed of horse that came over me or Spanish galleons.

00;34;19;10 - 00;34;24;26
I know, I don't know. I've heard both things. So maybe they know. Maybe they could tell us.

00;34;24;28 - 00;34;27;11
The the pony fairies.

00;34;27;13 - 00;34;29;23
Were only fairies.

00;34;29;26 - 00;35;04;02
I don't know if the pony fairies can actually tell us that. The pony fairies can talk to us. But the existing ponies, they're okay. And yeah, the Pony fairies. Each ponies. GIRL Two fairies. Two fairies. Yes, I know. Whereas the cats had one. These pony fairies have two. And even though ponies are certainly larger than cats, that the pony attendants, they're not.

00;35;04;05 - 00;35;12;16
They're not larger than the cat attendants. However, they do have a different costume.

00;35;12;18 - 00;35;19;00
If anybody's interested in what the cat costume looks like, You can check out her earlier podcast, the first one on fairies.

00;35;19;02 - 00;35;39;21
Yeah. So it and the pony attendants, they wear trousers because they've got to be more agile. And it seems like they're they're actually more involved in caring for the ponies.

00;35;39;24 - 00;35;43;02
You know, Are these men or women fairies.

00;35;43;04 - 00;35;44;15
Or no sex?

00;35;44;18 - 00;35;45;26

00;35;45;29 - 00;35;49;08
I care. Yeah, they're. They're androgynous.

00;35;49;13 - 00;35;52;22

00;35;52;25 - 00;36;26;29
I mean, I see them as kind of like little, little people, you know, with arms and legs and bodies and hands. They dressed in trousers or I should say, jodhpurs, which are kind of like knee length trousers. And then they seem to have also apparently these I don't know what you call it, riding, riding sticks, not to beat the ponies, but just sort to tap them gently when they want to do something or turn a certain way or whatever.

00;36;27;02 - 00;37;10;14
So they help with the flies. They help with them keeping the ponies, coats and means like, Well groomed and clean and meaning so like no bugs in them. And also they try to keep the ponies happy when they play games with them. So if you listen to the previous podcast, the the pony attendants are much more involved with the ponies that they're attending than the cat attendants are, which is kind of interesting.

00;37;10;17 - 00;37;30;03
I think it could be because at the moment I'm only talking to the pony attendants of the ponies that are not wild anymore.

00;37;30;05 - 00;37;32;07
What do you mean they're not wild anymore? Are they?

00;37;32;07 - 00;38;11;03
In meaning that every year there's a roundup where the ponies for Miss Garland are brought over to Chincoteague and the young ponies that are of an age to be separated from their mothers. I mean, they're they're all inspected by vets and given medical treatment if needed. But then some of the younger, younger ones, they're bought by people. So if they're bought, they're taken away and they're there are people on Chincoteague that actually own ponies.

00;38;11;03 - 00;38;34;17
So they have them in their backyards and or what do we call swag, the pen that ponies would be in. So maybe it's maybe the attendance for these ponies are paying more attention to them because they're not free anymore. And in the wild.

00;38;34;20 - 00;38;38;24
So that they get the wild wouldn't have to attendance as well as the.

00;38;38;27 - 00;38;49;23
That's a good question. Yes, I, I think they do. No, no, no. You have one.

00;38;50;01 - 00;38;55;18
interesting. So the wild ones have one attendant and then the the.

00;38;55;20 - 00;39;18;21
Wild ancestor, too. Okay. Although it could be that the wild ones have their life is easier because a lot of the time, you know, you see them and they're always eating stuff in the marsh. And sometimes they're standing in this in the stagnant water for days on end, the days on.

00;39;18;21 - 00;39;20;19
In the ponies or the.

00;39;20;22 - 00;39;21;11
The ponies.

00;39;21;18 - 00;39;23;23
the ponies are in the stagnant water.

00;39;23;25 - 00;39;24;18
Well yeah.

00;39;24;20 - 00;39;28;04
Because it's in the marshland. Yeah. It's marshland that they hang out in.

00;39;28;05 - 00;39;37;25
And I think probably the attendants, the wild ponies have got fewer attendants because the attendants to want to be standing around in the water.

00;39;38;01 - 00;39;42;23
It wouldn't be me riding the horse, riding the little ponies on their back. Yeah, but they.

00;39;42;23 - 00;39;44;00
Can't do that all the time.

00;39;44;09 - 00;39;44;20
I see.

00;39;44;20 - 00;39;45;10
You know.

00;39;45;13 - 00;39;45;29
All right.

00;39;46;04 - 00;39;56;19
So you've got to really hardy attendants who are willing to go and be attendants to the world problems. And then those are the ones who are really dedicated to their jobs.

00;39;56;19 - 00;39;58;29
And do they have little boats and stuff?

00;39;59;20 - 00;40;04;18
no. Okay.

00;40;04;21 - 00;40;08;19
Speaker 1
So this is a hard life for these these attendant ferries.

00;40;08;21 - 00;40;30;18
Well, you know, I mean, like I said, they're dedicated, so they don't think of it as a hard life, you know, But they want to do all they can to make sure that the wild ponies are safe and healthy. Yeah. So there are I mean, there's communication between the wild pony attendants and the tame pony attendants also.

00;40;30;20 - 00;40;53;17
Well, I have like I have a question, but they are sitting over there laughing because she's a prize. She's at finding anything out about these pony fairies. But, you know, so they're they're in a way like other animal attendants, their main job is to keep the animal.

00;40;53;19 - 00;40;54;18
Happy, healthy.

00;40;54;24 - 00;40;55;25
Happy and healthy.

00;40;55;25 - 00;40;56;16

00;40;56;18 - 00;41;07;15
So they don't do any collective energy work out there necessarily for making it more of an island or relaxed atmosphere.

00;41;07;17 - 00;41;24;04
Well, no, they their their job is is, you know, make the ponies lifestyle fair and healthier and protective. And by doing that, they make the whole island you know, they contribute to the whole positive energy of the island.

00;41;24;06 - 00;41;33;04
So the ponies are in the marshland a lot. Is that because they choose to be there or is that really the main wild area that's left for the wild ponies?

00;41;33;18 - 00;41;45;25
no. I mean, it's not that the area has been built up for it for. The only thing on there is basically this little town. The rest of it is protected federal land.

00;41;45;27 - 00;41;49;12
And they choose the marshes because they.

00;41;49;17 - 00;41;51;06
Because they eat the plants there.

00;41;51;08 - 00;41;56;21
They really like the plants or plants. And do they go up on the beach like the acid? Yeah.

00;41;56;21 - 00;41;57;12
Are you kidding me?

00;41;57;13 - 00;41;58;27
Know, so they love the.

00;41;58;29 - 00;42;04;13
Yeah, they love the beach, too. Okay. You know, because those two beaches are connected.

00;42;04;16 - 00;42;08;08
I see. Yeah. So they can go back and forth any time they want.

00;42;08;10 - 00;42;18;16
Right. But I mean, they're they're not going to be the wild ponies. They're not going to be, you know, walking in amongst the throngs of people.

00;42;18;18 - 00;42;28;09
Now, although I've been camping down there and on Stig and the ponies. Who will do that. Yeah, you're.

00;42;28;11 - 00;42;29;08
Camping down there.

00;42;29;08 - 00;42;31;06
Especially if you have some food.

00;42;31;17 - 00;42;36;00
I know. They come into your tent. Have been camping down there, too. Yeah.

00;42;36;02 - 00;42;41;17
Yeah. You have to be careful. They're worse than raccoons. I just put it that way.

00;42;41;20 - 00;42;46;06
Or, like, I mean, they're. They're hungry all the time. Yeah. You know, they're always looking for food.

00;42;46;13 - 00;42;48;21
So their main life is just eating.

00;42;48;24 - 00;43;05;25
It. Yeah, Just like the pigs. If eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, you know? So that's the wild ponies, though. I mean, the tame ponies have got a little bit easier since they don't have to go look, forage for their food, they get it handed to them.

00;43;06;02 - 00;43;11;08
But the pet ponies, they often give rides to people.

00;43;11;10 - 00;43;13;17
Well, hopefully it's just too little kids.

00;43;13;26 - 00;43;16;00
okay. No, because they're small. They're small.

00;43;16;07 - 00;43;21;03
Yeah, they're an adult sitting on a boat, and these ponies would break it.

00;43;21;05 - 00;43;28;11
I think they are thinking of a really big dog because some dogs are kind of small. wow. I wouldn't feel comfortable.

00;43;28;11 - 00;43;32;02
Sitting on a pony. I don't think the pony would like there. Okay.

00;43;32;04 - 00;43;41;16
So so the is there anything that the ponies or the pony fairies want to say to us?

00;43;41;18 - 00;43;48;22
Yeah, they're saying, come on down, come on down and see Chincoteague, see the ponies. So they're like an.

00;43;48;22 - 00;43;50;11
Ambassador for the area.

00;43;50;13 - 00;43;58;26
Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, and the wild ponies and the team ponies, they both love it down there. And.

00;43;58;29 - 00;44;01;02
And they love it when people come.

00;44;01;21 - 00;44;18;29
yeah, they do. Not too many people are, but, but they're excited because, you know, they're getting all this attention and they think that's one of the reasons people come down there to see the wild ponies.

00;44;19;01 - 00;44;27;23
Yeah, it's very exciting. At least on the East Coast here aren't very many places you can see wild ponies or horses right?

00;44;27;26 - 00;44;29;28
Yeah. Yeah.

00;44;30;00 - 00;44;32;25
Do they ever gallop around? All right, all right.

00;44;33;01 - 00;44;39;27
Okay. The only time I've seen them gallop around is during this roundup that happens in July.

00;44;40;00 - 00;44;43;27
Will ask that one. Is there are they. Do they ever gallop around when no one's looking?

00;44;44;07 - 00;44;53;15
yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. They gallop around it like they're fun. I mean, okay, you're not eating all the time right now.

00;44;53;15 - 00;44;56;25
Okay now, now we're finding out they have a little more life and eating.

00;44;57;01 - 00;45;36;11
Yeah. Yeah, they do. You know. I mean, they gallop around, they play amongst themselves, they they take naps, they walk through the woods. They're curious. They look for things. We like watching the birds. Some birds hang around and eat the bugs. Ah, yeah. They like watching the people, too. Sometimes they think the people are really crazy. We are, you know.

00;45;36;14 - 00;45;51;05
We're like, we're immune from being crazy. A little crazy, a lot crazy. Do they would would they be happier if we gave them their own beach in the summer? Well, there weren't any people.

00;45;51;18 - 00;45;55;15
but you kind of have that anyway with the city beach.

00;45;55;18 - 00;45;58;12
But the Chincoteague ponies can't really get there.

00;45;58;15 - 00;46;00;05
You they can use. Well, they're there.

00;46;00;12 - 00;46;04;29
Okay. So they go back and forth between us to continue to.

00;46;05;01 - 00;46;22;06
Yeah. Fluidly. Yeah. You know they can swim like I know they like it there. They've got enough space. The land is not being consumed. They've got enough to eat.

00;46;22;09 - 00;46;26;05
And they like people, they like interacting with people the way they do.

00;46;26;07 - 00;46;26;28

00;46;27;01 - 00;46;29;02
They don't necessarily want more interaction.

00;46;29;07 - 00;47;01;01
Or they don't want more interaction. What they have is fine and they may think of so like the team ponies as being like, you know, lost causes, terms of being kidnaped or something like this. But there's enough communication between them for them to realize it's not really the case. But there's some that really prefer to be wild and there's some that don't mind or like being tame.

00;47;01;03 - 00;47;04;28
Yeah, I mean, they're all individuals.

00;47;05;00 - 00;47;10;20
Great individuals in a collective at the same time, Right? Right. Yeah. Just like us.

00;47;10;23 - 00;47;12;11
Yeah. Yeah.

00;47;12;13 - 00;47;19;20
So they have any advice for us humans?

00;47;19;23 - 00;47;26;10
This is kind of weird, but they're saying stand your ground. And I don't know what that is in reference to the.

00;47;26;10 - 00;47;28;09
Ponies are saying that or the Pony fairies.

00;47;28;11 - 00;47;32;03
The ponies are sitting there saying that Stand your Ground.

00;47;32;06 - 00;47;35;01
And do the ponies have anything to say? I mean, the pony fairies.

00;47;35;07 - 00;47;39;22
That's sorry. There are there are they're agreeing with that. But again, it's like.

00;47;39;24 - 00;47;40;19
Stand your ground.

00;47;40;19 - 00;47;57;13
Stand your ground. I don't really know what the context of that is. And they're saying, you know, just don't get pushed around. Okay? I can't imagine.

00;47;57;15 - 00;48;01;17
Okay. Who would be pushing around the wild ponies?

00;48;01;20 - 00;48;08;15
Well, they're giving that advice to us, the humans. So. Yeah, yeah. Same as humans, You know, stand your ground and don't get pushed around.

00;48;08;26 - 00;48;15;09
no, that's right. Yeah. So, I mean, if you want to live free. Yeah, live free. You're free.

00;48;15;12 - 00;48;16;20
If you don't.

00;48;16;22 - 00;48;18;29
Know. Right, Exactly.

00;48;19;01 - 00;48;22;04
Okay, well, thank you for that piece of advice.

00;48;22;08 - 00;48;26;28
Yeah. No, they're saying. you're welcome. You know, but this is. This is what we live by.

00;48;27;23 - 00;48;39;07
interesting. And they do they have a favorite food that they like. I don't know why I ask that after I ask the advice for humans, but.

00;48;39;09 - 00;48;59;29
My favorite food. Well, I know they're they're saying what they eat is not that varied, but there are some berries that grow down there, I believe, and they like some.

00;49;00;03 - 00;49;02;21
Well, blackberries.

00;49;02;23 - 00;49;18;14
Or the firm like a dark colored berries that they really like. But of course, they only eat. I mean, they don't grow year round. Always busy times of the year. But do you like they like the grassy too, so.

00;49;18;16 - 00;49;28;09
All right. Any final word? Yeah. Before we go back to the Chincoteague fairies, we're all fairies and just get a final.

00;49;28;15 - 00;49;31;13
No, you're saying they're seeing one boy,

00;49;31;15 - 00;49;33;08
Boy. In Virginia?

00;49;33;10 - 00;49;39;08
Yeah. Maybe they're going somewhere. Maybe the ponies are going somewhere. I don't think the ponies are going to stop.

00;49;39;08 - 00;49;43;14
Do the ponies time travel at all? Or they just stay there?

00;49;45;23 - 00;49;53;00
that's interesting question. Well, they can time travel. They can go backwards into the future.

00;49;53;10 - 00;49;58;04
very interesting. What would they go back in or if they go into the future?

00;49;58;04 - 00;50;01;05
For sure. Just because you're curious.

00;50;01;13 - 00;50;02;13

00;50;02;15 - 00;50;30;18
And I don't. Okay. They're saying they can't they can't really go that far into the future. They can't go like a hundred years or 200 years. They can go maybe like 50 years and go, I know why they go. They they they're saying they go there because it can see their lineages. yeah. And they want to keep track of that.

00;50;30;20 - 00;50;37;20
I see. And so they go back in time to say something to their lineages as well. Yeah.

00;50;37;22 - 00;50;45;00
Again, to keep track of them. Then they go forward in time just to see what's possible.

00;50;45;02 - 00;50;52;21
A very interesting, isn't it? All right. To all the fairies of Chincoteague. Want to say anything?

00;50;52;23 - 00;50;58;11
They're just saying by. See you soon.

00;50;58;14 - 00;50;59;05
All right.

00;50;59;08 - 00;51;06;24
So they're all there. They're just waving. They're the fairies and the gnomes from the whole island, and they're waving goodbye.

00;51;06;24 - 00;51;09;00
I'm expecting that's millions of them.

00;51;09;02 - 00;51;14;11
Probably. Well, maybe not millions. Certainly thousands. Right.

00;51;14;13 - 00;51;21;02
All right. Goodbye. Thanks for showing up today. Thanks for all your words of wisdom there.

00;51;21;03 - 00;51;24;23
Same. Bye bye. You're welcome. I see you soon.

00;51;24;27 - 00;51;34;25
Okay. Bye bye. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast. Thank you for listening. And please sign up for our newsletter at 1to9Podcast.com

Wisdom from Vacation Gnomes & Fairies of Chincoteague VA
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