Gnomes of Northwest Pennsylvania Assist Family

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00;00;06;15 - 00;00;15;25
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge from animals and other beings within multi dimensional realms. Diana.

00;00;15;28 - 00;00;17;13
Hello, Karin.

00;00;17;15 - 00;00;29;07
We're here creating another podcast on. It's not exactly fairies fairies, but it's on the gnome branch of the fairies at my parents house.

00;00;29;10 - 00;00;38;08
Yes. And we had talked about gnomes previously. The gnomes that were in my B&B house.

00;00;38;08 - 00;00;39;01
In Chincoteague.

00;00;39;01 - 00;00;40;09
In Chincoteague. Yeah.

00;00;40;15 - 00;00;42;15
These will be in northwest Pennsylvania.

00;00;42;15 - 00;00;52;27
Right. And they're actually quite different. Now, I first encountered them. Well, when was it? Before Christmas, for sure. I guess it was October. November.

00;00;53;04 - 00;00;54;21
Must be November, I think.

00;00;54;23 - 00;01;05;09
Yeah. Okay. So Karin and you had said to me that somehow your parents house was on the market, yet nobody was was putting in any any offers.

00;01;05;12 - 00;01;07;16
Actually, they were putting in offers, but the offers were.

00;01;07;25 - 00;01;08;16
yeah, too low.

00;01;08;18 - 00;01;10;08
There were just not good offers.

00;01;10;09 - 00;01;33;12
Right. They weren't good offers. So I was walking home one day from the gym and then who popped into my head or whatever I can call it, my my field of energy, whatever it was. A gnome. And I sort of started asking like, you know, who are you? And he said, he's kind of like the head of the gnomes of your parents house.

00;01;33;14 - 00;02;00;21
And so I thought, okay, well, if he appeared here, I'm just going to ask him some questions. So I asked, well, you know, Karin and her family really want the house to be sold. Like, why? Why are people putting in, like, not good offers? Why aren't there any good offers? And he said to me, Wow, okay, we want to make sure that whoever that we approve of, whoever buys the house.

00;02;00;23 - 00;02;13;27
Right. So then and we don't want somebody that we don't approve of to actually buy the house. Otherwise, you know, we'd feel the energy would not be good and then we'd feel we'd have to leave and it wouldn't be the same anymore. Right.

00;02;14;00 - 00;02;23;07
So let me ask you let me just interrupt here for a second because I want a little background on these gnomes. So why did they come there in the first place to my parents house?

00;02;23;29 - 00;02;29;10
I don't know. That wasn't really part of the conversation. right.

00;02;29;12 - 00;02;32;04
So can they. Can they answer it?

00;02;32;06 - 00;02;36;09
Can they answer now? Yeah. they were. They were always there.

00;02;36;12 - 00;02;38;04
They were there before my parents moved in.

00;02;38;12 - 00;02;42;25
Yeah. I mean, I think you said that your your dad had built the house.

00;02;42;27 - 00;02;44;06
Yes, he did build the house.

00;02;44;10 - 00;02;49;19
Okay, So they were there on the land before your dad built the house.

00;02;49;24 - 00;02;58;28
Now, did they have anything to do or say with about having my dad in particular to buy that house? They draw him in to that property?

00;02;59;05 - 00;03;02;13
Yes. Yes. They're saying they did do that.

00;03;02;20 - 00;03;09;03
So they wanted him to be one of their neighbors or one of their cohabitants, I would say.

00;03;09;09 - 00;03;29;18
Yeah. Because somehow they knew that he would build something that they would like. Because, I mean, before your dad built a house or actually just in the woods and. Yeah. And I mean, Pennsylvania is a little bit colder than here. So they wanted some kind of warm dwelling.

00;03;29;28 - 00;03;31;07
so they lived in the house?

00;03;31;11 - 00;03;41;09
Yeah. yeah, Yeah, They were inside and outside. No, I mean, once the house is built, they're inside and outside. Before the house, they were just outside. You know, they didn't like that too much.

00;03;41;10 - 00;03;45;26
Okay, so did they come in in the winter and then go back out in the summer, or did this come?

00;03;45;27 - 00;04;14;20
Kind of depends what they what they wanted. There are some that actually liked living outside in the cold, some didn't like that. And so they would stay inside during the winter. And some some actually wanted to stay inside during the summer too, because it was too hot. And so as opposed to the gnomes that were in my Chincoteague house, which were just a small group, the GNOME community at your parents house was actually really large.

00;04;14;23 - 00;04;17;05
And they want to give us a number.

00;04;17;07 - 00;04;23;20
Yeah, they're seeing like 150 or so. Wow. Yeah, I know. And they're composed of little families.

00;04;24;16 - 00;04;26;06
How many families?

00;04;26;09 - 00;04;31;18
I don't know. What are they saying? They said 20.

00;04;31;21 - 00;04;33;00
20 family of gnomes?

00;04;33;07 - 00;04;59;15
Yeah. And they're all living. They don't live together, right? Like you said, they live according to their preferences, So they've got little dwellings everywhere inside and outside. You know, some of them like nooks and crannies. Some of them prefer kind of like the open spaces of the large rooms, you know, I mean, they've got tons of tons of choices there.

00;04;59;18 - 00;05;02;25
Yes, they do, I would say. Yeah. Goes on and on.

00;05;02;29 - 00;05;03;23

00;05;03;26 - 00;05;05;02
Inside and outside.

00;05;05;03 - 00;05;06;05

00;05;06;08 - 00;05;09;10
And there's lots of little barns and wood piles.

00;05;09;10 - 00;05;29;15
And this is exactly what they like. You know, they love the house, they love the area. And they wanted to make sure that nothing really changed. So they want to make sure the house is not torn down and something else rebuilt. Otherwise, they'd all have to find someplace else to live in it, right?

00;05;29;17 - 00;05;37;08
Are there more gnomes concentrated around my parents house and. And other houses in the area?

00;05;38;11 - 00;06;11;21
Yeah, actually. Okay. They didn't have. They have not given this much thought, because, like I said, theirs is a pretty big community, even though they are actually they are actually can communicate with gnomes and gnome communities throughout the world and and and in multi-dimensional realms. Also. But there are some places with with large gnome communities in the area.

00;06;11;23 - 00;06;12;26
As well as my parents.

00;06;12;29 - 00;06;17;13
Yeah. But they they don't interact with them all the time.

00;06;17;15 - 00;06;31;17
They all in the background is like playing ping pong in the living room during a podcast. Just in case anybody is wondering. So do the gnomes get along with the animals at the house?

00;06;31;29 - 00;06;34;11
yeah. They did like them.

00;06;34;14 - 00;06;35;21
Did they have a favorite?

00;06;36;27 - 00;06;40;12
No, they didn't have a favorite. They liked them all.

00;06;40;14 - 00;06;53;22
Were there other animals in the that they did they commune with in that area that might want to that they were part of their part of their life there?

00;06;54;05 - 00;07;11;15
yeah. I mean, all the animals inside the house like mice and insects, maybe even rats or not. Inside the house. In around the house. Right. All kinds of birds, snakes.

00;07;11;15 - 00;07;12;05

00;07;12;07 - 00;07;27;04
Chipmunks. Here. Squirrels, Smalls. Yeah. Those foxes, I mean, they. They were all part of their daily life. That's why. I mean, she didn't really have. I mean, they did have favorites.

00;07;27;14 - 00;07;50;04
okay. So while they were helping us find the right person to replace my parents who been in the house for 60 some years for close to 60 years, did you said that they got sick? They had one of them got sick because I could feel the energy had stopped at one point, like they were helping. And then all of a sudden they weren't.

00;07;50;06 - 00;07;51;06
What happened there?

00;07;51;11 - 00;08;29;29
Yeah. Okay. So when I was walking home from the gym and talking to a gnome, he said, Well, first of all, I assured him that nobody would be buying the place unless all the gnomes approved of the buyers fates. And so then he said, Well, he's going to strike, send out messages to try to attract the right kind of people to various gnome communities and also just in general, sending out energy so that the right people would come and be interested at the property.

00;08;30;01 - 00;08;36;05
Yeah. And then and then somehow a couple of months went by, I guess. Was it a couple of months?

00;08;36;06 - 00;08;37;29
No, no. More like a couple of weeks.

00;08;38;00 - 00;08;43;12
A couple of weeks. Right. Okay. And nothing was really happening. And then I think, Karin, you asked me.

00;08;43;15 - 00;08;46;29
And said I felt the energy not not going out anymore.

00;08;46;29 - 00;09;00;12
Right. And then so, like I asked the gnome head know, like, you know, what's going on? And he said he'd gotten sick. So he was recuperating.

00;09;00;15 - 00;09;07;05
And all the energy went into recuperating him. So did he have to commute or something?

00;09;07;08 - 00;09;24;10
No, he didn't say what he had. But I mean, it was obviously something that he he got over. Right. And he got healthy again. And they they resumed their search and sending out the energy to to actually attract a good buyer and future owner.

00;09;24;13 - 00;09;37;09
Right. And that was then shortly thereafter, we got the offer that were of these new people that seemed just absolutely perfect for the house. The gnomes like the new, though, for the government.

00;09;37;11 - 00;09;47;12
They like these. They like this. This couple. Yes. So they're they're really happy. They're really happy that they're going to be taking over this place.

00;09;47;20 - 00;09;56;01
that's nice. I guess I got the same energy from them. I even did a little background check on them and they seemed like good people.

00;09;56;07 - 00;10;23;00
Okay. And before. Okay. So, like, somehow it wasn't the had gnomes decision to make. Right. Whether or not these were actually the right people to buy your parents place. Somehow all the gnomes had to agree upon this place. It wouldn't have gone through. So they did all agree they must have sort of convened somehow and talked about it.

00;10;23;03 - 00;10;30;12
So do they talk telepathically or do they they sit down and they take votes like a democratic system or.

00;10;30;13 - 00;10;37;26
Yeah, they know they're both for important things. They, they they meet actually, they meet are all together. So did they.

00;10;37;26 - 00;10;38;08
Meet for.

00;10;38;08 - 00;10;43;03
This? Yes, you did. This was pretty important. It's kind of like their future, you know.

00;10;43;05 - 00;10;52;04
And do they have a message for maybe my mother, my dad's pased now, but maybe my mother and our family who lived there for a long time.

00;10;52;07 - 00;11;14;21
Yeah, well, they're. They're saying that. Yeah, they're sorry that your mother is not living there anymore. They're very sorry to see her go. And your dad also. But they realize that, you know, these things happen, and they're kind of like also working to ensure that things go well with your mother, too.

00;11;14;24 - 00;11;17;04
Did some of them follow her to her new place?

00;11;17;05 - 00;11;18;17
No. But you go visit.

00;11;18;26 - 00;11;20;29
they do go visit her. Yeah. that's awesome.

00;11;21;01 - 00;11;23;03
Yeah, because you want to check up on her.

00;11;23;04 - 00;11;26;23
We really appreciate that. She seems to like the place she's living in now.

00;11;26;29 - 00;11;28;26
Yeah, they approve of that also.

00;11;29;18 - 00;11;34;10
very interesting. So, do they have a message for the new owners?

00;11;34;13 - 00;11;52;10
Their new owners? You know, they're saying to them, be attentive to what we will be showing you or telling you or demonstrating to you. And I think they know that the new owners will be able to do that.

00;11;52;12 - 00;11;53;20
Okay. That's awesome.

00;11;53;25 - 00;12;08;06
Yeah. And I mean, no one's can they communicate with humans in various ways? I mean, like, with me, somehow they can just appear and start talking or they can send them messages. Right?

00;12;08;06 - 00;12;18;13
Right. Or you can just feel their energy. You know, they can. I mean, I could feel when they said they were helping to find an, you know, find somebody. And then I felt when they weren't, but when they were again.

00;12;18;13 - 00;12;44;01
And then they can also sort give you a little science to make things appear more not like magic bits, put things in certain positions where you actually see it and you realize, okay, this is where this is supposed to be. So. However, the new owners will be able to pick up, by the way, you know, the gnomes will be imparting to them.

00;12;44;04 - 00;12;59;20
I think the new owners are saying that they'll be able to send some incense, what they want. And if they if the gnomes are not in agreement with what the new owners want to do, then the new owners won't do that. That's what they're telling me.

00;12;59;23 - 00;13;08;22
All right. Very good. That's. That's kind of nice to know. Can I just ask how long these gnomes have been there in that area?

00;13;09;19 - 00;13;12;01
my God. Hundreds of years.

00;13;12;03 - 00;13;20;29
Hundreds of years now. Are the original gnomes still alive that were there, or do they have a shorter lifespan than that?

00;13;21;05 - 00;13;51;08
They've got effigies of the original oak, you know, like little statues, right? Yeah, because the original ones are not really around, but they're. They're their ancestors. And they, you know, they're around in spirit, put it that way. Even though they're. The gnomes are multi-dimensional beings themselves, there's another layer of that in that when they pass on, it, become another kind of spirit.

00;13;51;11 - 00;13;55;11
Okay. That's a common theme in the fairy world.

00;13;55;13 - 00;14;00;26
Yeah. And so once they pass on, this makes it much easier for them to travel around.

00;14;02;03 - 00;14;23;09
I have some. I mean, I thank them very much for all that information I have some more personal questions about my dad, because he's always, to me, felt like a bit of a gnome himself. Did they have a special kinship with my dad? A special, multidimensional relationship with him? Or did I just conjure that up?

00;14;23;19 - 00;14;59;21
no, there is. There's like a maybe five or six of them who are actually kind of older. I mean, seemed like middle aged kind of gnomes with their saying, Yeah, no, no. I mean, we we actually got together with your dad a lot. And whether or not he realized it, they were actually communicating, you know, because whatever your dad did in terms of constructing the house or buildings or going out into the the forest.

00;14;59;21 - 00;15;00;29
Or the garden work.

00;15;01;04 - 00;15;25;20
Or the garden rate, if he was happy, you know, doing what he was doing, they were always there with him. Assisting, you know. So, yeah, Seems like they had a really good time. And now. Okay, I'm asking ifthey go. If they've gone to see your dad, they're saying no, they have to wait a bit.

00;15;25;23 - 00;15;35;02
Okay. And I. I know my mom had a real love for the outside and gardening and stuff, too. Did they have a specific relationship with her?

00;15;35;13 - 00;15;52;03
yeah. Her. The ones that visit her now, They are. They were some of the closest ones. There were others also. But for some reason, they're not visiting your mom. No. But again, it's kind of like these are older age.

00;15;52;03 - 00;15;56;05
You know, when you say middle age, you're talking about 100 years old or.

00;15;56;07 - 00;16;30;14
I don't know, I'm talking about. Well, who not? Do not they're not baby gnomes. They're not child gnomes. They're not, you know, young adult gnomes as Although it's like when when. Okay, so like, the gnomes that were attached to your dad and your mother when they did have kids, you know, they would bring them around and. so, you know, your parents were kind of like involved in in that the growing up of these the gnomes is kids.

00;16;30;16 - 00;16;31;13
You see what I mean?

00;16;31;16 - 00;16;37;25
I guess, yeah. I mean, I don't know. We all were not speaking about any of that stuff.

00;16;37;27 - 00;16;52;23
No, I mean, you didn't talk about it, but you probably felt that they were like these little beings around there. Yeah. Could be. You saw them kind of, like, out of the corner, you know, at the periphery of your vision.

00;16;52;29 - 00;17;10;24
Well, one of my siblings in particular was very much speaking to multidimensional beings when she was little. And I'm just wondering if she was speaking to these multi-dimensional beings sort of that she actually saw in the gnomes around the house and was speaking to them.

00;17;10;26 - 00;17;15;02
They're saying they don't know if if she actually saw them.

00;17;15;05 - 00;17;15;23
Yeah. Okay.

00;17;16;00 - 00;17;21;29
Right. You'd you'd have to ask her. But she was certainly communicating with them.

00;17;22;02 - 00;17;23;23
As as were we all.

00;17;23;24 - 00;17;49;21
Or in your own various ways, you may not have known consciously That's what you were doing, but. But you were otherwise. I mean, otherwise the gnome community would not have felt such a great attachment to, you know, the house and your parents and the whole family.

00;17;49;23 - 00;17;55;03
Well, I'm assuming the new people are moving in will start their own family. They're.

00;17;55;05 - 00;17;57;23
Well, yeah, that's. That's up to them.

00;17;57;25 - 00;18;03;18
I know that's up to them, but I'm assuming they will. They seem to be of that age. And they bought a family house.

00;18;03;21 - 00;18;04;04

00;18;04;08 - 00;18;05;18
Not a single person house.

00;18;05;20 - 00;18;12;14
Right. So the gnomes would certainly like that, you know, because gnomes really enjoy the young kids, you human kids.

00;18;12;20 - 00;18;13;16
No, that's kind of.

00;18;13;21 - 00;18;14;22
Like playing with them.

00;18;14;26 - 00;18;21;16
So is there a final message from the gnomes to our family or to people in general?

00;18;21;18 - 00;18;43;21
People in general? Well, they're saying is pay attention to the little things. You know, it could be that you put something down in one place and then when you look for it again, a couple of hours later, it's a couple of hours later, it's gone and it's just moving a little bit. Who's done that?

00;18;43;24 - 00;18;52;24
All right. And do they want us to do things to foster gnomes living in our homes or around our homes?

00;18;53;03 - 00;19;17;20
okay. The main thing that fosters that is basically they need to make a really good atmosphere there. They're not in places where there is fear and anger and anxiety. They they just avoid those places. Yeah. So, I mean, of course.

00;19;17;27 - 00;19;20;28
So does that make it harder in general for them to live in the cities?

00;19;21;01 - 00;19;55;00
No. Makes them part of any any place. Okay. I mean, it's okay. They're saying that they realize that just they can't have an atmosphere that's just completely of happiness and joy because human beings are not built that way. Neither are gnomes also. Right. So, I mean, they get angry, they get anxious, they get hurt, you know, so but they they deal with those kinds of more negative emotions better than we do.

00;19;55;02 - 00;20;01;13
And so they prefer to have places where humans can do that also.

00;20;01;18 - 00;20;05;06
Okay. So they can express their emotions in a healthy way.

00;20;05;09 - 00;20;06;01

00;20;06;04 - 00;20;12;21
All right. That makes sense. So do I have any gnomes at my house here in the city?

00;20;12;23 - 00;20;23;11
Yeah. Wait, wait a minute. I remember in. Was it the first podcast about fairies? They some of them came down with you.

00;20;23;14 - 00;20;24;23
The repelling fairies? Yeah.

00;20;25;06 - 00;20;33;02
yeah. Yeah. Repelling fairies. Right. But the gnomes. Yeah. You know what? There's a couple of them, but they're just out outside.

00;20;33;08 - 00;20;33;26
They're outside.

00;20;33;26 - 00;20;39;14
Gnomes? Yeah. I don't know why. They just want to stay outside. Probably because it's not too cold here.

00;20;39;15 - 00;20;41;04
Yeah, autumn.

00;20;41;07 - 00;20;45;21
And they like it outdoors. And you've got nice trees in the back, so.

00;20;45;23 - 00;20;51;07
All righty. Is there anything you want to ask the gnomes? Thena?

00;20;51;10 - 00;20;56;06
No. Well, okay. Do they really look gnome like?

00;20;56;08 - 00;20;57;05
Okay, that's good.

00;20;57;10 - 00;21;16;02
I think as gnomes or. Or are they mad when people put up this gnome statues in the gardens? Because you see a lot of that. They think it's actually kind of funny. They don't. They don't harbor any ill will against people who put up those statues. But it's like.

00;21;16;04 - 00;21;19;02
Do they actually look like that then with little pointy hat?

00;21;19;04 - 00;21;41;22
No, no. They're all they've they're all individuals, right. Some of them do wear those little hats. Some of them don't. But they are small and they are gnome like. But they're not mad that we've we've kind of have hese stereotypical pictures of them they're not mad about like I said, they think it's kind of funny.

00;21;41;24 - 00;21;50;14
So I don't know if it's funny, you know, but it's very cute the way a lot of them are depicted. They're certainly like fun to look at.

00;21;50;17 - 00;21;52;13
Yeah. And yeah.

00;21;52;15 - 00;22;08;15
All right. Well, thank you, gnomes, for telling us a little bit about what life is like in my parents home. And thanks for taking care of the home and thanks for being part of my family. And thanks for helping us transition to another family.

00;22;08;22 - 00;22;13;13
And you know what? They're all their and they're waving.

00;22;13;15 - 00;22;14;28
Around 150 and.

00;22;14;28 - 00;22;31;06
Yes, that's a lot of them. Yeah. So they all got together. I mean, I think they were listening to like this ah, discussion sporadically. But they, they're all together now and they're all waving goodbye all right.

00;22;31;09 - 00;22;32;03
Goodbye, gnomes.

00;22;32;07 - 00;22;33;27
Goodbye. Thank you.

00;22;34;03 - 00;22;44;02
Thank you. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast. Thank you for listening and please sign up for our newsletter at

Gnomes of Northwest Pennsylvania Assist Family
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