Salad ingredients share insights and revelations

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;40;28
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights, to knowledge for animals and other beings within multi-dimensional realms. Well. Hello, Diana. Hello, Karin. we have an interesting podcast again today. we have with us a very special guest, a horticulturist, who has a vast amount of experience in all kinds of plants over millenniums, and millennials and plant experience over different cosmic, galaxies, too, or perhaps.

00;00;41;00 - 00;00;46;13
but we're only basically interested in that. The, the earth, the plants, the earthly plants.

00;00;46;13 - 00;00;47;05
Okay. Are you.

00;00;47;05 - 00;00;49;00
Saying okay. That's fine. Yeah, sure.

00;00;49;08 - 00;00;51;21
All right. Excellent. This is horticulture.

00;00;51;21 - 00;00;57;08
Is what I mean. He has experience with stuff that doesn't exist and it doesn't grow anymore, you know?

00;00;57;10 - 00;01;05;25
Oh, okay. So. And just in case you're wondering about, Diane has Diana has asked if it's a sacred divine being, and.

00;01;05;28 - 00;01;06;25
He said yes.

00;01;06;27 - 00;01;11;07
Okay. Now, does this horticulturist have a name?

00;01;11;10 - 00;01;12;18

00;01;12;20 - 00;01;16;14
Amir. Oh, well. Welcome. Amir. Yes.

00;01;16;16 - 00;01;17;01

00;01;17;02 - 00;01;53;28
Welcome. And also with us today we have a number of edible plants here. we have carrots, spring onions, cilantro, lettuce, some garlic, lemon, tofu, some flowers, including a sage flower from my garden, and begonias and pansies and violas and, a marigold. orange marigold. Is there anything else? Oh, some, mushrooms are in there, too.

00;01;54;01 - 00;01;58;20
Oh, and I forgot there's some baby kale.

00;01;58;22 - 00;01;59;24

00;01;59;26 - 00;02;26;05
And and then also there's a beet and, cucumber smoothie that was just made joining us. And they all have, come together to, talk to us about the, I guess, whatever they have to say, you know, and they want I want us to know that they've got some information for us. And, let you begin, Diana, by describing what you're seeing.

00;02;26;08 - 00;02;45;17
Okay. Well, I'm seeing this lovely array of salad ingredients and a lovely bouquet of flowers and a beet smoothie, which doesn't look so lovely. However, the energy that's coming out of them, it's, like, really powerful. Especially for some reason. The beet smoothie.

00;02;45;19 - 00;03;02;19
Now there's black seed and, flax seed in the beet smoothie. And, it's kind of one of the reasons it doesn't look so good is because it's only have four and it's all thick, because I was waiting for the seeds to thicken up before I topped it off with some more spring water.

00;03;02;21 - 00;03;40;13
Right. Okay, so we you we are assuming that these plants and flowers and fruits have consciousnesses so that they can communicate with us and we can communicate with them. and I think probably the sacred divine specialist or the horticulturalist, will facilitate that because I got a sense that where he appeared, salad ingredients meeting the the fruits and vegetables that were, well, flowers less so.

00;03;40;13 - 00;03;49;07
So there were unprocessed they kind of perked up. It's like, oh, good, he's here. It's like, okay.

00;03;49;09 - 00;03;53;02Karin
So maybe he's more of a vegetable horticulturist than a flower horticulturist.

00;03;53;02 - 00;03;59;03
Ah. could be, you know, but anyway, one of the questions.

00;03;59;03 - 00;04;03;18
So they know him from a prior encounter. Is that what you're saying?

00;04;03;18 - 00;04;08;01
If they don't know him as a as an individual, they know of him.

00;04;08;08 - 00;04;10;13
Okay, so we called in a.

00;04;10;13 - 00;04;18;23
Famous, I guess, I guess. Oh, yeah. I mean, he's nice. Yeah. A famous, he's been around for millennia, so.

00;04;18;29 - 00;04;20;06
Right. And his name.

00;04;20;06 - 00;04;21;04
But Amir.

00;04;21;05 - 00;04;23;00
Amir okay. That's right.

00;04;23;03 - 00;04;52;09
Okay. So okay I'm just going to start with this because this is what I'm getting okay. From them. I said this the beet and cucumber smoothie's got more energy than the other, like raw, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. And, I'm kind of like asking it the beet smoothie. Is it because these various ingredients have been combined to make the energy more powerful?

00;04;52;11 - 00;04;58;20
or is it because the addition of seeds are there, too, and.

00;04;58;23 - 00;05;00;17
garlic is in there?

00;05;00;19 - 00;05;23;19
Yeah. So I don't know who's saying this. Maybe it's the horticulturist. It's maybe it's the smoothie, maybe it's the ingredients in the smoothie. Right. But they're saying that it's part it's part the combination. Right. And it's partly the seeds that are in there too. Okay. That caused some greater energy. So this it's like the sum is greater.

00;05;23;22 - 00;05;27;24
Than the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

00;05;27;27 - 00;05;28;28
Right. Exactly.

00;05;28;28 - 00;05;31;07
Yes, I hope I got that right.

00;05;31;07 - 00;05;45;15
Yeah. Yeah. That's what I was trying to say. Right. So individually the energy of the individual ingredients would be, you know, high. But combined together they are higher interesting.

00;05;45;17 - 00;06;01;02
So the other ingredients, if they're just single ingredients right now, but if they were all like chopped up and put into a salad together, would they be much asking them if there would be a much higher vibrating energy as well?

00;06;02;03 - 00;06;05;05
Where did they actually get the plus from being blended?

00;06;05;09 - 00;06;08;13
I don't know, what's that last part again? Or does.

00;06;08;13 - 00;06;12;25
It work more effectively if they're blended together versus just like tossed in a salad.

00;06;12;25 - 00;06;33;10
Together? Oh, okay. No, they said no. It's blended or tossed, chopped up together or tossed in a salad together. It's kind of the same thing. Awesome. Yeah, it's the combining. And you got to make sure they're saying you got to make sure it's like the, the, the they want to become combined. Okay.

00;06;33;12 - 00;06;34;07

00;06;34;07 - 00;06;42;18
Because if you get something in there which doesn't want to be with the others or the others still want to be with it, then it's kind of like the whole.

00;06;42;20 - 00;06;43;22
So how would you know?

00;06;43;25 - 00;06;46;11
Well, yeah. How would you know?

00;06;46;13 - 00;06;50;03
I mean then they need to they need to give us a little guidance here.

00;06;50;05 - 00;06;54;07
Well, it's just by the energy that you feel. so you have it out.

00;06;54;10 - 00;06;56;18
You sense it when you're putting the salad together.

00;06;56;24 - 00;06;57;09

00;06;57;13 - 00;07;22;10
Speaker 1
And that that happens to me a lot. Like I'll be in the zone and I'll just be creating. And people later will ask me for a recipe. And I'm like, I would like to give you the recipe, but to be honest with you, I was going through ingredients that were speaking to me and if I put it in a recipe, I don't even feel like the same ingredients in a different place, in a different time would necessarily want to be combined in the same.

00;07;22;10 - 00;07;34;15
Way, right? So for the people who are listening, I think perhaps can we make a stab at kind of like trying to define how you would I recognize this energy or.

00;07;34;19 - 00;07;42;14
Well, yeah. For me, for me, I sounds like I just go into a zone and something says, hey, include me, I.

00;07;42;15 - 00;07;50;15
And what is that? I mean, is it like, do you think it's the vegetable talking or whatever ingredient you've put in? Where's it coming from?

00;07;50;20 - 00;08;22;24
I think it comes from a number of places. It might come from my own, like needs. So I'm looking my body's reacting to things and say, hey, I need that as well as the vegetable might be. I'd like to be paired with this. And I don't generally follow a lot of rules that are followed by traditional, I want to say not traditional, but I want to say like in this latest century, traditional way of combining foods and might actually combine things a little differently, just by what my body is saying that it's craving.

00;08;22;24 - 00;08;52;17
And some of it has to do with how hungry am I sometimes I have to go for something I can create really quickly. great. And sometimes I have to go for things I know will want to be cooked or prepared more slowly. And I had to be patient with the process. Like this beet smoothie, for example. I made those this morning, but I wanted to make sure that the black seed and flax seed had a chance to do its thing, and so I knew I wasn't going to eat them this morning.

00;08;52;19 - 00;09;16;12
I was going to wait, and I don't know if that was right or not, but that's the sense I got. So I haven't had one yet. I see interest and I don't know, maybe they would be able to say to me, hey, you missed the boat. It was higher energy when you just made it. Yeah. Where it's higher energy now by waiting for us to like, release our like, like, seeds often have these inhibitors energy.

00;09;16;14 - 00;09;38;27
They're encapsulating the energy. They're oxalates and fighting acids and enzyme inhibitors. And they hold on to everything so that a seed can last a long time. And, you know, until the climate's ripe for it to grow. And so kind of by making a smoothie or sort of opening, you know, you're providing that moisture and maybe a little bit of warmth and, and, but it still needs time to release and.

00;09;39;00 - 00;09;53;16
So bloom, almost right. So can you get a sense of when you first made the smoothie, do your feelings about it sort of like the energy that you're getting from it? Is it greater now than before or the same or less?

00;09;53;17 - 00;10;01;11
It feels greater now, but I wouldn't drink it without adding a little bit of spring water to it. It feels like it needs the water, which I kind of thought it would.

00;10;01;14 - 00;10;02;15

00;10;02;18 - 00;10;08;17
Okay, now you know, it's just my body just really knew that it didn't want to eat it right away. I wanted to save it for later.

00;10;08;17 - 00;10;36;24
Right. So somehow, this way of preparing food, like, it's kind of like, seems to be geared to, particular time and place as well as for particular people. So in terms of translating this, say if you have to prepare food for, say, a family or a group of people, that's like, you know, more than ten people. I'm wondering if perhaps.

00;10;36;26 - 00;10;37;25

00;10;38;00 - 00;10;52;13
More power can be given to the fruits and vegetables to actually have a say in how they're prepared and what things are put together, because you cannot you can't go to each person individually and and.

00;10;52;16 - 00;11;17;23
Know but you but you can have a sense if you're preparing for a group, then you just tap into their group collective needs and you know and ask the plants or whatever your food you're providing to, you know, to align with that group, you can't. So if you have a family, you can't. You can, but you may choose to just prepare one thing that would be the overriding energy lifter of the entire family.

00;11;17;24 - 00;11;51;15
Because a family has its energy and individuals have their energy. This was prepared for me, myself and I, and I don't necessarily like sharing a recipe that someone else might prepare the exact same way and expect the exact same result. But if I was preparing, if I was going to prepare a recipe, I wonder if I could ask the plants to work with me to say, hey, prepare a recipe that would be best for the masses versus best for myself or, you know, a family or whatever, because I, I do, I think I do that a lot.

00;11;51;16 - 00;12;25;15
You know, I create things that are in the moment where I'll create even a salad dressing can totally transform the energy of a salad. And that salad dressing, you know, is is designed to work for the group of people that are going to be eating that salad, whether it's, 40 people or, or myself. So, I don't know, it's just I guess it can you can set the intention for your recipes to work individually or for someone specifically or for a group.

00;12;25;15 - 00;12;34;07
Right. So this is actually quite interesting because it actually gets into the mindset of, preparer and says.

00;12;34;09 - 00;12;39;29
Okay, working with the the preparer is right.

00;12;40;01 - 00;12;44;18
I would know I was going to say something about just mindset in general.

00;12;44;20 - 00;12;46;15
Oh yeah. Okay.

00;12;46;17 - 00;13;20;01
I mean, first of all, you have to be kind of like energetically aware and be able to tap into. So like the family energy that, collective energy. And then also you have to be conscious of your own energy, because if you're in a space where had an argument with somebody or there's this awful problem that you're dealing with, if you take that into step, mindset and energy with you, it to your while you're preparing the food, it's not going to work out well.

00;13;20;08 - 00;13;44;02
It's interesting because I wonder sometimes, like occasionally I'll just walk into the kitchen. I may have may not be feeling the greatest for whatever reason. And I'll walk into the kitchen and I feel like my food is like. It's almost like saying, hey, I can help out, you know? And then I start preparing things. I start cooking things, and next thing you know, I'm feeling really good again.

00;13;44;04 - 00;14;09;26
And it's it's almost like it's almost like, yes, if you had to maybe prepare food for someone else and you didn't want to do it and you weren't in a good mood, you would not maybe be helping. You might be countering the energy of the food, but I've often found that sometimes the food actually helps me lift up quite a bit and then I can.

00;14;09;28 - 00;14;16;28
Sometimes I'm just I'm amazed at what I can get at my kitchen. I'm like, oh wow, look at this.

00;14;17;00 - 00;14;24;09
Right, right. So there's this two way interaction, right? You know, between you and the food that you're working with.

00;14;24;10 - 00;14;49;05
And I think probably a lot of really good food preparers know that, that there is a relationship between what they're doing and their love or the passion that they bring to it. But at the same time, you know, the the food is there with its own vibration to add to the mix. So do these plants. Do they actually have specific comments?

00;14;49;08 - 00;15;02;16
Oh, you were agreeing with that previously there was saying, oh yes, yes. I mean to whoever is preparing, you know, they have to care about what you do to us. Yeah. Oh, well.

00;15;02;19 - 00;15;04;27
What about the people that grow those?

00;15;05;00 - 00;15;43;23
Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, here's, they have a deep respect for where they came from and how they got here. Meaning who grew them, the farms that they were on and, and they were in. Yeah. And so, like, the horticulturist is saying, yes, it's a very not complicated, but it's a long it's a long chain. And the energy and intent can always can be always high, vibrating and positive right.

00;15;43;25 - 00;15;45;21
Along the way, the entire chain, it.

00;15;45;21 - 00;15;57;22
Can be even if there's like little breaks in it. and they kind of, like, are smoothed over if the majority of the chain is high vibrating. And,

00;15;57;25 - 00;16;04;27
So does it matter then if they come from smaller farms or big farms or just at the farms, have the right intention?

00;16;04;29 - 00;16;08;00
It doesn't matter that just the farms have the right intentions.

00;16;08;04 - 00;16;11;25
And doesn't matter if they're organically grown or.

00;16;11;28 - 00;16;19;22
Yeah, it does matter because they're saying those those chemicals, they really don't like the chemicals.

00;16;19;24 - 00;16;24;05
Okay. So that degrades their energetic.

00;16;24;07 - 00;16;25;06
They just don't like them.

00;16;25;11 - 00;16;27;21
Right. But it degrades their energy level.

00;16;27;24 - 00;16;28;29
Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

00;16;29;01 - 00;16;30;21
Makes them weaker energetically.

00;16;30;22 - 00;16;35;12
Yeah I mean they find them really irritating. You know.

00;16;35;14 - 00;16;40;01
It's true, so if, so if a plant comes to us and it's irritated.

00;16;40;08 - 00;16;43;23
That it it can pass that irritation on to us.

00;16;43;25 - 00;17;02;18
Okay. Can pass that irritation on to us. But is there something that can be done to help that plant when it gets to us in that state of irritation before we eat it, let's just say we don't have any choice. We're pretty darn hungry. And there's, an organic piece of food in front of us.

00;17;02;20 - 00;17;04;10
Yes, something can be done.

00;17;04;11 - 00;17;05;08
What is that?

00;17;05;08 - 00;17;22;02
Again? It's the intent. if you treat the food with respect and compassion and love, it will be able to, you'll get rid of you will help. It gets rid of its irritation.

00;17;22;04 - 00;17;50;14
Okay. One time I was at a. This is a sidebar here, but one time I was in a, resort in Mexico called Rio Caliente. Caliente is no longer there, but they use this mineral and lithium rich water that came out of the Sierra madre to it was hot water, and it was spray it up into the air over their gardens, and it would water their gardens and and they would serve you the food out of the gardens.

00;17;50;16 - 00;18;28;23
and the gardens would also feed their chickens. And their eggs came from this mineral rich water. And it was I've never tasted to, in my opinion, this high vibrating energy in my life since or before, and it didn't seem like you could eat too much. Everything just had this flavor that was, you know, it was regular food, but it it had flavors beyond anything, and the experience of eating it made you is it just seemed like a really interesting, like, exalted experience.

00;18;28;23 - 00;18;50;22
You know, I wish if I could wave a magic wand and open this, you know, resort back up, set up that type of practice again. But I don't know if that if the horticultural specialist has anything to say about that particular food and that particular experience. And I just still remember it to this day. I've just never, never experienced something like.

00;18;50;22 - 00;19;18;27
Well, he's saying that's that's still like the state of perfection, right? So I mean, if you're growing something in conditions where the plants or flowers are supplied with everything that they need and then some, then there will be a the energy will be incredibly high, they'll be incredibly happy, they'll be incredibly positive. And they all taste completely delicious.

00;19;19;00 - 00;19;40;07
Okay, so my thoughts about that are probably just confirms, you know, it's like it was it was just absolutely unbelievable. These plants must have had everything they could have ever wanted. I'm wondering if and thank you for that. I can't forget that experience or go with me to the end. That's it. I, and it's just outside of Guadalajara, Mexico.

00;19;40;07 - 00;20;20;18
Just really one of the most magical place I've ever been in the world. And, but I have another question about plants. And in in their energy. Is there some synthesis that takes place between the sun and Earth that gives their energy or their their sustenance to us as a a a new consciousness or, or a supporter of new consciousness, like in the sense of like, you know, I mean, it's one thing to raise your energy and raise your vibration, but it's another thing to actually, you know, step into a whole other level of consciousness, which a lot of us feel is taking place around the earth right now in a lot of ways.

00;20;20;18 - 00;20;31;28
And I'm just wondering, does to these elements of food, are they they, you know, they have the hydrogen molecules, the carbon molecules, the oxygen.

00;20;31;28 - 00;20;50;13
Okay. So, I have to go back to the lobsters who were saying, yes. I mean, if you eat us, you will expand your consciousness. Okay? The the plants are actually saying that, I don't quite know why, but, but they're saying that's not really their role.

00;20;50;15 - 00;20;50;29

00;20;51;02 - 00;21;02;15
However, there are some, some of them have more. if you going on a scale of, if, if they could do that, some of them could do that more.

00;21;02;17 - 00;21;03;09
And it.

00;21;03;11 - 00;21;04;15
Like the flowers.

00;21;04;15 - 00;21;22;16
Yeah. I saw you looking at flowers. I saw you looking at the flowers. And I'm wondering, because my sense is that all the plants right now, the flowers have the highest consciousness to offer you. And edible flowers are the, adding edible flowers into your food. How do you want to do that?

00;21;22;19 - 00;21;23;03

00;21;23;03 - 00;21;24;06
So beneficial.

00;21;24;06 - 00;21;46;25
So the lobsters were saying, okay you can expand your consciousness so I can they give me the example of going from a small dark room to be a huge sunny room with flowers. It's a little bit different. It's like it's not that profound or powerful, but it's it's kind of like more a lightness of being.

00;21;46;29 - 00;21;49;14
Right? Okay.

00;21;49;17 - 00;21;51;20
that's what they have to offer.

00;21;51;22 - 00;21;54;11
A lightness of being to consume the flowers.

00;21;54;13 - 00;21;55;17

00;21;55;19 - 00;22;00;12
And the plants, it's more just like raising your energetic vibration.

00;22;00;13 - 00;22;10;23
Yeah, except I'm looking at them. Some of them are saying, oh, yeah, we we can do a little bit more like the garlic kind of mushrooms just to do a little bit more.

00;22;10;24 - 00;22;17;03
Oh okay. Listen, that makes sense. And the seeds maybe that were in in the smoothie.

00;22;17;05 - 00;22;19;27
yes. Yes. I forgot to put them.

00;22;20;00 - 00;22;31;16
But they're a little different. Not your average. They're not your average salad ingredient. We're looking at a salad type thing here. But what about the there's some tofu there.

00;22;31;18 - 00;22;38;25
Oh yeah. No, the tofu is is with the other, but with the other vegetable, even.

00;22;38;25 - 00;22;42;11
Though that one's fermented I kind of threw it in there. It's it's fermented.

00;22;42;13 - 00;22;43;26

00;22;43;28 - 00;22;45;24
theoretically has some bacteria.

00;22;46;00 - 00;22;53;05
Remember we talked about that, right, bacteria? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. well, in terms of, like, expanding consciousness.

00;22;53;06 - 00;22;56;17
Okay, so we're talking mushrooms, garlic.

00;22;56;17 - 00;23;01;13
I don't the tofu is not saying they're like the garlic in the mushrooms.

00;23;01;13 - 00;23;07;28
Okay. So we have garlic the mushrooms and the flowers out of this group. That might help us expand the consciousness.

00;23;08;00 - 00;23;17;25
Right. And they're not exactly telling me how. Well, except for the flowers. The flowers, they said, oh, lightness of being.

00;23;17;27 - 00;23;25;03
Well, the garlic might be able to do it on a whole bunch of levels, because I think garlic can.

00;23;25;05 - 00;23;26;03
This would be.

00;23;26;05 - 00;23;50;03
No, no, no. Well, I don't know about that. But it's, you know, it's a it's a grounding energy. And it's also, you know, antibacterial for bad bacteria energy. So it's like a health energy. And I think it also has a capacity to sort of work on a DNA level within us. I'm not 100% sure what they're agreeing with that or the horticulturist knows about.

00;23;50;05 - 00;23;57;02
you know, everything that you said, they're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the horticulturalist also is saying.

00;23;57;02 - 00;23;58;03
There something I left out?

00;23;58;03 - 00;24;02;16
No. Is selected with the garlic. It's something on a cellular level right now.

00;24;02;16 - 00;24;05;23
Cellular level, not DNA, but a cellular level.

00;24;05;26 - 00;24;09;05
Yeah okay.

00;24;09;07 - 00;24;14;00
And that that makes sense. Can I ask a couple specific questions about the garlic?

00;24;14;06 - 00;24;15;10
Yeah, sure.

00;24;15;12 - 00;24;36;08
I like to smash the garlic and then wait and then chop it up and eat it because I feel like it. There's special compounds that mix together to enhance its wellness properties. and does that garlic like it when I do that?

00;24;36;10 - 00;24;40;03
I'm hurting it when I smash it.

00;24;40;05 - 00;24;44;27
I'm not I just, you know, take a little jar and I go, and I smash it.

00;24;44;29 - 00;25;05;20
Well, you know, and then the garlic realizes that it will eventually be sliced or or minced, right. Or crushed. Right. So it like, whatever set, oh, it doesn't think about that.

00;25;05;20 - 00;25;06;00

00;25;06;00 - 00;25;07;21
So okay.

00;25;07;23 - 00;25;14;17
But does it enhance the value of it to actually crush it and wait before I throw it into foods or eat it.

00;25;14;19 - 00;25;15;08
Yeah it.

00;25;15;08 - 00;25;28;03
Does. Okay. So that's because that's a, that's some advice I've been giving to people for a long time. And I, I get a lot of hits on my website to that. I thought it'd be nice to just ask the garlic directly. Is that true?

00;25;28;07 - 00;25;29;19
That's true.

00;25;29;22 - 00;25;31;02
Okay. Awesome. Thank you.

00;25;31;02 - 00;25;35;27
Garlic. You're saying, like 20, 25% of it's true or no, I mean that.

00;25;36;01 - 00;25;37;14
20% 25% more.

00;25;37;21 - 00;25;38;02

00;25;38;09 - 00;25;43;18
Energy by crushing, right. First and waiting 20 minutes or so.

00;25;43;21 - 00;25;45;04
Yeah. Oh.

00;25;45;06 - 00;25;57;26
Interesting. Okay. what is it about the mushrooms? I mean, really, there's. The mushrooms are gaining in popularity. People are trying to eat them. They're talking about drinking them like coffees every day.

00;25;57;29 - 00;26;06;23
Chai, in terms of I mean, I know people think of mushrooms as kind of like this psychedelic kind of thing.

00;26;06;23 - 00;26;12;08
That to the psychedelic thing. But we're not looking at psychedelic mushrooms here, by the way.

00;26;12;08 - 00;26;21;15
Yeah. but they're the ones even in the bowl. Yeah. They are. What she talk is.

00;26;21;17 - 00;26;22;10
I forgot.

00;26;22;12 - 00;26;23;00
I'm going to touch.

00;26;23;00 - 00;26;25;02
One. Yeah. Don't bite.

00;26;25;04 - 00;26;31;16
Oh, they're just, like the brown mushrooms. Yeah. Maybe Portobello.

00;26;31;17 - 00;26;41;16
Maybe. Maybe baby portbellos are in there. Yeah. I'm not sure which ones. That body. No, no, I just like just looking at the mushrooms away. That's not sliced up. That's why we can't tell.

00;26;41;21 - 00;26;49;17
Yeah, they're saying that all mushrooms have a capability of actually doing something to your brain.

00;26;49;20 - 00;26;50;09
Oh, yeah. Oh, we're.

00;26;50;09 - 00;26;52;13
Talking about expanding consciousness.

00;26;52;14 - 00;26;53;13

00;26;53;16 - 00;27;06;22
So, they're saying they do something to the actual mental fabric of your brain to make it okay, to make your consciousness expand a little bit.

00;27;06;24 - 00;27;19;12
Okay. That's interesting. So all the different kinds of mushrooms that they're putting into, like mushroom coffees and stuff is that is that that's really good. Then a lot of people are drinking that instead of coffee in the morning or tea.

00;27;19;14 - 00;27;27;16
Yeah. And separately except like what do they do to the mushrooms. They roast them and stuff.

00;27;27;18 - 00;27;35;25
I don't know. I think, are different. Some of them might freeze dry them and grind them up or like a powder, some might roast them first.

00;27;35;27 - 00;27;37;05

00;27;37;08 - 00;27;45;16
A lot of them I think are dried. I really don't know. I haven't looked into it. So the preparation process of these mushrooms might make a difference.

00;27;45;18 - 00;27;52;05
yeah. They're saying yeah, a little bit, a little bit, but not too much. Oh so that's it would be fresh.

00;27;52;07 - 00;27;54;07
Fresh okay. The fresh ones are best.

00;27;54;07 - 00;27;54;27

00;27;54;29 - 00;28;02;10
What about mushroom gravy too. They like being made in a mushroom gravy cooked a little or they're like just being eaten raw.

00;28;02;12 - 00;28;04;13
No, cooked a little is okay.

00;28;04;15 - 00;28;07;12
Just cook. Cooking them a little. Enhance their energy.

00;28;07;17 - 00;28;11;17
No. Detracts a little bit okay. But not not much okay.

00;28;11;18 - 00;28;13;01
Because a lot of people don't like to eat raw.

00;28;13;01 - 00;28;19;11
Mushrooms I know. Yeah I mean same with kind of like drying them. Actually drying them doesn't do anything to them.

00;28;19;14 - 00;28;20;26
Doesn't reduce their energy at all.

00;28;20;26 - 00;28;32;12
No. Because they're still essentially raw. Right. You know, but freeze drying them a little harsh. It's like the cooking it so it detracts from the energy a little bit.

00;28;32;15 - 00;28;50;26
Oh, speaking of that, in our salad bowl here, we don't have tomatoes, but it's my understanding that tomatoes, like super ripe tomatoes that are really red on the vine, have a lot of energy. Well, look at that. Or are they just not there today? So we shouldn't talk about them?

00;28;50;28 - 00;28;57;16
Oh no. They can they can answer for you. You know, if they're if they're fellow vegetables that are here.

00;28;57;16 - 00;29;01;27
Okay. Kind of just curious about the tomatoes.

00;29;02;00 - 00;29;05;10
yeah. They're saying yes. Yeah. So lots of energy.

00;29;05;10 - 00;29;13;13
But if they're kind of firm and hard and not ripe yet, or is their energy not there. It's about half to about half.

00;29;13;16 - 00;29;14;12

00;29;14;13 - 00;29;22;16
And what if that what if you cook them slightly. Does that increase your energy or reduce it.

00;29;22;18 - 00;29;35;01
there's okay it's kind of like stays the same. And depending on how you actually cook it, and what you pair it with, it could increase.

00;29;35;02 - 00;29;38;10
Okay. So like if you pair it with sugar for example.

00;29;38;12 - 00;29;39;28
Oh don't pair it with sugar.

00;29;40;01 - 00;29;59;26
So with the tomato said yeah. Well a lot of that's why I'm saying this because that's the way I was served tomatoes fresh out of the garden, a slice with sugar on top as a kid. And I learned later that sugar cuts the acid of the tomato. And maybe that was one of the reasons it got started as a.

00;29;59;29 - 00;30;02;25
But they're saying that that actually detracts from their energy.

00;30;02;26 - 00;30;04;17
Oh, they're saying no, that's bad.

00;30;04;20 - 00;30;08;21
What about some people put salt and pepper on their tomatoes.

00;30;08;24 - 00;30;09;29
That's okay.

00;30;10;02 - 00;30;12;18
And some people.

00;30;12;21 - 00;30;17;29
they're saying with honey on their it's okay instead of the sugar stuff. No sugar.

00;30;18;00 - 00;30;38;21
No sugar at all. It's just interesting, you know, it's like where where do these things come from sometimes, right. Yeah. And a lot of times you see tomato sauces be prepared with sugar in them. And they're saying that to cut the acid. And I have we always used carrots to cut the acid.

00;30;38;24 - 00;30;43;05
But yeah I was going to say that you mean carrots are sweet. And they're saying that to eat the.

00;30;43;07 - 00;30;46;00
Carrots is a carrots and tomatoes are a good pairing.

00;30;46;00 - 00;30;46;28

00;30;47;00 - 00;30;51;19
And, I just just curious because I, you know, I.

00;30;51;20 - 00;30;55;12
Mean, and there's onions, right. So you're talking about tomato sauce and garlic, right?

00;30;55;18 - 00;30;56;20
They all love each other.

00;30;56;22 - 00;31;01;12
Oh. And sometimes you can put mushrooms in there. Yeah. Okay.

00;31;01;15 - 00;31;04;23
It's all raising the energy of it. Yeah. All those cooked together.

00;31;04;25 - 00;31;06;06
All love each other.

00;31;06;09 - 00;31;08;22
So all those cook together with love, right.

00;31;08;24 - 00;31;09;17

00;31;09;19 - 00;31;26;21
And what about this? This is kind of another slightly off topic, the similar topic. What about the idea of just going into some state of gratitude before you eat food? Do they want you to do that? This, you know, thank them and maybe the entire chain of events that got them to.

00;31;26;22 - 00;31;44;28
Oh, this is just a continuation of the preparer, right? Right. The preparer's mindset. You know, it's like working with love and respect and compassion and whatever with all these fruits and vegetables. This transferred over once you what's the food is prepared and the people start to eat it.

00;31;45;00 - 00;31;49;27
But they but they need to say thank you as well or be gracious of some.

00;31;49;27 - 00;31;54;09
They don't have to say it out loud, but they certainly have to be thinking.

00;31;54;16 - 00;32;01;22
Like a mindfulness right approach to eating. Yes, and that raises the vibration and seals the deal.

00;32;01;24 - 00;32;16;09
It. Yeah, well, it doesn't raise the vibration that much. It actually causes your body to utilize the vibration. It makes the most of the vibration. Right.

00;32;16;10 - 00;32;16;27

00;32;16;27 - 00;32;18;21
And while the food is inside of you.

00;32;18;21 - 00;32;22;04
Right. So it basically prepares your own body to receive the.

00;32;22;04 - 00;32;23;21
Food, right? Yeah. Yeah.

00;32;23;23 - 00;32;25;22
That's very interesting. Yeah.

00;32;25;24 - 00;32;30;28
And they like they certainly like being thanked for you know, because they give their lives for this.

00;32;30;28 - 00;32;41;11
Now is there. And is there anything that they want to say to us for our listeners would be helpful for the listeners to know or something they they wouldn't know otherwise?

00;32;41;13 - 00;32;53;11
they're saying they like the role that they play in the lives of humans on Earth. They really I mean, if they're grown and used in the way that they're.

00;32;53;11 - 00;32;54;28
Supposed to.

00;32;55;01 - 00;33;09;09
They really love what they do, as if they want us to know. Okay, okay. So they're not just like, just objects, that you can just toss around or throw away. You know, they don't like that.

00;33;09;12 - 00;33;13;18
So they they even like it when you try to use all the ones that you buy.

00;33;13;18 - 00;33;14;12
And I mean.

00;33;14;14 - 00;33;16;06
Don't be careless with them, right?

00;33;16;06 - 00;33;31;11
Exactly. I mean, if you buy, I mean, what's the percentage of, of food waste from a household, right. And a lot of it is fruits and vegetables that just go bad or go near bad. They don't like that.

00;33;31;13 - 00;33;31;26

00;33;32;02 - 00;33;33;11
They really don't like that.

00;33;33;14 - 00;33;45;21
So do they. Do they think people in general should eat more of them, more fruits and vegetables, or is that is it not something that they particularly have an opinion about?

00;33;45;23 - 00;33;52;15
Oh, no, they they certainly think people should enjoy fruits and vegetables more. Yeah.

00;33;52;17 - 00;33;55;23
Enjoy them more or eat more. or both.

00;33;55;25 - 00;33;56;24
Both. I mean.

00;33;56;27 - 00;34;01;01
I mean, I can really enjoy this apple, but not another one for two years.

00;34;01;04 - 00;34;03;26
Yeah. No, but in their, in their minds.

00;34;03;28 - 00;34;05;12
Right. To help people.

00;34;05;14 - 00;34;13;15
Know in their minds, it's not people's minds in the fruits and vegetables minds eating and enjoyment is a same thing.

00;34;13;17 - 00;34;14;20
Okay, okay.

00;34;14;23 - 00;34;23;10
Because you're not going to eat more than you could actually enjoy. if you start eating too much, you could enjoy it.

00;34;23;13 - 00;34;36;20
Speaker 1
And I don't know, I don't disagree with that, but sometimes I've not enjoyed myself after I've eaten more than I should have. But it doesn't mean I've stopped along the way. But it's.

00;34;36;26 - 00;34;41;08
I mean, they're actually pretty chatty. They've got a lot they want to say.

00;34;41;08 - 00;34;43;22
I will go ahead and let them talk.

00;34;43;24 - 00;34;52;10
and it's communicated a lot so far. Yes. Yeah. And they, What can I say? They like what they're doing, you know, and we have to like them back.

00;34;52;13 - 00;34;53;16
And they're pretty happy.

00;34;53;19 - 00;34;56;15
Yeah, they're pretty happy. Oh, and even talk amongst themselves.

00;34;56;15 - 00;35;02;08
Oh, yeah. So lettuce is talking to cilantro is talking to the onions. It starts with the carrot.

00;35;02;11 - 00;35;16;22
Yeah. And this is how this is how you can they communicate with each other and this they then the preparer or whoever buys buys them and prepares them. That's how they get information actually for us.

00;35;16;24 - 00;35;30;02
So if you're really in tune with your communication with your veggies or anything you're buying, you can be walking down the grocery store aisle and they'll say, pick me, pick me up.

00;35;30;02 - 00;35;30;29
And I guess.

00;35;31;01 - 00;35;43;15
You could even ask them maybe ahead of time. Those of you who all want to be in the same dish together, get ready, because here I come. Let me know. Yeah, yeah, that's right.

00;35;43;18 - 00;36;03;17
It could happen, you know, I'm reminded of something we're. But I can't quite remember it exactly. So I'm not going to start talking about it at all. but it was really kind of an odd maybe if I remember it more before the end of the episode, I'll describe it, but I can't at the moment.

00;36;03;20 - 00;36;24;02
Now, just we made a lot of assumptions in this podcast that raising or higher energy would be good. and I know when you think about your own energy, it's like if you feel really high energy that day, you feel generally good. I feel like you can do what you want to do that day and your energy is high.

00;36;24;08 - 00;36;32;28
Is that what we're talking about here? We're talking about actually shifting your energy, raising it like both okay. So shifting it and raising it.

00;36;32;28 - 00;36;50;10
And because what what do fruits and vegetables supply. They supply energy. So your body functions energy in the first definition. Right. Right. But then there's also the the the vibrational energy which they also supply. Right.

00;36;50;12 - 00;37;06;06
So and they reflect the energy that's coming through the sun in the Earth at any given time. So in a whole chain. So there's some new consciousness coming through the earth and the sun. They'll pick it up and embody it and share it with us.

00;37;06;08 - 00;37;26;24
yeah. This is where it gets a little bit cloudy, right? Because somehow the energy that they're getting from the Earth, I mean, lots of the reason why people use fertilizer is because the Earth is depleted, right? so how can you how can you actually get more nutrients back into the Earth? I don't know.

00;37;26;29 - 00;37;29;05
Water out of the Sierra madre, right.

00;37;29;05 - 00;37;31;12
Yeah. Okay.

00;37;31;14 - 00;37;35;26
Check follow that up and bring it home. Why are your gardens.

00;37;35;28 - 00;38;14;09
But I'm thinking that perhaps there's another way to, Because I had. Okay, I just completed. So, like, Reiki certification for level work. And one of the things I tried doing was, with two jars of water with me. Tap water. Okay. On one of the jars, I performed Reiki, and I even though they said, okay, you should do it for like 15, 20 minutes.

00;38;14;11 - 00;38;42;02
I did it only for a couple of minutes. And then I said, okay, Reiki, continue. So like infusing the water with energy, but I'm good at it to disconnect from you. A couple of days later, I tasted both waters. If you really taste the difference. Oh wow. Well, okay. The jar of water that I performed Reiki on was smoother and sweeter.

00;38;42;04 - 00;39;18;11
The jar of tap water still tasted like the tap water, right? Interesting. So I'm kind of like one. And they said you can also do this on wide. It's like, what if you do this to your plants? If you grow plants and or fruits or vegetables in your garden, right. What if you do this to the plants that you're growing in your garden or, or and or do this to fruits and vegetables that you actually harvest from your garden or buy from the store, will they taste different?

00;39;18;13 - 00;39;26;05
Will their energy? Not than not necessarily the nutrient value, but will that energy be higher?

00;39;26;07 - 00;39;44;28
Well, obviously the answer is probably yes. So I would think, though, that if we really got collaborative about this, that you could send a Reiki master to a farm and do a couple of minutes of Reiki on the farm and say, continue without me. I'm going off to the nurse [?]

00;39;45;00 - 00;39;46;03
Why do you think that?

00;39;46;04 - 00;39;54;09
Yeah. And maybe, maybe we could raise the vibration of everything, including the soil that's depleted.

00;39;54;11 - 00;39;55;23
Right. Exactly.

00;39;55;25 - 00;40;16;05
So it's a good agricultural horticultural experiment that we have laid out before us. And any PhD student who wants to help us with this, please get in touch with us. I think we're going to need to leave it at that because this podcast is running a little too long.

00;40;16;08 - 00;40;18;23
Oh, okay. Quite quickly can stop.

00;40;18;25 - 00;40;33;02
We can come back, talk to the foodie plants again sometime. Thank you for joining us. Plants. Thank you. Horticultural expert from beyond. And,

00;40;33;04 - 00;40;34;10
Yes, thank you very much.

00;40;34;10 - 00;40;52;14
Thank you. Flowers. Thank you for the thank you beet cucumber smoothie. I think Diana and I'll test you out when we're done. Bye, bye. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast. Thank you for listening. And please sign up for our newsletter at one.

00;40;52;14 - 00;40;54;07

Salad ingredients share insights and revelations
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