Intro to The Pig & Lobster collectives as food etc

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;41;06
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge from animals and other beings within multi dimensional realms. I'm sitting here with Diana. My name is Karin. And today we're going to talk about the pig consciousness, which Diane is sitting over there laughing about. I, I have been on a journey of trying to awaken my connections to all things as an artist, as a visionary.

00;00;41;06 - 00;01;05;14
And years ago, maybe 20 years ago now, I stopped eating pork because pork, the meat was too, too human. Like, really, That was the main reason that the pigs were to human like. So that's why I started stopped eating it 20 years ago.

00;01;05;16 - 00;01;08;14

00;01;08;17 - 00;01;36;13
Anyway, I've had other friends as they awakened and started communicating with higher beings, come to me and tell me that the pigs started talking to them and they could not eat pork anymore either. And so I had warned Diana that this might happen to her. She's an avid pork eater. And I said, Just be careful. As you open up more of your channels, the pigs may come and talk to you.

00;01;36;16 - 00;01;41;06
And sure enough, one day and I'm going to let Diana talk from here.

00;01;41;09 - 00;02;19;10
Yeah. Sure enough, one day, about two months ago, my husband, he's a huge fan of sausage. Right. And a lot of sausage is made of pork. So he had bought some breakfast, pork sausage, and I had made that for breakfast one day. And, you know, I ate some, very tasty. And so then I was looking forward to eating it the next day, unfortunately, before I could actually get to it and eat it for breakfast the next day.

00;02;19;13 - 00;02;41;27
All these pigs showed up in my head. It was in it's like this huge field. There were hundreds of pigs there and they're just standing there looking at me and they're saying, Don't eat me, don't eat me. So I couldn't eat the pork sausage that I had been looking forward to. I mean, I was a little bit disappointed, but I mean, I just couldn't eat it.

00;02;42;00 - 00;03;11;05
Right? And since then, I've not been able to eat any pork. Okay. I should I should qualify that by saying it's not that I can't. It's I've made a decision not to because there's something in me that says, okay, if you're going to eat pork again, you're going to go backwards. So I just plus, you know, I mean, I don't know.

00;03;11;05 - 00;03;45;29
It's not I don't find it appetizing anymore. And and the pork I call it the pork Collect the Pig collective. Okay. I see them a lot in my head. And usually they're just standing around. There was one time, though, they started stamping your feet like they were cheering. Like, you know, if you're in a performance and people really like the performers, they start stamping the feet like for an encore, right?

00;03;46;01 - 00;04;11;09
This is what the pigs were doing. And it was because something I had said or done. But for the life of me, I can't. I've forgotten what it is that they were they were stamping their feet about. Maybe it'll come to me later, but I've forgotten what it is. But anyway, it's like they're still there in my head, you know, And they're just standing there milling about.

00;04;11;11 - 00;04;18;01
I don't know why they continue to be in my head, and maybe they're going to be telling me something.

00;04;18;03 - 00;04;36;15
Yeah, it could. Could be very interesting. Wait, I have a question for you. Are you actually seeing them in your head or are you just envisioning them or are they actually in the face of this thing? I need to know where they are or are they just because when I see a vision, I see things, I don't feel like it's in my head.

00;04;36;15 - 00;04;54;25
I feel like I'm just, you know, I, I, you know, I see a pig, but I don't it's like it's out there sort of this esoteric way. It's not like in my head. I'm just trying to clarify, right? I just. My imagination, my vision.

00;04;54;25 - 00;05;21;27
Yes, it is. It is my imagination. But I feel that I imagine things in my head. Yeah, but, you know, I mean, if. Yeah, you're you're right. If you if I were to like all the things that I see right, my head would be, have been exploded. But because there's so many things that are supposedly fitting in there.

00;05;22;00 - 00;05;51;24
Well what you're encountering is a very dimensional world, much more dimensional than the, you know, the three dimensional world that we live in. So these things can appear, you know, I mean, in our 3D world, we can't fit a couple hundred pigs in her head. It's but in the, you know, the multi dimensional world, you can fit 300 pigs in your head or or out there, you know, in your mind easily.

00;05;51;26 - 00;05;54;29
They could fit anywhere. Right. Put them in a thimble.

00;05;55;01 - 00;05;59;21
Yeah, I guess you could have. But then they'd be really small.

00;05;59;23 - 00;06;02;05
Now, are these hogs or these little piglets?

00;06;02;11 - 00;06;11;16
No, they're not piglets, just regular pigs. But okay, they're medium sized pigs. Okay? They're not. They're not super big and they're not piglets.

00;06;11;19 - 00;06;13;13
And what are they?

00;06;13;15 - 00;06;15;12
What are they doing? They're just standing around.

00;06;15;19 - 00;06;20;08
They're just standing around right now. Yeah. And they're waiting. They feel like they're waiting for something.

00;06;20;11 - 00;06;28;02
I don't know. No, not now. They're not waiting for something now. They're kind of like, happy with the way things are.

00;06;28;04 - 00;06;31;02
Do they have anything to say besides that?

00;06;31;05 - 00;06;34;14
Yeah. It's like, we're glad you stopped eating us.

00;06;34;16 - 00;07;05;04
Well, I have a question for the pigs, because one of the things one of the reasons that I stopped eating them was that the vibration of the meat because of the way pigs are raised and for food in this country, in this modern world, are is a lower vibration than I'm at right now. Or I'm trying to become, you know, you know, my body needs higher vibration.

00;07;05;04 - 00;07;34;03
Food in the pig could have been a high vibrating food, but it's not right now. It's a low vibrating food. And, you know, my sense is that if even one pig is treated poorly there, all lower vibration as a result of it. So there's not really such a thing as, you know, sustainably raised and ethically, you know, treated pigs.

00;07;34;05 - 00;08;09;29
They're all in a basically collective, a grid that unites them all and their vibration. And so I don't know it's in. So when I was eating anything of a lower vibration than where I'm at right now of my own physical being, I would feel like I'm being slightly electrocuted. You know, because it's the wrong frequency or something, the wrong energy for me, I don't know, but I don't have that feeling when I don't eat meat because not so much.

00;08;10;01 - 00;08;27;18
But I'm interested if the pigs what the pigs might have to say, or if they could answer that question through you about whether or not they're asking to not eat them because of the way they're treated or because they are too human like, or what is their reason for saying that?

00;08;27;20 - 00;09;02;02
This is actually quite interesting because I'm asking you this and they seem to be thinking it over now. Realize that pigs are highly intelligent, so would have thought they would have an answer to this. But I'm contrasting this to so like the Lobster Collective. So I'm segway into the Lobster Collective again. I see lobsters on the ocean floor.

00;09;02;04 - 00;09;29;21
And this happened about two months ago. Well, maybe not two months ago, about a month ago in September, the lobsters started talking to me and they said, Eat us, eat us. And so are you. And this kind of relates to your question, right? Because the lobsters told me, okay, you know, eat us and your consciousness will be expanded.

00;09;29;23 - 00;09;56;05
But the pigs didn't say anything like that to me. And they're still thinking it over this question. I don't know if I'm going to get any kind of answer from them, but the lobsters clearly said, Eat us, Your consciousness will be expanded. And they gave me the example. Right. Okay. You'll be going from like a tiny dark room into a huge room that's filled with sunlight.

00;09;56;07 - 00;10;05;10
If you eat us. And so sure enough, that kind of happened. Right? And Karen, so.

00;10;05;12 - 00;10;06;04
Well, let me just.

00;10;06;04 - 00;10;11;18
Say, pigs are still I don't know I'm not getting is any answer from the pigs.

00;10;11;20 - 00;10;12;19
Not getting an answer.

00;10;12;19 - 00;10;20;00
They're just eaters. They're they're just standing there eating.

00;10;20;03 - 00;10;21;11
Doing their own thing, doing.

00;10;21;11 - 00;10;42;12
Their own thing. Maybe they don't really care. Maybe the pigs I see in maybe the pigs I see they're free from all this because nobody's going to be I mean, they're not raised to be eaten, right? Nobody's killing them. Nobody's eating them.

00;10;42;14 - 00;10;48;10
So they were just like almost pig angels. They came and they're not the actual pigs themselves.

00;10;48;10 - 00;10;55;05
Yeah, but again. But, but again, if they're, if they're highly intelligent, you'd think they would feel some responsibility.

00;10;55;05 - 00;10;56;05
To answer the question.

00;10;56;05 - 00;11;16;23
To answer the question and towards other pigs who are being treated this way, you know, raised for food and were killed and have so I don't know, maybe they just need time to think about this.

00;11;16;25 - 00;12;26;07
So going back to that lobster consciousness thing, because I really have stepped away from eating seafood for a similar reason and where the vibration I just didn't feel was high enough. And so when these lobsters said, Eat me, eat me, and they had something to offer, I got this sense that they were offering us the gift of a shift in consciousness of hydrogen, and they're helping to actually transform that very essential building block of our bodies, of our humanity, of our earth, through the ocean, and by eating a lobster, you actually bring that consciousness into your own being of that elevated sort of divine calling of the lobsters right now.

00;12;26;09 - 00;12;44;01
Now, I personally wasn't called to eat more than one lobster, and I felt like with that one lobster, you know, I, I received the gifts and it was enough for me. And I don't need to eat another lobster and I.

00;12;44;03 - 00;12;50;25
So how did how did you perceive them? How did you perceive the gifts that they that they gave you?

00;12;50;27 - 00;13;29;03
I just you know, for me, I just felt a general expansion, you know, like a just a general oneness. More with the oceans and the ocean life and just a general expansion. I often perceive things in that way where it's just all of a sudden I'm feeling maybe the hydrogen and aspects of my own body, the water aspects of my own body or no, I have a slightly different divine expression of a little bit more expansion.

00;13;29;05 - 00;13;45;17
This is this is actually kind of interesting. Okay. There's a couple of things I want to say, and I hope I don't forget them while I'm talking because. Okay, so we ate lobsters together the first time, right?

00;13;45;18 - 00;13;47;23
Yes, in the second time.

00;13;47;25 - 00;14;11;25
the second time too, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, anyway, the first time it's like I think I saw the Lobster Collective and they, they weren't, they were saying, you know, eat me, eat me. But also they were coming, jumping up and saying, pick me, pick me, pick me, because it was like a real honor for them.

00;14;11;27 - 00;14;50;14
So anyway, the next morning after we eat the lobsters, I can feel I'm actually current like they've been digested and they were kind of going through my body and then I could feel myself on the ocean floor looking at stuff like through lobsters eyes and yeah, I mean, I still picture that sometimes. But anyway, the second time and this is the weird part again, the same thing happened, right?

00;14;50;16 - 00;15;17;03
I wake up in the morning after eating them and I feel them going through my body. The lobster consciousness, and I'm down in the ocean floor again. But this time it's like I can actually breathe the water, which is kind of weird because I'm thinking, my God, It's like I'm underwater here and I'm breathing, you know? Okay.

00;15;17;03 - 00;15;46;22
Which reminded me of a friend of mine. This was maybe like 30 years ago who died of cancer in Vancouver, Canada. And shortly after she died 30 years ago, I had a dream that she was. But we were both on a sinking ship. Half the ship was underwater, and she was in the underwater part. And I was above water and there was kind of like this iron door separating us.

00;15;46;24 - 00;16;20;00
And I, I knew like if I went to where she was, I wouldn't be able to breathe. Right. But she was perfectly happy underwater, five feet. So it's sort of like this. The lobster, the eating of the lobsters and the lobster consciousness and breathing underwater. That remind me of that dream and sort of the thing that I thought about what I was saying, I don't want to forget anything is I really don't like being in the ocean.

00;16;20;02 - 00;16;52;27
I'm kind of scared of stuff that's in there, like sharks and various other things that can get to you and slimy things and jellyfish. So I really don't like swimming in the ocean. However, Karin had told me about a swimming with dolphins retreat and thinking about that, I thought, Wow, this would be really cool, you know? And I didn't have any.

00;16;52;27 - 00;17;05;08
So like, fears about, you know, I'll be I'll be in the water, I'll be in the ocean. Right? So I don't know. Something happened.

00;17;05;10 - 00;17;10;28
So maybe the lobster consciousness made a little shift.

00;17;11;00 - 00;17;11;26

00;17;11;29 - 00;17;50;02
So I was reading a book, The Earth's Earth, The Cosmos. And you and they talked about the dolphins in the book. This is a book. This towel from Archangel Michael about 20 years ago. And they were talking about how the dolphins were highly sensitive beings, highly intelligent and sensitive beings, and they were getting ready to exit Earth because of the mostly that, you know, the waters are just too much for them.

00;17;50;02 - 00;18;30;02
You know, the the underground nuclear tests, the sonars, the increased boating industries, the litter, everything is getting to be too much for their intelligence and sensitivities. And so they're in the process of exiting them. And the whales. And I thought about that, and it was written 20 years ago. So I don't know if things have changed since then, but I'm kind of curious to tap into these dolphins when we go out there and, you know, see if they really are still existing or if anything's changed.

00;18;30;02 - 00;18;32;23
Interesting. Yeah, it is really interesting.

00;18;32;29 - 00;18;39;16
You know, when you say exotic, do you mean that they will live on in that form elsewhere?

00;18;39;16 - 00;18;59;04
Yes. So that's the that was the sense I got it. That they're just not going to be living on Earth anymore, which seems kind of sad. But things may have changed since then. I don't know. Or, you know.

00;18;59;09 - 00;19;00;09

00;19;00;11 - 00;19;19;06
But we are getting more and more populated on this earth. And it may be that some of these extra sensitive beings can't can't exist at the same time. But I'm glad they're still here and we can go visit them. Right. This will be my first time swimming with the dolphins, too.

00;19;19;09 - 00;19;26;19
Yeah, well, this will be an adventure for sure.

00;19;26;22 - 00;19;33;20
And I'll be curious to see if you're swimming under the water for a long period of time with your new lobster consciousness.

00;19;33;22 - 00;19;39;00
Maybe. Actually, you know, thinking about it doesn't bother me so much anymore, You know.

00;19;39;02 - 00;19;40;07
Going into the ocean.

00;19;40;10 - 00;19;42;25
Yeah. Or going underwater.

00;19;42;27 - 00;20;04;07
That's awesome. Maybe the lobster consciousness was priming, right for this trip. That's awesome. Thank you for tuning into today's podcast. We had a very lovely discussion with the Pig Collective on what we should call ourselves, but we have a creative field around us. It's much larger than that and much more inclusive, and they came up with a new name.

00;20;04;09 - 00;20;17;06
So 1 to 9 podcast. We hope you tune in regularly and if you would like to sign up for our newsletter, please visit us at 1 to 9 podcast dot com. Have a great day.

Intro to The Pig & Lobster collectives as food etc
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