A powerful "Healing Panel" helps free a stuck soul

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;33;08
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights, to knowledge for animals and other beings within multi-dimensional realms. Hello, Diana. Hello. Oh, Karin. How are you? Good. How are you? That's right. Cool. So. Oh, you have. Diana has a little cold today. So my voice may sound a little nasally and more so than usual. Right? I'm giving her a bunch of things, so don't be worried about her.

00;00;33;08 - 00;01;13;09
She'll be fine. So today, we have a panel of five multidimensional beings that have come to be on the podcast and saying, do you want to introduce us to them or. Yeah, sure. Yeah. I think Horus has been on the podcast before. He speaks? Yes. He's nodding his head, quite enjoyed himself. So, today he actually asked a number of other multi-dimensional beings to come along because he thought they would be of interest to us.

00;01;13;12 - 00;01;58;12
so that's the first. And they're all the best for the three. Others are basically sitting on the couch. So the one next to Horus is kind of the cosmic feminine energy, like Sophia. Yeah, like Sophia energy. And she's very, very comfy, very beautiful. But also it's something that can make you feel like you're floating in it. And, the way we're going to communicate this is her is basically through some kind of more solid core that's actually sitting in the middle of this feminine energy that's on Karen's couch.

00;01;58;15 - 00;02;34;12
Okay. So welcome. Thank you for being here. Just thank you for feminine energy, Sophia. Okay. Thank you. Horus and Sophia. Okay. The next multidimensional being sitting beside Sophia is, an energy. I'm not going to say it's male or female. It's just it's very heavy. Okay. Or at least the feet part of this energy is are very heavy and are almost kind of, like, stuck in the mud.

00;02;34;15 - 00;03;02;02
And, they've been here for quite a while. here as on this earth. Here in this, in the three dimensional physical plane. Okay. And, they need to they need to be released from that. I mean, they're not tragically unhappy, but, they know they need to move on. Okay. And so they're asking, can you can you help?

00;03;02;05 - 00;03;42;09
Can you help with that? Okay. Well, thank you for for being here. Thank you, Horus, for being here. So in the column, Mud Guy Mud Guy. My God. All right. Or Guyette? Guy is not really a well we use guy for both men and women. So. Okay. And then the fourth one. Wow. This is an energy that cannot be really contained because it's so light and joyous and free and happy like a butterfly.

00;03;42;11 - 00;04;17;03
Like a butterfly. But you know, it's able to see here. It's, they whatever they're able to, to, you know, to be contained in one place. So there they are, sitting beside or actually, they're floating in place beside Mud Guy sitting because he's heavy. Yeah. He's solid. So we have Horus, which is the, iconic bird. Yeah.

00;04;17;04 - 00;04;52;11
Yeah. He's got his bird head on a bird head on a man with the bird. And then we have the Sophia, which is just really an energy with a solid core that will be communicating with us. Then we have Mud Guy who's sitting solidly, and then we have this butterfly floating, joyous, energy free, enjoys energy. Okay. And now the multi-dimensional being is sitting on what I call Karin's kind of like lounge chair.

00;04;52;14 - 00;05;27;06
yeah. They're just reclining. They're here to observe, basically. Not to learn, not to assess anything, but to observe and perhaps also give some suggestions, which are kind of like some different place where we're different. Where all these, these four are from would be considered like a more elevated plane or a higher plane or just different.

00;05;27;10 - 00;06;02;22
Just different. Okay. so they bring different wisdom to the table? Yes. So, okay, so they're saying, okay, we're ready. All right. Awesome. So welcome panel. And I am assuming that we're gonna help Mud Guy transition. And each of these people will, be part of that transition. unless they have things that they want to say individually.

00;06;02;24 - 00;06;32;17
What what do you think? And, well, they're they're saying they have things to say individually, too. Okay. Who wants to start first? I guess Sophia. Okay. Hello, Sophia. You have the floor. Would you like to impart some of your wisdom? Okay, so, she thinks she's out there. in a multi-dimensional universe for anybody to access.

00;06;32;20 - 00;06;43;17
She's ready to help anybody. And what does she do to help people? whatever they want. Like a new car.

00;06;43;20 - 00;07;16;04
But, you know, to heal your aching knees. I mean, I mean, is there, like, a bigger type of focus to fill your heart to, win the lottery? I don't know, I need to know. Okay. She's interested. She and are able to do to help people. So, her her primary purpose is to help people accept meaning, like when they're in their physical bodies.

00;07;16;06 - 00;07;48;23
You know, they actually hired higher vibrations. So Sophia can help you change your vibration, your consciousness, your, physical to physical, spiritual, chemical vibration. Or is it your physical or. No, it's it's all that contributes to making whatever your totality of vibration is. Okay. So she can assist on all levels. And it's a basically, vibration or consciousness shifting.

00;07;48;26 - 00;08;17;05
So she can help people go from like, say, for instance, from a three dimensional world where we're really focused on linear time and gravity to a multidimensional, way of being in this world where you really are very intuitive and, it's easy to manifest and your body can heal quicker and, you have more contact points with wisdom from all angles.

00;08;17;05 - 00;08;55;15
Yeah. She says, that fits into. So it's a higher vibration. Okay. Thank you. Sophia. Sure. Anything else? and she's saying that she works with people, but, as part of the coaching and guide. And do we call her in as Sophia or to help us? You can call her in as Sophia or any of the other female representations, like archetypes like Mary or Quan Yin or.

00;08;55;17 - 00;09;48;21
Yes. Okay. So depending upon, like, what you're most comfortable with us because they all have different seeds than just stations and different flavors. Right? And people may be more comfortable working with one over another or just already to know one versus another. But the bottom line is that the intention can be to venture more multidimensional way of being, of living, of being and trusting that she's actually leaning back against the pyramid as a speaker or whatever you call the GOP, even though the cocktail is only for males, you just feel symbolically you can use that pretty girl.

00;09;48;23 - 00;10;21;21
So I work with Sophia quite a bit. Does she have a particular message for me? Okay, so we would have to call upon the Sophia manifest representation. Okay. And that's a different one. And here, now this is kind of like, okay, the cosmic one. Okay. So she's speaking broadly to all. Okay. So we'll just move on then maybe to the next panel Mud Guy.

00;10;21;23 - 00;11;02;16
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mud Guy is saying that he's been stuck here for such a long time personally, because he, you know, he's concerned about the loved ones. Enough. All right. And they were in particularly bad straights with respect to just their emotional state. just lifestyle. Okay. And then he, he found that he can make absorbed a lot of the other by helping them.

00;11;02;19 - 00;11;27;13
Right? He wanted to help. so he worked a lot of the the negative stuff that was leading to their problems in, in their lives. And he got passed on. So he's here, they're gone, and he's. Yeah. Okay. So much. He's helping other people too, because they would tell you, I mean, he ended up helping quite a lot of people.

00;11;27;13 - 00;11;52;06
So he's got a lot of this baggage in him carrying this negative. And that's what's holding him in the mud. Yeah. Okay. And how long has he been here? Hundreds of years. Hundreds of years. And is he. Does he work like, really been helping people in a certain part of the world? you know, it's all over. Oh, no.

00;11;52;06 - 00;12;27;27
It's like, not all over. At first, it was the people that he left behind. And where was that? That was like in North America. Somewhere where they all Native Americans, know him and get in. So, like South and Central America. Okay. And in south of the US, also South U.S., Central America and South America. Right. but now, I mean, he he feels like he really needs to move on now.

00;12;28;00 - 00;12;53;13
He needs to get rid of this stuff that he's carrying around because he feels like it's now affecting him more so than before. He maybe can't deal with it. Yeah. So that's why. What's up? So that's one more side of move on. Okay. And just to be clear, he wants to go. He wants to leave the earth where he just wants to lighten so he can continue to help people.

00;12;53;16 - 00;13;18;13
actually, interesting question. How he wants to. Okay. Because there are other there are other planes where he can do the similar kind of work. Okay. So we want to move on to butterfly. Yes. We're moving on to the butterfly. The butterfly and the joyous or me? Really? He, Light hearted. I don't know how else to speak.

00;13;18;16 - 00;13;27;18
I mean, you just. You just look at it where you feel. Feel whatever energy is there, and,

00;13;27;21 - 00;14;03;02
And you just feel your heart. Just like I am getting ready to float away or whatever. Oh. so there's, like a really beautiful energy and they're saying, we can help anybody who's able to actually feel us. And so that's, that's kind of your inward, your mission that you surround it. Now can people access that butterfly energy.

00;14;03;05 - 00;14;32;15
Yes. Okay. So anybody can just call in this light hearted butterfly energy and he'll use it to he'll feel presumably. okay, here's the butterfly energy. Have a name or is it just. It must have any I mean, it is it it feels like it's kind of like, similar to the energies, Reiki energies, but it's also different in that it's really light hearted.

00;14;32;15 - 00;15;03;04
It's it's not okay. It's not comforting. It's not overpowering. It's not seeking out stuff to heal. it's just it's like a little gentle. It's it's it's like. It's like an energy that will show up your heart with joy and lightness. Beauty, atomic. Expand it so it makes it expand so it feels like it's just float, floating higher and higher.

00;15;03;07 - 00;15;40;16
Okay. Awesome. also with the butterfly. Cassie is. Once it starts to get its primary kicks off, start with. All right. And she. She's here for a particular reason today. Yeah. To explain also what what they are. And when people access it. yeah. And they're able to feel that energy. they can either use it or it will direct them in some way.

00;15;40;18 - 00;16;06;28
And by use it, I don't quite know what they can use. Can you remember that energy and feel that energy everytime you see a butterfly? Can it be like a trigger to call it in because it seems like people could use like a bit of light hearted joy and fill up their heart quite frequently if they decide if if a person decides to make a butterfly the symbol for that, they can do that.

00;16;07;00 - 00;16;33;03
Okay. but they don't have to. Okay. They could just call it indirectly spread. okay. Oh, and then we've got the final panel to see. Have something to say? Panel member number five. he he basically is a he I think we just he he is just this very interesting. And, he has nothing to add to what you're saying.

00;16;33;04 - 00;17;05;06
Okay. All right, so I'm assuming that the Sophia energy and the Horus and the butterfly are here to help Mud Man with his goal to transition. Right. And where do we begin with that? Well, we're just going to see what Horus, Sophia and Butterfly start to do. Okay. So you're going to describe it as they do it right.

00;17;05;12 - 00;17;34;21
Okay. I mean, we're not really going to do anything because they're doing it all. But they came here to do it in front of us, right in with it, not with us as well, but by holding space for and giving a forum, we're going to learn something. Yeah, we're going to learn something. Okay. Because basically Mud Guy that's not a 3D person, not a physical human person.

00;17;34;22 - 00;18;06;00
Right. Metaphysical being he and theoretically we, you and me, we can actually do something to affect surface beings, right? So maybe maybe we are supposed to do something. Maybe we are supposed to start something. okay. Yes, I think we are. Okay. So, what are we supposed to do? Okay, the message is coming through. Loud. Clear.

00;18;06;01 - 00;18;44;03
We're supposed to call in, and, Yeah. Another metaphysical being. A sacred divine expert. be. Who's an expert in expunging or, so, like, heavy emotional energy that's stuck in this is stuck in stuck in either a physical body or a metaphysical body. Okay. Okay, so we're calling it somebody, a specialist for that are the sacred divine being.

00;18;44;06 - 00;19;20;15
Okay. they're not here yet. Okay? It's not like a little gray haired old lady here. We a fine nice. So, are you sacred? Divine being says yes. Oh, do you know, do you know these? The panel members said, yes. Go here. They are being shown a different category of beings than I am for meaning. old lady in the bottom.

00;19;20;17 - 00;19;59;02
Okay, but that's certainly what she. She's dealt with them all before, and she knows the butterfly energy quite well. So, she's she's that, how did you get get your expertise? Are you sacred? Divine being? God says yes. How did you get your expertise? she's done this for countless numbers of human souls that have been stuck here and in various other places, and other types of, beings.

00;19;59;04 - 00;20;32;23
Yes. And to send them off into the night wherever they want to go there. Okay. So, she's going to go ahead and do do which goes which is she's looking at these, these huge like feet. do they look like human feet? Evidently. Clod hoppers. Okay. There's no toes on them. Oh, you know, they look like cartoon, for two feet.

00;20;32;26 - 00;21;08;21
Well, I mean, boots are. And so, so what she's doing is she's she's basically taking out centuries, work, aggravation, anger, error, sorrow. Hey, just like she's just taking all the stuff out bit by bit. And, she's gathering together, putting and putting it somewhere. So she's she's taking a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff. Mud Guy, Mud Guy's feet are getting smaller, getting more proportional to the body.

00;21;08;23 - 00;21;36;07
Yeah, they're getting smaller. And so he notices ashes. Oh, you're much lighter. Okay, so now what? You at the same time that she's continuing to do this, the butterfly is starting to move some of its energy into Mud Guy from the feet upwards. And and Sophia is also doing that which she's got from the head cause we don't what?

00;21;36;09 - 00;21;59;22
So, And so, so, like, these two energies, they kind of meet in the middle of Mud Guy's body, which is the abdomen area, and she they kind of swirl around and then they continue on their way, meaning the butterfly energy. So, yeah, the feet is butterfly energy is going up to the hemisphere. Energies go down to the feet.

00;21;59;24 - 00;22;35;17
Eventually it all comes up to the arms to. And so the, the grandma, we have this right here in the body. She's just about completed taking away all these negative, negative energies and emotions and whatever. Yeah. So she got arms. Yeah. Yeah. She's got all and she's now I mean he did his job in terms of helping people get rid of this stuff.

00;22;35;20 - 00;23;08;04
And now she's taking them all up. the heavens and turning it over, turning them over to love and light. So they're being taken care of. Their. So there you go. Okay, so now I got Mud Guy whose feet are not so heavy, are not heavy anymore. They're smaller. But he actually feels incredibly grateful and joyous. And, does he still want to go when he feels grateful and joyous?

00;23;08;04 - 00;23;37;09
Yeah. He's ready. He's ready to go off on the next adventure. Okay, so, can he just float away now, or does he need help? Well, he is quite near where he wants to go, and he's using the energies that he's gotten from the butterfly and the fear to kind of, like, figure out now that he can use these energies.

00;23;37;09 - 00;24;02;06
He's going in this, like this in some places. He doesn't know where he'll end up. At least now he can she can actually move there, needs to travel there to where he wants to go. He's not stuck here. And okay, so they've they've completed their energy transfers or fusions or whatever you want to call it. Okay. Thank you.

00;24;02;06 - 00;24;38;06
So he ends, butterfly. Yeah. I mean, it seemed like it was literally a transfusion, actually. and so. Okay. And I know he's going he's going to buy. Soon. Thank you. Also. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Q thank you very much. I think he's lost his name. Mud. Go. Oh, yeah. He's got I think it's a letter from some.

00;24;38;08 - 00;25;10;10
Yeah. So he's a kind of angel now, you know. Nice nice over so he can still help others in the end. An angel. Thank you. Actually does self right. Okay. So, I think they've done what. What they wanted to do here. Okay. The panel. Panel. Right. And, I don't know if we have any more questions for them.

00;25;10;13 - 00;25;39;02
They want to show us anything else. I don't know. Let's, thank you for demonstrating that. And I'm just wondering, is that a process that you would regularly be used on souls or stuck here on Earth, or is it a process that can even apply to humans, like if you show a lot of heaviness because you've taken on other people's weight and sorrows, which a lot of people that are empathic do.

00;25;39;05 - 00;26;02;14
can we invite this panel into to help with. Yeah. This. No. Yes. You're saying yes. Okay. Very awesome. So inviting Horus. So I'm not sure Horus did show he he got the panel members together. Oh. Okay. Great. Does it panel have a name? It doesn't have a name. I'm just wondering. Okay. You saying the healing panel? The healing panel.

00;26;02;14 - 00;26;29;13
Okay. And so the healing panel can be called in, and it's it's really mostly the Sophia energy that works top down. And the butterfly energy, it works in the bottom up in the an old lady or lady that's well, that's expert that's this. Okay. That the sacred divine being made change or not, I don't know. So do you have to?

00;26;29;15 - 00;27;06;18
When you call on the healing panel, you have, you also have to call in your own expert interview. yeah. Because that expert is working. You see, the healing panel supplies the energy. If the expert actually takes care of extracting the negative. Okay. So the energies that have been held by whoever's being held, okay. So on a human resources are interested in how this applies to humans.

00;27;06;21 - 00;27;30;14
Like if I wanted to call them in, I would call in a healing panel, ask Horus to bring it in. or I just called in directly. Now that I know about it. And then I would ask for an expert that works in, I say, heaviness in your chest or something like that. Oh yeah. This is why it's like the sacred divine being who's an expert may change.

00;27;30;16 - 00;27;56;22
Right? So you want a sometimes you want a heart expert or, you know, in the case of Mud Guy with, all these emotions stored in him from people that he's just you. Let's try to help me. do they want to try it on a human, or do we complete with this knowledge, or do they have something else to say?

00;27;56;25 - 00;28;21;17
Okay. No, they don't have anything else to say at the moment, but they could certainly come back and try it on here. Okay, so maybe we'll pick somebody. For the next slide cast. Right. Or another podcast. I don't know what would be the next one or not. Right. So are we play here I think so yes. Yes. You're saying yes.

00;28;21;17 - 00;28;48;22
All right. Well thank you. Panel healing panel and Horus and and this lovely observer over here, here they're all saying thank you. Thank you for allowing yourself. It's quite interesting. Thank you, Diana, for facilitating. We're so glad we're able to help. I yeah, yeah we are we're I feel like we've unleashed another helper angel into the world, that's right.

00;28;48;24 - 00;29;13;29
Oh, we don't know his name now, so we can't. And guys, we don't even know. We can't advise you on how to come in to help you, but just there's lots of angels out there, so feel free to tap into any time. All right, Diana. Thank you, thank you Karin. All right, you, buddy. Bye bye. Bye. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast.

00;29;14;02 - 00;29;18;23
Speaker 1
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A powerful "Healing Panel" helps free a stuck soul
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