Water prominence – exploring its energy and other qualities

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00;00;06;14 - 00;00;35;17
Speaker 1
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge for animals and other beings within multi-dimensional realms. Hello, Diana. Hello, Karin. Here we are today with a very special guest. Yes, the theory special is H2O. H2O, yes. Which is actually everywhere. Pretty much. It's in the air, I think. Everywhere. Like. Yeah. I don't know if it is everywhere.

00;00;35;17 - 00;00;55;27
Speaker 1
It's in our bodies, it's in the air, it's in the food we eat. It's in whatever we drink. Oh yeah. On Earth I was, I don't know, my head. Right. Went right to like, plasma and dark matter. And I thought, oh, there's like, more dark matter than humans and animals in earthly things. Okay. All right. Still. Oh, you have a good point, though.

00;00;55;28 - 00;01;18;23
Speaker 1
Beings or whatever, we're going to be calling them now. Is there H2O in them? We don't know. just to send us off, we have a start us off. We have a, we have a couple different vessels of H2O and this water form in front of us. We've got two glasses of tap water, one on some inspiring words and one not.

00;01;18;23 - 00;01;54;20
Speaker 1
And we've got a bottle of Frozen Avion. And then we've got a three glass four glasses of water from a, spring in Pennsylvania and riding Pennsylvania. We drove up to get water from the spring. So it's technically local. So my local spring water to us here in Washington, DC, and we've got one in, our glass one and a, small vessel over some inspiring words, one plane and one surrounded by some images of flowers from my flower feasting.

00;01;54;22 - 00;02;26;15
Speaker 1
And then we've got about 45% of H2O in the air around us. And what percentage of water do we have in our bodies? Or H2O, I don't know, but I would think it's more the 45%. That's where I would be thinking. I think it's 60% in general where you go, I wonder if it's last for people who are dehydrated like equivalent to soil the water to dirt ratio of the earth, this is we're having this is we're having Alexa sitting here.

00;02;26;17 - 00;02;52;12
Speaker 1
You in the in the podcast with us might come in very handy. Yeah. I mean, are we just like a microcosm of the earth, the composition of us? Oh, humans. Well, I think you are. If you break it down into oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and what's the fourth one of the first base carbon, you break it down into the four basic elements.

00;02;52;14 - 00;03;20;29
Speaker 1
What's in Earth? Because everything to me, pretty much from those four elements, except for maybe the dark matter and dark matter. It's like in the cosmos somewhere. I don't really know because they have found, you know, the little vibrating light photon type things have space in between them. That's dark matter and it's everywhere. Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, on a quantum level or porky level or whatever level.

00;03;21;06 - 00;03;46;21
Speaker 1
So I don't know the answer to that question. Well, it doesn't really matter if it does. Maybe someone can answer the question for us here today and right now. Do we need to bring in an expert multidimensional being to help facilitate this conversation? I think there's like water sprites here already, but they're water sprites, okay. They're probably not there to knowledge for.

00;03;46;24 - 00;04;18;00
Speaker 1
And there's there's a Reiki guides here. Toe Reiki guys because they seem to be interested in like the transformative, capabilities of water. Right. I just spent four days swimming in the ocean and I honestly feel like that's so transformative. It's not even unmeasurable benefits. I mean, just for me, the ocean, your sinuses clear up instantly. Your sores and cuts can.

00;04;18;00 - 00;04;35;28
Speaker 1
Not that I had too many of those, but they can clear up pretty much instantly. And and the joy you feel. Yeah. So that's there's that's where the Reiki guides are here because they're interested in that. but we don't have any seawater here now. We don't have any seawater that we're taking a little more preparation on our part.

00;04;36;03 - 00;04;59;09
Speaker 1
Right. But we can call it in as a essence to be here with us. That's true. Yeah. The seawater want to be with us. And there's seawater which is full of salt. And then there's, you know, lake water, lake water and river water and and, Okay. Yeah. They're both coming in here. Yeah. So lake water and seawater is coming in.

00;04;59;09 - 00;05;28;24
Speaker 1
And what about river water? Well, lake water and river water, kind of the same. They're related. Okay. So we're talking about freshwater and saltwater here, right? Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Okay. So, and then commercial water. Commercial water, once we on it too. Well, we already have some commercial water here, right. But that's actually not specifically commercial water because Avion is supposed to be spring water bottle.

00;05;28;24 - 00;05;52;04
Speaker 1
Right. I guess what I mean by commercial water, it's like processed water. I have a bottle of Smartwater. Do you want me to bring that up? Well, that's processed, and tap water is also processed. Oh, we have that. Okay. Yeah. That in the form of tap water. Yeah. Right. This is probably very similar. All right.

00;05;52;07 - 00;06;17;10
Speaker 1
Awesome. yeah. I was always curious about Smartwater. Anyway, so here we are. You know, one of the really. I mean, I'm not exactly sure where to start, but one of the things that's very interesting is, you know, that when we humans are just covering other planets, the first thing we look for is, is there water? Is there water on the Earth?

00;06;17;12 - 00;06;41;29
Speaker 1
Because we tend to surmise that without water, there's no life. There's no human life, no. We think like no life. No carbon based life works, right? Right. No, we're not talking about multi-dimensional life or life because that that can take any form. Probably. So yes. Snoke, you know, nothing made from the four elements. If water isn't present, nothing else can be present.

00;06;41;29 - 00;07;11;12
Speaker 1
Right. And I don't know if that's true or not. Can can you physical presence I think we're talking about like a physical present, living, breathing presence or living presence of some kind. Can the water tell us if that's true? Yeah, that's true here. But elsewhere too. And all the other multi cosmic potentials. So I'm, I'm am I understanding your question.

00;07;11;14 - 00;07;36;17
Speaker 1
Is it does life need water. Is there any kind of life anywhere like the life we know means water. We establish that and I agree with us. But is there another type of physical life that doesn't need water? Yeah, it's got some other elements altogether. Yes. Okay. I think they know where it is. No not really. They're they're here.

00;07;36;20 - 00;08;05;18
Speaker 1
Oh. You know, so, Yeah. They're not really saying anything too much about that. Okay. No problem. But they answer the question. Yeah. It is aren't elaborating. No. Right. So can I ask him just a silly follow up question. Yeah. Yeah okay. is there water? Was it water on Mars? Yeah. It's like it's frozen. Okay.

00;08;05;21 - 00;08;33;28
Speaker 1
There is frozen water up there. Right. All right, I think. Yeah, but I guess what they're saying is like, just because there's, there's water, frozen water doesn't necessarily mean there's life. Right? What was life at one time. Yeah. Right. So. Right. So life as we know it needs water. But water does not necessarily need life. Right? Water starts some energy then it doesn't.

00;08;33;28 - 00;09;09;04
Speaker 1
Yeah actually does. So what does keep water? Life. The same thing that keeps everything else alive. Well define that. okay. So like. Where, wherever you think energy comes from. Okay. So they need energy. So sometimes we think of alive water as water that forms these beautiful crystals under microscopes. Yeah. And dead water. it doesn't really form these crystals that sort of fragment and undefinable.

00;09;09;06 - 00;09;40;01
Speaker 1
Right, right. Did they agree with that? Yeah. Yeah, I think I agree with that. Right. So okay. They agree generally with the fact that it's like in order for them to be they are meaning different kinds of water to be all right, then they need to have that energy. And the benefit to them being alive is that they have memory and consciousness and and a life.

00;09;40;01 - 00;10;13;02
Speaker 1
I mean, you think of H2O, so a lot of water is running around having a life, or is that what they mean by alive, well or thriving as a little H2O? Or they know that they're water. They know that through themselves. Right? But and they know when they feel good and they know when they feel bad. And probably molecules of really, really old water, you know, thousands of years old or mixed in present day water.

00;10;13;04 - 00;10;39;05
Speaker 1
I mean, it's always recycled, you know, and the water has an energy, and that energy can be a higher vibration or lower vibration or calm energy or, fragmented energy, depending on what kinds of energy they actually have to begin with. Or if somebody puts it in energy or if they specific circumstances have it so that they actually get more energy.

00;10;39;07 - 00;11;03;10
Speaker 1
Okay. And, and there's a lot of cofactors in water. It's not just H2O, there's minerals and water or lack thereof. You've got distilled water, you've got tap water, you've got spring water, you've got mountain water. So everything has different other elements cofactors in water. Right, right, right. So let's look at the tap water for a second. This is DC tap water.

00;11;03;13 - 00;11;31;15
Speaker 1
We've got a glass of it is that water's. How is that water's energy like say on a scale of 1 to 10. Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, it thinks of itself as three three. And there's a second class of DC tap water sitting next to it that is on a little heart. And with the word love, it's saying it's a five.

00;11;31;17 - 00;11;53;03
Speaker 1
So the increased a little bit it increased a little bit. Would it increase more had the words been there longer. or was it just an instantaneous thing. No, it's not instantaneous. But I mean maybe 20 minutes to half an hour and then it kind of like reaches all of it. Okay. What you can do with that water.

00;11;53;03 - 00;12;29;28
Speaker 1
Yeah. So then we have a, meaning that if it's on a little piece of paper. And it absorbs the energy from that word. Okay. But there's other circumstances that could do other things to it. Like if someone's happy around it, someone's can some person influence it to Well not necessarily just happiness. Right. But if it gets, let's say, energy from somebody doing Reiki on it, that'll go up.

00;12;30;00 - 00;12;53;08
Speaker 1
All right, since it's just a tap water. So if we already measured the tap water, can we set for some Reiki to be working on it? Well, we're talking. Yeah, sure. Check back in later, see what's happened to them. So those two will be getting some records. You know what? The wires actually tastes different. Foreign after being infused with energy.

00;12;53;10 - 00;13;18;04
Speaker 1
this is what we should go. Okay, actually, before you set the the glasses on the little pieces of paper with words on it, we should have actually tasted that water. we've got glasses without the without the piece of paper. No. That's true. We do. Yeah. Okay. Right. Great. so we can wait 20 minutes and see if they taste slightly different.

00;13;18;07 - 00;13;46;12
Speaker 1
Right? If they taste different now. Okay. So what we can do is taste it now before the Reiki starts. Okay? Okay. Do you want to do the taste? Okay. I can do the taste. But maybe you should also. Okay. Not just me. All right. Go ahead and take a taste. So so I mean, I do think just the tap water tastes different than the tap water on the paper.

00;13;46;15 - 00;14;27;03
Speaker 1
Right. And I agree with you. And I'm never sure if I, you know, wishful thinking, but it does. The water with the heart seems to taste a little more palatable. Right. Exactly. A little less chlorinated, grayer or whatever. And they've been sitting there for the same amount of time, pretty much. Yeah. Okay. So let's let me ask one last question of this tap water before my cat knocks the, kind of water off to, is tap water have anything to say in its present state to us?

00;14;27;05 - 00;14;53;12
Speaker 1
we're kind of tired. Both. Yeah. It's the one with the heart. Say, thank you for putting the heart on me to help a little bit. Or does it not? This is still tired. It's so tired. Okay, so we're going to come over here to this Pennsylvania's spring water. And we've got three glasses, one on the heart, one plain and one in a, handmade art class.

00;14;53;12 - 00;15;22;02
Speaker 1
And a glass, glass, glass. is there any real difference between the three of them? Oh, we have one surrounded by. We have four glasses here, one surrounded by. Okay. In terms of rating 0 to 10. To start with, the heart water part water that's between a seven and a half okay. The art glass water. Oh wait.

00;15;22;04 - 00;15;50;24
Speaker 1
Interesting. That went down a bit. the clean spring water seven and the flower facing that's the seven and a half. Seven half. So the art glass, that was a solid eight. So the art glass is interesting because when I went to set this all up, I was called to bring out an art glass because I felt like there was something there.

00;15;50;26 - 00;16;17;11
Speaker 1
Yeah. So I'm wondering if it was, you know, the intention of making that glass was to do this thing, hold some beverages or whoever was making it. So I had a very nice high vibration rate. I mean it can hold anything. And just to clarify, it was made by a friend of mine. It wasn't made by a, you know, someone I didn't know.

00;16;17;13 - 00;16;45;07
Speaker 1
Wow. That's kind of interesting. So do you want to taste it different? Yeah. Let's taste. Okay. What do you think. I couldn't tell a huge difference between them. I mean case wise they do taste different. Yeah I don't know I think that the one that was in the flower book that was tasted kind of like noticeably different than the others.

00;16;45;07 - 00;17;15;09
Speaker 1
Oh, it does taste different. Yeah. It's very different and almost tastes like it's been flavored, doesn't it? Yes. That's really interesting. I mean, the other still tasted pretty much like water, okay. It just tastes more of I can do a taste test here. Right. Guard glass to a smoother. Yeah. So so much smoother. so we can come back and taste them again at the end and see if they even taste even more in the energy.

00;17;15;15 - 00;17;44;22
Speaker 1
And so of these four little glasses here, does anyone want to say anything specific about the glasses or the water or the water? Sorry, the water in the glasses. I guess I can speak to that. That's a whole nother. well, there's they're saying, okay, you know, we think we're we're happier than the what's in the commercial or the tapas, right?

00;17;44;24 - 00;18;19;14
Speaker 1
Oh they are we're not as tired. We're not as tired, but still a little tired and a little tired. Still a little tired. But we're certainly in better shape than the tap water. we've got a little bit more energy. Okay. is that because I've learned recently that this tap for the spring water was actually put in a truck and truck to the tap that we got, got it from, and I'm wondering if they could speak on this and say whether or not that that degraded their.

00;18;19;16 - 00;18;49;16
Speaker 1
The experience of the original spring was already tired, you know. No. They're saying the original spring is not higher. Yeah. It's too bad it wasn't in the original spring then. It would have been like a ten out of ten, you think closer to Tarrytown. Okay. Yeah. Not as tired. All right, so the DC water is hovering around three on its own, and this water is having runs on its own rather.

00;18;49;18 - 00;19;15;03
Speaker 1
Interesting. you want to skip forward to the RV on a little bit. And it's frozen. But that came from a spring, too. But it's in plastic. Came from a long ways away because we're far from sorry on spring. Oh, it's really cold, you know, I mean, inside. Okay. I'm not saying, of course it's cold. It's frozen. Right.

00;19;15;05 - 00;19;43;27
Speaker 1
But in terms of the water sprites and. Right, they are kind of like their normal temperatures. The non frozen water, they're normal okay. And they're they can move around and whatever they can answer questions right. How do you feel. Right. Tired not so tired a little bit happier right. These. Yeah. What it's like whatever is in there. It's like they're shivering.

00;19;43;27 - 00;20;19;07
Speaker 1
There's different. Yeah I know that in part because spring water isn't supposed to be cold. Like, when would an iceberg be shivering? Wow. Okay. With snow? We seven here. no. They're saying that's like the the spec to be that so they don't shiver. They just, they embrace it. The cold. Right. I mean, it if water turns to snow, right.

00;20;19;09 - 00;20;52;06
Speaker 1
It's not like anything unexpected for them because they know they're going to be snow. Right. But the spring water is coming out of the ground. They're not really expecting it. No, they're not and they're not really prepared. They're not prepared. So it's like this is a kind of processing for them. Oh they're transforming though right? We we know we are transforming the water right somehow and making it shivering and the shivering could possibly be making them tired in the end or worn out.

00;20;52;08 - 00;21;26;24
Speaker 1
Well, yeah. Perhaps when it thaws out, it will. We regain its original. But most probably, you know, it's been trucked from various places too, right. Because if where's Evian in France. Yeah. Well there you go. That's like over the ocean. It's come from a long way away and it's got is contained in plastic molecules. Two would probably have their own contribution there or not in contribution to have.

00;21;26;24 - 00;21;50;29
Speaker 1
Yeah. In a way it's good that it's frozen because the plastic doesn't fight with the water sprite. the plastic normally. So if it was non frozen the plastic would be fighting with the water. Yeah. So when you say water sprite what are you talking about. Is it like what exactly are water sprites. They're just these little, little fairy things.

00;21;50;29 - 00;22;10;11
Speaker 1
They're very they're pretty small. They're like half an inch and they're in there. They're in the water himself. So, so like. Yeah, not on top of water. No, no, no water during the water. Yeah. And it's not like when we drink water we're consuming them. No. They jump out.

00;22;10;14 - 00;22;39;17
Speaker 1
No. They they wait around for water. So maybe we do consume them I don't know. So water in essence what we're learning here today is the water that expects to be frozen does well when it's frozen in the water. It doesn't expect to be frozen. It may not be. So yeah, it may not be having a good time right.

00;22;39;19 - 00;23;04;14
Speaker 1
It's it's not having a good time now. Okay. Well Hulu right. No no. So let's ask another question about the humidity in the air. We got water molecules H2O that are unattached that are not forming crystals, that are not forming what we know as water. But there's H2O all around us. Do they do they have some information for us?

00;23;04;14 - 00;23;26;10
Speaker 1
I think we checked before we sat down and the humidity was only about 45%, which is not too bad. Yeah, I mean, it's still like I think it's quite a lot. I mean, in that case, there's a lot of water molecules. Oh yeah. Yeah. basically flying around. Yeah. You're flying around, right. And we're breathing them. We're breathing them.

00;23;26;10 - 00;23;48;12
Speaker 1
Yeah. Our bodies are absorbing them. right to our skin or we're exhaling them. Right. Adding to more, you know, you know, it's kind of weird, but you think about it. We're breathing them in and exhaling them back out, right? It's like everything's being recycled somehow, right? So the water in our bodies actually goes back thousands of years.

00;23;48;15 - 00;24;19;11
Speaker 1
Does it? Is that what they're saying? Yeah. Oh. oh. The H2O molecules. Yes. Yeah, yeah yeah. Okay. All the little necessary H2O molecules to have been made in the very beginning. So it must be that H2O gets created all the time and broken down all the time and changed around. I mean, it's hydrogen. Maybe there is enough hydrogen to be getting enough oxygen beginning with it as H2O from.

00;24;19;13 - 00;24;54;11
Speaker 1
That's true. It it can come and go right. But but is this humidity? Does it have a particular message or consciousness or. Or or value to us the more the better. Well no it's not the more the better. It's just to remember. Right. And it's not the less the better. Also because what is an ideal humidity for us humans?

00;24;54;13 - 00;25;27;06
Speaker 1
Be like 30%, 30%. I know when your lungs hurt from from and playing the problem that sometimes we put our humidities in there humidifiers in there and set them at 50% right. I think I mean, 30 for your regular everyday life, I think maybe 50% is like too much. Okay. So it's like 30% is the average. And that they're they telling us that, they're giving you that sense kind of, but also say, you know, it depends on the person.

00;25;27;12 - 00;25;48;26
Speaker 1
So people require more water in them. So people require less to soak in water, drinking water or, water or drink. Breathing through the humidity cannot help us. I mean, I'm assuming it can help us health wise, because we all know we've heard the message a billion times now. And drink more water, get more water, get more water.

00;25;48;26 - 00;26;17;05
Speaker 1
But that's for the most part. Does it have a specific role in, helping us, like, shift consciousness or expand our energy beyond the health roles? Yeah. I mean, this goes back to the tired water. And the not so tired water and the water that could be almost to the terror. Right. Okay. So like spring water. Yeah.

00;26;17;05 - 00;26;52;12
Speaker 1
Real spring water from the source. Right at the source. Right. Or water that has been storing had something done to it like say thoughtfully regenerated or somebody performed Reiki on some Reiki on. If you're just talking in terms of regular physiology, we're not talking about raising consciousness. You know, I mean, the regular tap water, three out of ten, 4 or 5 out of ten.

00;26;52;14 - 00;27;21;01
Speaker 1
I mean, that will keep you borderline healthy. Okay. This is why people go to great lengths to, like. Augment their water. Yes. Yeah. Add electrolytes, you know, by spring water. Exactly. Add hydrogen molecules to it. Right? I mean, if you do that stuff, you can like increasing the energy of the water. What about something like Gatorade? Oh no no no no no.

00;27;21;01 - 00;28;03;16
Speaker 1
Okay okay. But that's some that's how some people get their electrolytes. Right. But there's, there's also sugar in there and dyes. And what dye. Oh yeah. Dyes too. Yeah. Right. Okay. And those things aren't good. So they counter the value of yeah the electrolytes. Right. In terms of consciousness expanding right. It's like if you want to do this effectively with water, you will have to get a water source or make your source of water into a ten plus ten plus ten plus.

00;28;03;22 - 00;28;33;25
Speaker 1
So Reiki words on the water. Yeah. Words are the water. Getting it from a really pure spring where it doesn't have to be transported to you, not in plastic bottles. okay. So that's relatively hard to do on this earth anymore because many, many water tables are dropping, springs are drying up, and all major cities have lost all that access.

00;28;33;27 - 00;29;01;20
Speaker 1
There was a company in DC that brings water in from Colorado called Mountain Valleys. Bring water. What was that on the scale of 1 to 10 for five? Really interesting stuff. So spring water on tap and Pennsylvania's and seven is higher than that. And then you can perform Reiki on it. By the way, that was 30ft was a dollar for five gallons.

00;29;01;23 - 00;29;26;16
Speaker 1
So it wasn't expensive. what would the water need specifically. Like like what could we set up like a Reiki master, like municipal water to get at a ten plus? yeah. You could, I'm just wondering how many people you need to do that. I don't think you need very many. You just need one person. Actually, for the entire water system.

00;29;26;19 - 00;29;54;20
Speaker 1
Yeah. Now it's kind of curious. So the person just do it out of the goodness of their heart. And would it last forever because the water is constantly being remade? Okay, well, this is how you could say this is just me thinking how you could set it up. Okay. So you just, you know, you you call in the Reiki and you're you ask it to actually go to, you know, you don't have to visit it or you don't really, really know what it looks like.

00;29;54;22 - 00;30;27;15
Speaker 1
Go to DC's municipal water source and, I think you just set it in motion and tell it to keep going. It would work. Theoretically. It should. Theoretically. would be really interesting to do it be one way to maybe raise, health and wellness overall of the population of the city. Right. I wonder if there's any Reiki person who wants to set that up.

00;30;27;18 - 00;30;52;14
Speaker 1
Like, I set it up. you could set it up and get it to work. I'll start drinking these tap water again. But how would we know, though? See, I know that you can test water after you've. You've done Reiki on it, and it does look different like in terms of three. Yeah. So basically, you know how we all have these taste different too.

00;30;52;17 - 00;31;21;08
Speaker 1
So so the water in the air, it doesn't carry that lower vibration or does it. Is it affected by the pollution by the energy in the room, or is it actually the one in charge of the energy in the room? The energy in the area? No, it's not in charge. It's not until it starts, you know, it's it's where it starts to be able to to do more.

00;31;21;11 - 00;31;43;02
Speaker 1
So as water vapor, it really doesn't do much. It's just there. It's it's there when we breathe it in. That's when it unites. Because in our body it's actually taking the form of water. Right. But of course, I mean, if you if it's not there in terms of vapor, then something's wrong with the whole process, right. Of course.

00;31;43;02 - 00;32;07;03
Speaker 1
And the extreme imbalance. Yeah. So it's kind of necessary. It's a necessary part of air. Right. If you're not just breathing oxygen ever. Unless it's really unhealthy. And that's why I guess in some areas where it's so cold that you can't even have vapor in the air because, it'll all freeze. Oh, yeah. So you have a lot of people have.

00;32;07;06 - 00;32;37;03
Speaker 1
Well, they probably have adjusted if they've lived there for millennia, but it's sometimes can be hard in the winter when you've got heat sources drying out the air right there. Too much, saltwater, the ocean water. Does it have a. Anything to say or offer us? Are there like a. What is it? What do they want? What does it want us to know?

00;32;37;06 - 00;33;14;17
Speaker 1
Or they. Okay, well. Their primary source. Different category. Right. I just got lots more stuff in it. And it's kind of like enhanced replica of the human body. Oh, okay. which is why it can actually cure a lot of things. So when you're hanging out in the water, you really feel good, right? Yeah. You're absorbing all the, all these nutrients.

00;33;14;19 - 00;33;36;05
Speaker 1
you know, you're not drinking the saltwater. You're observing them through your skin and down your nose in your ears. Right. Yeah. Does that mean we should be, you know, doing more with this seawater. But I don't know does it. Because we I mean, a lot of people have always been drawn to beaches and swimming and getting in the water.

00;33;36;13 - 00;34;00;21
Speaker 1
It's almost zombie like, you know, they use excuse because it's hot, but it does help with the seawater is not really cold. Just get in it and spend time in it. Right? Right. But there's kind of like a delicate balance because of all the salt, you know, being too much. You don't want too much salt and then some sort of dehydrate, you know.

00;34;00;24 - 00;34;24;22
Speaker 1
Yeah. So someone who spends too much time in the water, in salt water and salt water, they can become very dehydrated. Right. That would not be good for them to worry about. Fresh water. And if fresh water was warm in the is when they're all day and when dehydrated. just to make it puny. Yeah.

00;34;24;25 - 00;34;48;25
Speaker 1
Yeah. So that's what the water saying. The fresh water saying. Cool. Yeah. It wouldn't. But again, there's some kind of balance there. because I don't want me to think our skin would have to be different if we were to spend more time in the water. Right? Because you can. Towns putting you up. Something's not gone, right?

00;34;48;28 - 00;35;19;15
Speaker 1
Right. So that's why drinking water is kind of like the perfect balance. Does the water have anything to say about how much we should drink? they're saying drink as much as possible. Okay, guys, today is, but they're also saying don't drink too much. But I see this very, very helpful information. So as much as you can.

00;35;19;15 - 00;35;48;06
Speaker 1
So try to drink a lot of water. And if you feel like you drink enough, stop. Yeah. Use a little personal discretion. Right. I mean, if somebody tells you you should be drinking 12 to 15 glass of water a day and you don't feel like it, don't don't feel that you actually have to do that. And this could be Diana talking, because I think someone's told her that recently and she doesn't feel like doing it.

00;35;48;08 - 00;36;15;12
Speaker 1
No, no, I didn't do it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you try to do it. I mean, they didn't say 12 to 15, isn't it ten? but this do the water also. It's like it's like with the vegetables. Right. It's the relationship between the individual and. Well, not discrete water entities because there's no discrete water entity like that.

00;36;15;14 - 00;36;49;10
Speaker 1
Vegetables. But just it's a relationship to people. Water, the type of water and the person who's drinking it. And okay. And also maybe the inhabitants of the water, if you're talking about sea water or lake water, there's a lot of fish in there that could be happy or unhappy, and maybe they're affecting it to. Yeah, right. Right. But hopefully you're not really drinking water, which has a lot of inhabitants in it.

00;36;49;12 - 00;37;09;05
Speaker 1
You know, well, if it's live spring water, there's bound to be something in it. But I'm talking about. Yeah. So I hear you saying, water that has, you know, where fish. You're right. Right. Okay. Yeah. They're at the point there. What? Have you pulled your bucket of water out of the lake and boiled it? What is it?

00;37;09;05 - 00;37;30;19
Speaker 1
What do you think of that? Oh, you're saying that's okay, right? Because there is there could be pathogens in there too, right? yeah. There's a whole other aspect with regards to salt.

00;37;30;22 - 00;38;05;19
Speaker 1
Pathogens in the water and how to get rid of them and still preserve the energy. Yeah. I mean, boiling or chlorine has been the stand bys for a long time, right? Isn't there? Now, another way, like UV light, UV light too. The like that. You're saying that. Yeah, that that's kind of the cleanest way to do it is a UV light UV light tighter and boiling and better than.

00;38;05;21 - 00;38;43;06
Speaker 1
Chlorine saying that perhaps like if you get water that can plus somehow the energy like obliterates the pathogens. Right. That's the same with a lot of other substances too. So the trick though is, you know, to get water to be at that level. yeah. I mean, so would it be really helpful for people to pursue getting water that 10% level, or is it something that, like not import?

00;38;43;12 - 00;39;11;12
Speaker 1
It's if you're called to do it, it's really important. Well, you're saying everybody could benefit from this okay, okay. Yeah. I mean, even so, like, even people who wouldn't be able to do anything to increase the energy of their water, if they get water that's energized a little bit there will help them in little increments. Okay. Do we want to do another tasting of water to see if they changed?

00;39;11;12 - 00;39;36;23
Speaker 1
Because the tap water now is the Reiki? Oh, yeah. Added to it. can you or does a water want to speak and say what it is now? What does your membership query. If I start the receiving the water. Oh no, we might we might have to pause here, do the Reiki. Come come back. but also saw did I get the Reiki okay.

00;39;36;23 - 00;40;00;00
Speaker 1
The tap water says yeah, kind of want to recharge okay. You're saying it just energized the water just instantly. So is it. Taste it again. See, that's like I want to ask it first. So what is it? What is the tap water now? What is it. Yeah. So 77 eight. And that's for both them with the heart and without the heart.

00;40;00;00 - 00;40;27;24
Speaker 1
So the heart's kind of a non sequitur at this point. Did they do the spring 1 or 2. Yeah. And what is what did 910. And the one in the flowers is that it's also 910. So they're all 910. Yeah. There's a difference between starting tap water and spring water. Right, right. But this minor differences don't really matter.

00;40;27;24 - 00;41;01;12
Speaker 1
And we didn't we weren't able to get a 10% of it. Is our class ten. Yeah okay. Is there anything we can do to make it a ten plus. It's kind of interesting. and I don't know if I'm getting this just because it seems like there's kind of this pinkish glow coming from the bottom, because it looks like there's the bottom of the art glass glasses is a pinkish red,

00;41;01;15 - 00;41;40;17
Speaker 1
But it's is it the symbol that's concentric circles in the bottom of this? No, it's the color. As the color is, it's changing in the color. Okay. Because it's like, at this point in there too, it's like an orange, pinkish red and, Right. So anyway, there's, if you if you want to get rid of karmic negative energies in yourself, you think of this pinkish, purplish flame surrounding starting at your feet, surrounding you.

00;41;40;19 - 00;42;11;13
Speaker 1
Right? Just like makes all the negative energies, sorry. Go up in smoke and steam. Just. And that water is telling you that it's calming. Doing something similar. Oh. The colors in the glass. So it's not specifically that. It's our glass system that has a specific colors, but it's hard for us to okay both things. But you asked about the ten for us.

00;42;11;13 - 00;42;50;11
Speaker 1
Yeah. And it's the pinkish per pinkish currently purplish flames that this color is generating. It's getting rid of more negative stuff in the water thereby increasing the vibration. very interesting. And what about the flowers? Is there like a I'm wondering if we took, like, Saint John's wort, like, switched to flower that had the potential not going into a plus.

00;42;50;13 - 00;43;19;13
Speaker 1
Yeah. I mean, let's say like 14, 15 with the Saint John's wort or any, any of the flower images. Wow. So that's been sitting there. Well, because before it was seven and a half. Right. And now with the Reiki and flowers and sitting there while it's all the way up to like a 1450. So this is the water all drink you can drink, right.

00;43;19;15 - 00;43;23;17
Speaker 1

00;43;23;20 - 00;43;52;12
Speaker 1
This is very strange. Well, we asked what about. So the other three are eight, nine. Where do they change? So they were like nine, ten, nine, ten. Okay. And then our glass. Oh, with our glass. Because it's got this. That's ten plus. That's ten plus in the flower. So change is ten plus but not 1415.

00;43;52;15 - 00;44;19;08
Speaker 1
So those of you that are wondering what's going on still the art water. Water. Yeah. The ten plus water. The ten, the ten plus the not the 1415. And she also destroyed our list. Well he'll dry out right now it's more water based things. Oh well not too bad actually. They're not smeared. Then. Okay. So did you taste all the waters?

00;44;19;09 - 00;44;40;12
Speaker 1
I did, yeah. I had to honestly say my least favorite was a plain tap water. Even with the Reiki. And in the second round, because it might have been more pronounced different, that still tasted a lot like chlorine to me. Like whatever was happening might be higher vibrating, but the chlorine, right, was omnipresent in my taste buds or chloramine or whatever I'm tasting.

00;44;40;13 - 00;45;10;28
Speaker 1
Yeah. What did you think the tap water did taste a little different than previously, right? Okay. but I didn't notice that much difference between the small class and the large glass of the tap water. So the art water again tasted smooth. And this one, the flour water tasted smooth to me. Both the same smoothness. No, but close this film might have been a little bit more smooth this time.

00;45;10;28 - 00;45;53;14
Speaker 1
Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, the flour water been a little more smooth then it seemed to taste more potent. Yeah. And then the large in the small glass of just the regular spring water tasted the same. All right. So this was a good experiment with all these waters without really putting anything in them. we didn't put anything, you know, but if you added a flour to them, knowing what we know, that far as carrying a certain very high vibration to if you added a flour tomb, or if you added a piece of mint or a squirt of fresh lemon, would that help raise the vibration?

00;45;53;16 - 00;46;16;17
Speaker 1
Well, I mean, we saw what it did just with pictures. Okay. So you could use gut to make sure that's like, you know, organic flowers, you know? Right. Organic flowers. Yeah. Or. Yes. Exactly. Don't pick a flower that's ready to turn into a seed like an old flower with the vibrations. It moved to a different area of the right process of a plant.

00;46;16;17 - 00;46;43;28
Speaker 1
Right. The pictures in this book are really capturing the consciousness of the flower and and freezing it. And so you can use them like that if it's in a deeper winter and there's no, yeah, fresh flowers available. And, you know, I mean, they're saying it's like so it's it's almost equivalent for ash or just. Right. of the pictures.

00;46;44;01 - 00;47;18;06
Speaker 1
Interesting. However, the Reiki gods came in and enhanced it even more. Yes. They theoretically. Yes. Enhanced everything. Okay. And we did I mean I did notice a difference between the first tasting and then the second tasting. Right. So it's just a damn shame that art water got wasted. I'm sorry. Not sorry. And the Avion is still frozen, still shivering.

00;47;18;09 - 00;47;24;17
Speaker 1
Yeah, that was poor for the water sprites in there.

00;47;24;19 - 00;47;46;10
Speaker 1
Oh, dear. So the good news is, if you have tap water, you can do some things to raise the vibration of it. The energy of it? Definitely. Yes. And Reiki being one of them. But, you know, if you take your own Reiki course, you should be able to just do it on your own. Adding a symbol like a heart or something to the water can help.

00;47;46;13 - 00;48;08;02
Speaker 1
and know flowers and flowers can help. We didn't try the flowers on the tap water. but I'm assuming they would raise that as well. Oh, yeah. Sure. And the trace minerals, adding trace minerals to the water. Do they like that? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. They like So add in trace minerals before you drink it of some kind.

00;48;08;05 - 00;48;37;17
Speaker 1
What about like Celtic Sea salt if you feel a pinch of that. Yeah that works as a good. But you're saying okay like trace minerals and sea salt. Like not too much. Yeah. It's good. There's always a balance, right? Right, right. But is my understanding if you don't have mineral water with a lot of healthy minerals in a van and pulls in that your bodies have it almost like be counterproductive.

00;48;37;20 - 00;49;00;12
Speaker 1
Yeah. Because they need you know and, and municipalities put some minerals in the water or I don't think it would be palatable at all. But I don't know that they catch enough. And there might be. Yeah. I mean it's like with you know bread or cereal. Right. You put it in what they think are the essential right.

00;49;00;12 - 00;49;25;11
Speaker 1
And the essential knowledge evolves from time to time. Yeah, but it's nowhere near certainly complete. All right. I think that wraps us up today a certain very interesting as usual. Thank you, waters, for being here and being willing subjects in our podcast and sharing all your wisdom and insights. And thank you, Diana, for taking water. Thank you Karin.

00;49;25;13 - 00;49;46;16
Speaker 1
Thank you. Waters, I should say. Yeah. Waters. We got three different types of waters here and all the ones we conjured up, like the oceans and the lakes and rivers give you water. I hope you feel better. I don't feel bad. I was freezing it so I could take it as a iceberg in my food bag from time to time.

00;49;46;16 - 00;50;01;07
Speaker 1
But now I feel bad. But we'll deal with that later. Bye bye. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 Podcast. Thank you for listening, and please sign up for our newsletter at http://1to9Podcast.com.

Water prominence – exploring its energy and other qualities
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