Dolphin Knowledge and Origin

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00;00;06;16 - 00;00;27;16
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge to animals and other beings within multi dimensional realms. So yesterday I saw you briefly when we were passing each other and walking past each other, but I didn't have a whole lot of time and I was explaining to you my right ear is completely clogged.

00;00;27;16 - 00;00;31;08
And you knew you were getting something from the drug store?

00;00;31;10 - 00;00;34;11
Yes. Which didn't do anything. Neither did the peroxide.

00;00;34;13 - 00;00;35;01

00;00;35;03 - 00;00;39;28
So there's some almost like dead ball of.

00;00;40;01 - 00;00;40;17
Something in.

00;00;40;17 - 00;01;14;11
There. Well, it feels like a a mucous. I mean, it came from the sinus irritation that I've had. And I was just wondering if before we start the session, you could see if there's anything little guys could do. I tried asking in them myself, and I kept getting circular conversations with them. With who? I should ask him. Do what was I really intending to get healed or at?

00;01;14;12 - 00;01;18;08
I want to wait till the podcast with all that stuff was like.

00;01;18;10 - 00;01;21;18
He was saying these things to you.

00;01;21;24 - 00;01;24;28
My mind was saying, I'm so I don't know where all the thoughts were coming from.

00;01;24;28 - 00;01;28;03
But I was like, Yeah, okay.

00;01;28;06 - 00;01;44;29
So I thought if you were talking to him right now, then maybe by the end of the podcast that little fuzz ball in my ear that it's a little worrisome because I don't want my ear to get infected. And it's been sitting in there for a day now.

00;01;45;01 - 00;01;45;06

00;01;45;06 - 00;02;11;24
Hours, just right. And I don't know if it's a I don't know what it is, but it doesn't appear to be wax. Holding something in. For those of you who are wondering what this pause is all about. Diane is having a conversation. She's having a conversation, and I'm just. I'm just letting you know. Well.

00;02;11;27 - 00;02;35;24
Certainly a conversation I was as well. Maybe there's a conversation and conversation that usually is between two or more people. Right? But I'm saying there's this the one there's one little guy and he seems to be littler than the other is so you can get in your ear. And he's he's looking at stuff. Right. And it's like, wait, Fluffy.

00;02;35;24 - 00;03;01;24
It's kind of stuff. And I don't think it's going to be that hard to get out of. Okay. Now there's more of them and they're just going to go and blow it out.

00;03;01;27 - 00;03;09;26
That's what they're doing. You feel anything? No. Maybe that's not going to work. I don't know.

00;03;09;29 - 00;03;14;23
Well, I don't mind if they blow it out, and it's white, fluffy stuff, but that would be easy.

00;03;15;01 - 00;03;16;19
Yeah, it would be.

00;03;16;21 - 00;03;25;06
I don't. I don't really feel anything yet, but is it going to be one blow or are they going to be going on it for a while?

00;03;25;07 - 00;03;26;13
Well, I don't know. They're still doing it.

00;03;26;20 - 00;03;28;27

00;03;29;00 - 00;03;34;21
I mean, they may decide to do something else.

00;03;34;23 - 00;03;39;19
Okay. Well, they're they're working on it.

00;03;39;21 - 00;03;42;19
Awesome. Well, thank you. We'll check back later.

00;03;42;21 - 00;03;46;24

00;03;46;26 - 00;04;27;10
Now onto the Dolphins. Just to preface this particular discussion, Diana and myself and another friend of ours has signed up have signed up to go to a swim with the Dolphins event in Hawaii in February. We're very excited about it. And we've already started reaching out to the Dolphins. And I think Diana has gotten some more clear communications with them already.

00;04;27;12 - 00;04;48;06
Yeah. Okay. You've sent a very nice, informative website about which who were probably sort of people who also work with dolphins and the the the people who are going to see you. You said they were kind of like, trained by them or whatever.

00;04;48;10 - 00;05;13;11
Right. There's a little community called Dolphin Ville in Hawaii near the Kona coast. And a bunch of like 200 people in that community. And they're all dolphin people. And they've all had a pretty strong commitment to dolphins and a couple of them have trained other people. And we're going to be working with some of these people from Dolphin Ville.

00;05;13;13 - 00;05;48;14
I think it was kind of like maybe the day before or you sent an email with information about dolphins, though. Yeah, I can already feel so like the dolphins. Kind of like like the chickens. The chickens are on the outskirts and there's not that many of them. They're not like the Pig Collective or the Lobster Collective. Then I felt kind of like, Ooh, okay, dolphins are kind of like on the outskirts, the periphery of my my seeing things in my head.

00;05;48;16 - 00;06;17;02
So and then after I looked at the website, right, it's like one of them came up to me pretty clear, kind of close. Right. So I can actually really see their head and, and for some reason I knew it was like a female. And she says, Well, come we're looking forward to her. You know, seeing you next year or what if something like that.

00;06;17;02 - 00;06;44;29
Right. You know, so I'm thinking, wow, this is great. She's very friendly, very friendly when she says follow me. But at one point also, she's not. She starts chirping in her dolphin language, which I am. And it turns out she was talking in English. Yeah. So I could understand the dolphin language, but it wasn't dolphin language. It was her chirpy voice.

00;06;44;29 - 00;07;00;07
Right. And I forget what she had said. But anyway, so I'm following her through the water. Right. And you know how they kind of like jump out of the water. But they're this was like in the water for like.

00;07;00;09 - 00;07;01;11
Making like a.

00;07;01;13 - 00;07;01;27
Yeah, that's.

00;07;01;27 - 00;07;02;23
A down wave.

00;07;02;24 - 00;07;30;10
Right? So I'm following her also. And then next thing I see was kind of like, yeah. And when she initially came up to me, she was there like really close up. But then I saw two or three of them in the background. Okay, so I follow her. And then the next thing is there's a whole bunch of them in a circle, right?

00;07;30;13 - 00;07;36;06
And I'm like, How many?

00;07;36;08 - 00;07;37;05
Between 15 and.

00;07;37;05 - 00;07;38;28
20. Okay.

00;07;39;01 - 00;07;53;07
And they're kind of like somehow they know that, you know, we're doing a podcast and they're very excited about this, right? And they think it's kind of funny because it's a.

00;07;53;07 - 00;07;55;18

00;07;55;21 - 00;07;58;06
And we listen, right?

00;07;58;08 - 00;08;05;02
They they of all creatures would understand a pod-cast. Yeah, a funny pun, right?

00;08;05;05 - 00;08;09;23
So they know they're laughing more now.

00;08;09;25 - 00;08;10;23
they're laughing with you.

00;08;10;23 - 00;08;11;13

00;08;11;15 - 00;08;16;15
Maybe. Where to find a song soundtrack of laughing. Dolphins do that in here.

00;08;16;18 - 00;08;40;03
yeah. Okay. And. And since then, they have communicated that, like, they're really interested. They're wondering what we're going to be talking about, because they said, well, you know, we can ask you questions. And I mean, obviously they can't talk directly.

00;08;40;05 - 00;08;41;03
On the podcast.

00;08;41;06 - 00;08;43;00

00;08;43;02 - 00;08;46;00
Now, but they could talk through or they could give you a message.

00;08;46;02 - 00;08;53;02
Right? Okay. So so they're still they're still here in a circle and they're waiting.

00;08;53;07 - 00;08;54;18

00;08;54;20 - 00;08;56;09
Okay. So.

00;08;56;11 - 00;08;58;23
So they haven't started speaking yet?

00;08;58;25 - 00;09;01;26
No, I guess they're waiting for us to ask them questions.

00;09;01;29 - 00;09;40;18
okay. So I have a question for you. Dolphins. It's my understanding that you've transcended many different types of beings on this earth. Okay, This is referencing the fact that you have all this knowledge from many, many different types of inhabitants of this earth, and you have bigger brains than humans, so much larger capacity to store all this information and to, I'm assuming, do things with the knowledge that you have.

00;09;40;20 - 00;09;51;21
What are some of the more interesting bits of knowledge that you have that we humans don't have access to yet?

00;09;51;23 - 00;10;33;20
Okay. it seems like you're saying deep that so communicative knowledge in that they have enhanced ways of communicating with each other but also with with these others I don't know what you want to call them. It's not civilizations, but entities or multidimensional beings or whatever that are all here.

00;10;33;22 - 00;10;44;24
So they can communicate with all the dimensional beings on the earth in this area, and it's in the cosmos or in the earths existence.

00;10;44;26 - 00;10;47;02
you mean in the past existence?

00;10;47;05 - 00;10;48;13
No, we're late or.

00;10;48;13 - 00;10;49;28
Into the Earth's.

00;10;50;00 - 00;10;52;02
Current situation.

00;10;52;04 - 00;11;31;14
So I'm like, local versus or like, or like, real cosmic. Well, they don't know because, I mean, I don't think they know the extent of, of their knowledge. I mean, it my vocabulary with this stuff is kind of limited, but in terms of like the, the great variety of multi dimensional beings that are out there, there could be ones that they've never encountered and they have no knowledge of.

00;11;31;14 - 00;11;48;22
They people even know that they exist. So but they can communicate with beings that we certainly can't communicate with or at least very few humans can.

00;11;48;24 - 00;11;54;24
And are these multidimensional beings here on Earth with us right now that they're communicating with?

00;11;54;27 - 00;12;05;25
Well, they're they're in the ether, you know, Right. Yeah, but they're not they may not be here constantly, you know.

00;12;05;27 - 00;12;06;19
they come and go.

00;12;06;19 - 00;12;21;17
There may be parts of them here. Yeah. They may not be permanently here. They may they travel. So.

00;12;21;19 - 00;12;50;08
And is there a collective effort on the part of these multi-dimensional beings that are here now, for instance, collective effort to raise the consciousness of humanity or to, you know, some lofty goal like that? Is there a collective mission with the dolphins and these multi dimensional beings?

00;12;50;10 - 00;13;17;24
It's been like that for a long time. I mean that, that has always been the goal since, since they can remember. Okay, the goal was never to remain static or go backwards. The goal was always to ascend.

00;13;17;27 - 00;13;20;12
Individually or collectively or both.

00;13;20;20 - 00;13;28;28
Well, I mean, if an individual does it and if there's many individuals and it's a collective.

00;13;29;00 - 00;13;32;11
So the dolphins are ascending along with us.

00;13;32;14 - 00;13;36;07
yeah. I mean, they're way ahead of us.

00;13;36;09 - 00;13;37;01
So they're helping.

00;13;37;09 - 00;13;40;05
Us in a way. In a sense, they're way ahead of us.

00;13;40;05 - 00;13;45;02
So they would be helping us to ascend.

00;13;45;04 - 00;14;12;24
Well, yeah, Yeah. I mean, they like to think so. They like to think that whatever they've done in the past and currently, you know, is actually helping, helping humans and then also helping these other multi dimensional beings, you know, to because they're, I mean, everything's connected. They're all one big family.

00;14;12;26 - 00;14;21;01
Are they happy with the progress? It we're making on.

00;14;21;03 - 00;15;05;25
I'm not sure that's a I don't know if they okay, they don't know if they see it in terms of progress or not because it's, it's like they don't even see it in terms of time. I mean, if they've been here for a long, long, long time, they don't see it as a long time because it's all connected and it's like they have the so they think they're global knowledge base rate, which has all this knowledge.

00;15;05;28 - 00;15;14;02
So that's just flowing freely, you see. Right. This is okay.

00;15;14;04 - 00;15;15;07
Yeah, I can see this is.

00;15;15;07 - 00;15;20;20
What they're saying, you know so in terms of.

00;15;20;23 - 00;15;40;15
Was so it's it's continuing to be an ascension type of process. They don't see us stagnate waiting or going backwards or since their ascent, they're assisting in that. They're okay with the way things are going.

00;15;40;17 - 00;16;23;18
Well, okay. I mean, they do have to say that there's some parts that are not quite happy with, but I mean, a lot of it is kind of like sometimes out of their control, just basically because I mean, the one I guess, I guess is a place to everybody that they deal with the human beings, their own, their fellow dolphins, other species, the dolphins, the multi dimensional beings.

00;16;23;20 - 00;16;56;18
I mean, they all have free will, you know, and so it could be an individual decides to do something and an individual turns into a collective and they decide to do something that is not quite in the direction of a sentient right, but, you know, that's just part of the whole thing. They don't see it as good or bad.

00;16;56;20 - 00;17;04;27
It just is right.

00;17;04;29 - 00;17;05;13
Well, that's.

00;17;05;13 - 00;17;54;18
Fine, but okay. They also want to say that they part of what they want to accomplish or part of part of their purpose is to be happy also. And what what does being happy mean to them? Part of it is having fun. Okay. So, I mean, it's like whatever, whatever they're however they live and whatever they're trying to do, it's fate that's always it's it's kind of like a balance note between they don't worry about stuff.

00;17;54;21 - 00;18;41;18
You think that perhaps they have a you know, they have a right to be worried, but they don't see it that way somehow. I mean, it's just it is what it is. And then they they're they're they know what one of the intentions is, but I'm neither one of the intentions is also sort of like happiness and they're they're always balancing it out to make sense.

00;18;41;20 - 00;18;48;22
Yeah yeah. Okay is he are very happy.

00;18;48;25 - 00;18;50;05
The dolphins are very happy.

00;18;50;11 - 00;19;00;03
Yeah. I mean they're naturally happy. It's it's very rare to find a sad dolphin.

00;19;00;06 - 00;19;20;10
Yeah. That's awesome. I have a question. Are there any other beings on this earth that have been around as long as the dolphins? And with a similar purpose.

00;19;20;13 - 00;19;23;22
gosh, You said monkeys.

00;19;23;24 - 00;19;28;19
Monkeys? Yeah. Not cats.

00;19;28;22 - 00;19;29;28
they said monkeys.

00;19;30;00 - 00;19;34;25
Interesting. Think about monkeys and how happy they usually are.

00;19;34;27 - 00;19;36;13

00;19;36;16 - 00;19;39;09
Or very silly.

00;19;39;11 - 00;19;44;15
But monkeys can also mean monkeys encompasses a whole bunch of different kinds of.

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00;19;46;01 - 00;20;01;00
You know, it could be apes, it could be gorillas, it could be chimpanzees. It could be Right, Right. They like monkeys for some reason.

00;20;01;03 - 00;20;02;28
The dolphins and the monkeys sort of thought.

00;20;02;28 - 00;20;05;24
Right, Right. And, you know, okay.

00;20;05;27 - 00;20;18;18
How? But they have been they've been around like the dolphins through a lot of the different civilizations that the Lemurians and whatever previous civilizations or.

00;20;18;21 - 00;20;27;01
They say, yes. And I mean, how do they know this? Right?

00;20;27;03 - 00;20;29;06
Well, if they were there, they might know.

00;20;29;09 - 00;20;35;00
Yeah, I know. But that would mean monkeys. We have to be living underwater also.

00;20;35;02 - 00;20;42;18
I don't know. Is the whole word earth covered in water at one point.

00;20;42;21 - 00;21;16;17
well, no, they're not saying no, not the whole earth was covered in water, but there were some civilizations that were underwater that were living in the water. So I don't know. It could. Kind of like, say, monkeys have an increased capability of actually doing this. Whatever you said it was the Of what?

00;21;16;21 - 00;21;58;12
Yeah, the having the etheric physical physiotherapy bodies. Were there more of able to change, you know, from a theory to a physical pain. Now let me ask this question then, because the monkeys brains are not known for being bigger than the human brains, and the dolphins brains are known for being bigger than human brains. So the monkey brains are smaller and they can do very sophisticated things like shapes from a theory like physiotherapy to Visio.

00;21;58;15 - 00;22;02;04
But they're saying it doesn't require that much brainpower to do that.

00;22;02;06 - 00;22;09;13
so we humans have enough brain power to do it. We just don't know how this is.

00;22;09;16 - 00;22;19;20
They don't know. There's so. Well, I mean they're saying some some humans could do that, right.

00;22;19;22 - 00;22;24;03
and I'm sure that's true.

00;22;24;06 - 00;22;25;11

00;22;25;13 - 00;22;27;17
But it's not the norm for humans.

00;22;27;20 - 00;22;31;21

00;22;31;24 - 00;22;34;16
Very interesting piece about the monkeys.

00;22;34;19 - 00;22;45;08
I don't know where that came from. It's like all of a sudden it's like, yeah, they like monkeys. They really like monkeys.

00;22;45;10 - 00;22;55;14
This is a silly question. Is there any place on this planet where they get to interact directly with monkeys freely?

00;22;55;16 - 00;23;13;02
Cause they're saying yes. Where is it? It's it's like.

00;23;13;04 - 00;23;14;21

00;23;14;23 - 00;23;28;20
No, I don't know if they they're actually named names that we know. But it is it is some kind of water based place. And the monkeys are like riding on the dolphins.

00;23;28;22 - 00;23;37;02
No. Interesting.

00;23;37;04 - 00;24;11;12
No. Okay. Is it is it you, the monkeys that were I mean, the dolphins that we're talking to right now that do this or do they just know of dolphins that do this? Have you been to those places yourself? We've heard about it from from other dolphins. And we know what used to happen.

00;24;11;15 - 00;24;17;11
It's very interesting.

00;24;17;14 - 00;24;18;23
my gosh.

00;24;18;26 - 00;24;29;26
Very interesting. I mean, think about all the places that something like that might have happened at one time. They're probably too populated now with humans for that to happen.

00;24;29;28 - 00;24;40;21
Right? Well, gosh, also, you know, it's like they're saying monkeys have been throwing coconuts at.

00;24;40;23 - 00;24;42;25
but just for fun, right?

00;24;42;28 - 00;24;47;28
Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. I mean.

00;24;48;01 - 00;24;52;02
I've walked through the world and had monkeys throw mangoes at me.

00;24;52;05 - 00;25;05;00
I don't know what kind of like I think at one point previously were talking about games or. Yeah, that's right. Was dolphin hide and seek, right.

00;25;05;02 - 00;25;07;04
yeah. Dolphins like to play hide and seek.

00;25;07;06 - 00;25;27;09
Right? But and they also seem to like to interact with also various types of other creatures in, in, in the waters that they're in in and also outside of the waters. So very friendly.

00;25;27;13 - 00;25;43;23
Yeah. So like people and like sea lions. Birds. Birds. Interesting.

00;25;43;25 - 00;26;23;02
Yeah. And they're saying yes, yes. Our community is very, very big. So. Okay, one question that had been bothering me was that obviously dolphins, humans are not vegetarians. They do eat fish. Yeah. So, I mean, is fish the only thing you eat though? The other stuff too. Are there sea creatures? Does it bother you that you're eating these?

00;26;23;04 - 00;26;43;05
no, because if we didn't, we die. Yeah. And then they say the fish, and they know that. So it is what it is.

00;26;43;07 - 00;27;09;05
Right? So another question for the Dolphins. With all the intelligence they have and how long they've been here, why did they choose the water as their place as mammals to live all these millennia.

00;27;09;07 - 00;28;17;15
You're saying. Yeah, because it good question. Sometimes we ask ourselves, Well, I mean, we've been here, we've been there so long, it's like, I don't know if they really think about it anymore, but if they go back into their collective knowledge, you're saying somebody, somebody decided that somebody being like one of the early beings that that became the dolphins decided that they thought it would be fun to do it because it seemed like, you know, I mean, if you're in the water, it's kind of like effortless.

00;28;17;17 - 00;28;39;13
You could be like really, really big and you could swim really fast as opposed to being on land where it requires more effort to actually do or do some of the physical things dolphins can do.

00;28;39;15 - 00;28;41;23
And I suppose they like to do those.

00;28;41;25 - 00;28;54;13
Yeah, they are. They they're saying something about acrobatics. Okay. So you know, they like that and they wouldn't be able to do that on land really so much harder.

00;28;54;15 - 00;28;57;10
Right. Good answer.

00;28;57;12 - 00;29;24;11
So I'm, I'm thinking it's like, why not air? Why didn't they choose air. Well, they wouldn't be really big then. I mean, how many how many flying flying animals are there? Because I'm sure birds are not the only flying animals. Right. What's the largest bird? Certainly not as big as a dolphin, Right.

00;29;24;13 - 00;29;26;03

00;29;26;05 - 00;29;28;18
No, that's their. Don't they don't fly.

00;29;28;20 - 00;29;29;24
that's right.

00;29;29;27 - 00;30;15;16
The average. Yeah. So they would seem to be concerned about. So the physical things they could be doing and they want to find the right environment for that. And again, it's like acrobatics. They like that. So yeah. And they can't really change. I mean, they could, but then they could and they couldn't.

00;30;15;18 - 00;30;41;14
Okay, I have another question. I have two questions that are coming up. One is the Dolphins ever consider leaving the earth?

00;30;41;17 - 00;31;19;17
not at this time. Any. If you're talking about any time previously, the they're saying yeah, they have. There have been periods where some of them actually have left so they didn't leave. I mean they didn't all leave. Some of them did leave, but it's like small groups.

00;31;19;20 - 00;31;26;22
Were they more of the larger stations like whales that left or just.

00;31;26;24 - 00;31;33;13
They're they're talking in terms of not whole species. They're talking in terms of.

00;31;33;15 - 00;31;36;02
Individual pods or something. Groups. Yeah.

00;31;36;09 - 00;31;47;03
You know. Yeah. And why did they leave? They just didn't like it here anymore.

00;31;47;05 - 00;32;29;26
No. My other question is more about this whole theory of evolution and the idea that I guess it's a it's a complicated question, like a cross between evolution and reincarnation. Is it feasible to think that dolphins were or the, you know, physical form of a dolphin actually originated from something as simple as an amoeba? And then evolved through the years?

00;32;29;26 - 00;33;30;25
Or did it come in differently in a different type of more complete physical form? And my second question is about incarnation. And do dolphins incarnate reincarnate as dolphins, or do they incarnate as other things sometimes like people and animals, monkeys even, and then go back to dolphins later in incarnation. And the reason I put these two together is I'm just wondering how evolution, our theories of evolution play into this like Buddha consciousness of a dolphin or start in an amoeba and end up in a dolphin one day.

00;33;30;27 - 00;34;21;20
These are pretty complicated questions. Yeah, that's what they're saying. Yeah. Pretty complicated. Well, as far as they know. Okay, they're okay. This runs contrary to how we think we as humans think in terms of evolution. It's they didn't they didn't evolve from, like little one celled amoebas. They came from elsewhere. They being sort of like the dolphin spirits or whoever, whoever is inhabiting the dolphins now.

00;34;21;22 - 00;34;39;06
Right. It could be a whole bunch of different types of beings. They they actually created the dolphin bodies for themselves.

00;34;39;08 - 00;34;44;18
They did. So when they came here, they came here as dolphins, not as some know.

00;34;44;18 - 00;34;46;07
They came here as whatever they.

00;34;46;07 - 00;34;47;13

00;34;47;15 - 00;35;02;23
Like, you know, pure energy. And then they decided, okay, you know, how do we want to live here? And like this? Which goes back to what we were talking about, like, why did they choose to live in the water?

00;35;02;24 - 00;35;03;28

00;35;04;00 - 00;35;49;10
Because they wanted certain certain things and that's Yeah, that's what they're saying. And so. Well, and that in part reincarnation or reincarnation part it's like there's no pure just like humans, there's no pure humans. There's there's different energy beings and some of them are in the dolphin bodies and depending on what they want, they can come back as other something else.

00;35;49;12 - 00;35;53;16
So they could come back as a human one time and a dolphin the next.

00;35;53;18 - 00;36;01;04
And yeah, except they're saying they don't know. They don't know to marry that.

00;36;01;07 - 00;36;04;10
Would they reincarnate as a monkey then.

00;36;04;12 - 00;36;55;05
I don't know. I think they could, but it could be that they have the same pro problems as, as humans do in that they don't, they don't remember. But okay. You'd think that if they have this global collective dolphin wisdom knowledge base, right, they would be more prone to be more able to remember things like that. But maybe, maybe they're not quite as evolved as we we think they are.

00;36;55;07 - 00;37;36;17
Maybe they don't know everything. You know. What I mean is maybe they don't know everything about themselves maybe. Maybe they're like us. They're figuring things out. Yeah, okay. Mean they're saying, yeah, we're all figuring things out together. Yeah. right together.

00;37;36;20 - 00;37;39;17
But they're still smarter than us.

00;37;39;20 - 00;37;48;29
Well, wiser in they're saying in some ways they're in some ways we are wiser than them.

00;37;49;02 - 00;38;08;28
Give an example of how we're wiser than them.

00;38;09;00 - 00;39;05;10
This would be so, like, not as groups of humans, just individual humans. Okay, I'm not. I'm not really getting too much. Maybe. Maybe they don't care, right? Maybe they don't have access to. So, like, global collective human wisdom, you know, they've got the access to the global collective dolphin wisdom. And whoever they've interacted with previously. But maybe they don't know everything about us, but others.

00;39;05;12 - 00;39;15;00
Do. They want to know more about us.

00;39;15;03 - 00;39;35;11
They want to know more about us to the extent that it will enable everybody to progress to this end. I mean, they don't want to know scientific facts or, you know, how to build a.

00;39;35;13 - 00;39;36;16
Rocket ship to the moon.

00;39;36;16 - 00;39;38;27
You know, like.

00;39;38;29 - 00;39;43;24
Yeah, they don't want to go someplace that doesn't have any water.

00;39;43;27 - 00;39;47;02
Well, I mean, they could, but it wouldn't be on a rocket ship.

00;39;47;05 - 00;39;49;19
Right? They'd get there a different way.

00;39;49;21 - 00;39;50;11

00;39;50;14 - 00;39;53;11
Like teleport it or something.

00;39;53;14 - 00;40;05;24
Right? Yeah. So they're finding this actually quite interesting.

00;40;05;27 - 00;40;08;08
They like, they like having an interview.

00;40;08;14 - 00;40;17;28
They, they think we had these lots of questions, lots of interesting questions, stuff that they don't really think about all the time. You know.

00;40;18;00 - 00;40;23;08
Do they want to pause and come back another day or do they want to keep going?

00;40;23;10 - 00;40;49;00
I don't know. I mean, they're they're saying that they're also kind of like regular humans in that they they parts of them exist there. Okay. So, like, their physical bodies exist in the three dimensional world and they have to do stuff to keep on living. They're just like.

00;40;49;00 - 00;40;52;23
Humans do, like eating and pooping and having babies.

00;40;52;26 - 00;40;57;22
Right? Exactly. Yeah. So that takes a quite a lot of their time to.

00;40;57;25 - 00;40;59;08

00;40;59;11 - 00;41;14;00
I mean, just like humans. So but it's like the fact that they have, like, two hemispheres.

00;41;14;02 - 00;41;14;25
Of the brain.

00;41;14;28 - 00;41;28;01
Yeah. It doesn't. Doesn't make them okay. It makes things easier for them in some ways.

00;41;28;03 - 00;41;30;01

00;41;30;03 - 00;41;59;08
Yeah, but they're saying, well you know, they have the same, what you call it, the same hurdles to go through as other beings do in terms of essentially, you know, I mean, it's not easy. They're here just like everybody else is here.

00;41;59;10 - 00;42;01;24
Very interesting.

00;42;01;27 - 00;42;10;00
So we shouldn't be looking at them as like some kind of like, you know, the Holy Grail that will help save us.

00;42;10;02 - 00;42;30;29
Okay. Well, that begs another question, because I've read that the people who live in Dolphin Ville, which is that little community along the coast, Kona, have lived there. Like they say, they keep getting older, they're not really dying. And they when they get sick, they heal really easily.

00;42;30;29 - 00;42;32;09
The dolphins.

00;42;32;11 - 00;42;33;03
No the.

00;42;33;03 - 00;42;34;03

00;42;34;05 - 00;43;06;12
The people in Dolphin Ville and Dolphin Ville is known for a community that feels one with the dolphins. And so they feel like they're maybe tapping into a consciousness that is making them physically more healthy, you know, maybe spiritually more healthy, too. It's not always clear what causes someone to, you know, heal faster from a sickness and and live longer.

00;43;06;12 - 00;43;35;02
But these people claim to, you know, have a pretty strong bond with the Dolphins in general and spend time swimming with them. And and you know, to their best abilities communicating with them. And the result is that they're all in.

00;43;35;02 - 00;43;37;08
School. Kind of living longer and. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast. Thank you for listening and please sign up for our newsletter at 1 to 9 podcast.

Dolphin Knowledge and Origin
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