Dolphins want us humans to know more and interact more

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00;00;06;16 - 00;00;19;00
Welcome to the 1 to 9 podcast for interesting insights and knowledge, the animals and other beings within multi dimensional realms. And welcome to another podcast. I'm Carina.

00;00;19;02 - 00;00;27;25
And I'm Diana or Diane, whichever you prefer. I think I'm maybe Diane today.

00;00;27;27 - 00;00;30;17
Okay, then. Today I'm Carina at the moment.

00;00;30;23 - 00;00;32;17

00;00;32;20 - 00;00;37;06
Today I believe we're going to talk to the Dolphins. Yes. Again.

00;00;37;12 - 00;00;57;17
Yes. We're going to be talking to them again after our previous conversation with them. Yeah, they thanked us and some of them left, but some of them stuck around. And now that they know we're going to be talking, we are talking to them again. Some of them have come back.

00;00;57;19 - 00;00;59;01
How many are some? I don't.

00;00;59;01 - 00;01;07;10
Know. Maybe like four or five come back. So maybe there's like ten around. Yeah. They were in a circle before. There are more of them previously.

00;01;07;15 - 00;01;16;28
And these are multidimensional dolphins. Or are these actual dolphins that were communicating with actual dolphins that live on this planet Earth?

00;01;17;00 - 00;01;20;25
I'm not sure. I mean, really, I'm not sure.

00;01;20;29 - 00;01;25;06
I think originally we were thinking we're actually talking to the dolphins that live here.

00;01;25;09 - 00;01;31;18
Right. Because they said, welcome. We look forward to seeing you. Yes. February.

00;01;31;20 - 00;01;36;15
Right. Right. And and I are going to go on a dolphin swimming trip in February.

00;01;36;17 - 00;01;47;20
Great. But just because they said that doesn't mean that they're only in. So like our physical world now, it could be also in the multi-dimensional world at the same time.

00;01;47;22 - 00;01;48;11
That's true.

00;01;48;18 - 00;02;13;01
Which is how, you know, we can talk to them now. Right. And so this like you had been talking about, sort of like the stories about dolphins rescuing people and various other stories about dolphins helping humans. Right. And so, I mean, I was kind of like wondering how did they know we're going to be going there in February?

00;02;13;07 - 00;02;18;19
Right. But that answered my question in that they can they do know this kind of stuff.

00;02;18;21 - 00;02;55;20
Right. And we were tapping into the dolphins a second. We decided to go. At least I was. I got to I got a funny message from the Dolphins, but I didn't even tell you about. But I was poking around on the Internet looking for information about dolphins and seeing what other communicators had received as messages from them. And one of the ones I stumbled on right away was about the dolphin's skin and how it was capable of healing itself.

00;02;55;22 - 00;02;57;25
yeah. No, you. You had talk about that.

00;02;57;25 - 00;03;25;10
Yeah. And but in their one of the strongest messages from the dolphins was keep your skin nourished. Keep your skin nourished. It must be nourished. And. And it keeps coming. The message keeps coming back to me in the middle of the night or whatever. And I've been looking around for better oils or, you know, topicals that I can use on my skin to nourish my skin.

00;03;25;11 - 00;03;48;01
And I'm thinking I almost need to get prepared for swimming with the dolphins by nourishing my skin. But they talked about how important the skin was, and humans don't realize how important keeping their skin was, keeping their skin nourished was, and keeping their skin healthy. And I. I got to thinking about it, and it's like our largest organ is our skin.

00;03;48;02 - 00;03;48;28
Right. Yeah.

00;03;49;05 - 00;03;54;01
And so it was an interesting message that I kept hearing.

00;03;54;03 - 00;03;57;20
Do they have any suggestions on what kinds of things to use?

00;03;57;21 - 00;04;00;28
They did not, but we could ask them.

00;04;01;00 - 00;04;06;00
Right. But they probably use different things than we would, you know.

00;04;06;03 - 00;04;08;17
Well, their bodies are mostly fat.

00;04;08;24 - 00;04;09;24

00;04;09;26 - 00;04;40;07
And they're in the saltwater. So they have already probably chemically compounded themselves, you know, to be in perfect harmony with their environment versus humans or, you know, sometimes running water. Sometimes we're on air. We're constantly scrubbing ourselves off. We invented all kinds of harsh chemicals for our skin. You know, we have we don't have like a consistent environment or anything, you know, clothes we wear kind of wick moisture away from our skin.

00;04;40;07 - 00;04;51;08
We have all kinds of things. The food we eat, they eat, they eat what they eat. They would they you know, they don't have like the choice of eating McDonald's hamburger or that.

00;04;51;10 - 00;04;52;01
Which is probably.

00;04;52;01 - 00;04;55;11
A salad. it's good that the dolphins don't have those choices.

00;04;55;11 - 00;04;58;21
It's a good thing that they don't have a choice of eating McDonald's hamburgers.

00;04;58;23 - 00;05;00;15
You think they're would choose that?

00;05;00;18 - 00;05;05;29
I don't know. There's lots of animals that would choose junk food over what they're supposed to be eating.

00;05;06;01 - 00;05;16;12
Right. Well, anyway, all that affects our skin. So they just kept saying, nourish the skin, nurse the skin so we could pose the question to them. They don't know if they'd know the answer.

00;05;16;18 - 00;05;18;27

00;05;19;00 - 00;05;34;00
And I found that castor oil, the shea butter I've used in the past. But that's too heavy for my skin. And I, for some reason started. I'm not 100% convinced that that's, you know, that. The final one or the final answer?

00;05;34;02 - 00;05;41;11
No. Okay. Now, are they saying this or when we say nourish your skin because they know we are going to be in the water for weeks?

00;05;41;13 - 00;06;01;24
No, no, I'm saying nourish your skin because it's your largest organ. Take care of it. Obviously, they said the guy had asked him what is some advice you could give to humans? And they said to nourish your skin and take care of it. And it just keeps resonating. And so I'm like, all right, I'm I'm nourishing. I'm nourishing.

00;06;01;24 - 00;06;04;05
I'm trying and figuring it out.

00;06;04;08 - 00;06;08;26
Wow. thank you.

00;06;08;29 - 00;06;24;01
Yeah, exactly. So but that's kind of, you know, maybe that's really important. I don't know. I don't. I don't really. I don't really know. But I do know if I'm about to get an ocean swim around a prize. Good idea to show up with. Nourish skin.

00;06;24;01 - 00;06;24;16
Is great.

00;06;24;20 - 00;06;27;26
And maybe the dolphins will like me better.

00;06;27;29 - 00;06;37;22
I think they'll like you regardless the. I mean, unless. Unless, like, you've got some evil, evil intent there, they will like you.

00;06;37;24 - 00;06;45;19
Yeah. Generally, they're they're pretty good judges of character and they're pretty friendly to humans in general.

00;06;45;21 - 00;06;48;02
In general. Okay.

00;06;48;05 - 00;06;58;15
So in preparation for our trip, it's coming up. Is there something that dolphins would like us to do to prepare?

00;06;58;18 - 00;07;04;05
Okay, So yeah, they're saying find out more about us.

00;07;04;08 - 00;07;08;19
okay. I was sort of drawn to do that. Anyway, I'm reading a couple of books.

00;07;08;25 - 00;07;19;28
Right, exactly. Yeah, but then, lo, why don't we just ask yourselves? Yeah, you could do that, too. So, what questions have you got?

00;07;20;01 - 00;07;28;25
Okay. Do the dolphins, do you guys have. Do. What do you think about patriarchy? Is there patriarchy in the dolphin realm?

00;07;28;26 - 00;07;31;00
What is patriarchy? You're asking this.

00;07;31;02 - 00;07;40;24
It's kind of like a balance of masculine energy over feminine energy. Imbalance of masculine energy over feminine energy.

00;07;40;26 - 00;08;09;10
There. Okay. I feel very. They're saying something about their concept of energy. Masculine and feminine energy is not the same as ours. I can't really get what they're saying, though. Okay, so but in terms of patriarchy, how they're organized, it's like I, I, I'm not talking about their answer. Right. But I don't know anything about dolphins podcast structure or pod structure.

00;08;09;13 - 00;08;35;20
But what they're saying is that there are some wise ones, what is meaning. I take it to mean they could be male or female dolphins. Okay. Wise ones who are basically in charge and they kind of like, set the tone for the pod. And then there's there's little groupings within the pod, kind of like little families, I guess, have them.

00;08;35;23 - 00;09;04;06
And they're they arise because they just feel connected to each other in some more intimate way that the whole pod feels connected. And then and then, of course, just the pod itself in the community was with some of the dolphins feeling more of a community spirit than others. But that's okay. You know, everybody's an individual too, and they take everybody's opinions into account, so I'd have to say.

00;09;04;06 - 00;09;12;04
So these seems like they're saying it's more democratic than anything we've got because they they make decisions collectively.

00;09;12;05 - 00;09;16;00
Is that because they communicate telepathically.

00;09;16;00 - 00;09;17;28
Very easily between each other?

00;09;17;28 - 00;09;19;14
Yeah, between each other.

00;09;19;17 - 00;09;21;00
Can you rephrase your question?

00;09;21;03 - 00;09;38;07
Were you in reference to are you saying that it was more democratic than anything we know in order to be able to take everybody's opinion into account, they have to have some form of gathering that information, that data and I'm just wondering if it's telepathic or if there's another system.

00;09;38;08 - 00;10;02;03
Right. First of all, the pod is not it's not a country. It's a very small grouping of dolphins. But but also because everybody's opinion is taken into account, it's more like direct democracy, which we don't have here. We elect representatives, right? Only representative are supposed to represent whole big groups of people. Right. Right.

00;10;02;05 - 00;10;04;29
So basically, everybody has a voice.

00;10;05;01 - 00;10;05;19

00;10;05;19 - 00;10;06;26
In the voice.

00;10;06;29 - 00;10;13;21
Yeah. Unless you're kind of like a baby dolphin, then it's kind of like, okay, they got to wait till they grow up a little bit.

00;10;13;27 - 00;10;19;22
And do they communicate then telepathically or do they use their voices?

00;10;19;25 - 00;10;21;21
Both these, you know.

00;10;21;23 - 00;10;34;05
To express their views and then just do that? Does someone, the wiser ones, actually ask their opinions or is it more of a knowing? Then they start discussing whatever is in front of them?

00;10;34;06 - 00;11;02;07
I don't know. They must have meetings of some sort. I mean, you know, I mean, they don't want to be sort of like communicating with themselves telepathically all the time because they want to. I mean, they've got their own thoughts right, too. You know, they don't want to be connecting constantly with everybody. So, yeah, they do meet to communicate things either telepathically or in their little chirpy voices.

00;11;02;10 - 00;11;15;12
And because they do want everybody's voice to be heard, the people who don't speak it, not the people, the dolphins who don't speak up, they are asked what their opinions are.

00;11;15;14 - 00;11;17;20
That's very nice. That's very nice.

00;11;17;23 - 00;11;45;18
Isn't it? Unless, of course, they're crying like mean dolphins or misbehaving dolphins. See, this is deep. That's kind of like this delicate balance. They have to be functioning as a cohesive group, to be able to survive. So that means kind of like a standardization of some kind. You can't have everybody doing what they want all the time because that would be chaos.

00;11;45;24 - 00;11;53;26
But there's some dolphins that just want to do what they want. It doesn't matter what anybody else wants, so they got to learn that.

00;11;53;28 - 00;11;57;28
And so they work with those dolphins or do they send them off to be lone dolphins?

00;11;58;00 - 00;12;06;17
I don't. I think they work with them first. Yeah, they do. Like they got. So. Like what, reform school?

00;12;06;19 - 00;12;12;17
Yeah, but they have a reform school. Very nice. Very sophisticated.

00;12;12;19 - 00;12;36;29
yeah. No, they do have schools. They've got education. I mean, I think in previous podcasts we talked about kind of like they're they're global knowledge base, which goes back eons, but maybe they need some kind of training to tap into it all the time because it's a vast amount of information. But they can do things that they do every day.

00;12;37;01 - 00;12;51;13
Right. They learn by watching their dolphins and they learn by instruction, too, by other options. So you can say that there is. Yeah. Okay. You've got to reform schools, but then you've got regular school to.

00;12;51;15 - 00;12;57;07
And I assuming that the school is rather experiential in nature.

00;12;57;09 - 00;13;20;12
definitely. yes, maybe. Okay. They do. They do create things in terms of oral stories. You know, So somehow those have to be passed down, but they also have to learn how to create these oral stories and also music.

00;13;20;14 - 00;13;24;05
Are some of the Dolphins musicians? Yeah, some of them are writers.

00;13;24;08 - 00;13;24;22

00;13;24;25 - 00;13;29;00
Is there an example of an oral story that they would like to share with us?

00;13;29;02 - 00;14;07;12
dear. I'm asking them this. Okay. So they've got entertaining stories and they've got oral stories that kind of reflect their dolphin legacy. Okay. They're entertaining stories. Or are they seem to like puzzles. Meaning kind of like, like mysteries or. Yeah. I was going to say it's their equivalent of mysteries except of course, you know, I mean nobody I know the dolphin is not going to be killing a dolphin is not going to be killing another dolphin.

00;14;07;12 - 00;14;27;24
So they don't really have mysteries in the same sense we do. Right. But they yeah, they they there are these entertaining stories that are like puzzles. I don't know if they can give me a specific one. Okay. All right. I mean, I'd have to sort of think about it more or to to get it from them.

00;14;27;26 - 00;14;54;29
All right, we can come back to that. Yeah, I'm very interested to hear some other world stories. So a lot of dolphins save people's lives. They show up. They seem to know when to show up, and they help. I think surfers know this and boaters have seen it. And there's a lot of stories. Is is that part of their job to watch out for us humans in that way?

00;14;55;01 - 00;14;58;26
Where do they just like to do it? Like a good Samaritan would?

00;14;58;29 - 00;15;24;07
Well, I think they view it in terms of they would do it for other dolphins and other sea creatures who are not their enemies. So, of course, they do it for you. So it's not like humans are this special category, which they have to watch out for. No, they're just generally, you know, good Samaritans for all beings.

00;15;24;10 - 00;15;25;07
very interesting.

00;15;25;09 - 00;15;32;00
I mean, we humans would like to think that perhaps dolphins think of us as special, but.

00;15;32;03 - 00;16;04;02
Well, we do have we do have the capacity to wave and laugh and giggle and really enjoy the dolphins when they come close. And I don't know if that makes it worth their while to interact with us on those levels. But some dolphins, you know, like the one in Ireland that stayed in for years in the bay up there, you know, there's just seem to be really enjoying hanging out with humans, right?

00;16;04;05 - 00;16;27;12
Yeah. Although it that strikes me as not regular dolphin behavior. I'd be thinking who is any lonely without other dolphins? But. But I mean, there were humans there, so it certainly fulfilled. The dolphin's need for companionship. Sorry. What was the question was like.

00;16;27;14 - 00;16;49;08
it's. I just felt the question was, you know, I understand they don't think they would help anybody, not just humans. They don't think humans are special in that regard. But do they think humans are special in other regards, like our interest in interacting with them on many levels, aside from doing tests on them?

00;16;49;12 - 00;17;01;04
Yeah. Aside from that, right. Yeah. My they do recognize us as being on a par with them.

00;17;01;07 - 00;17;03;20
interesting. Yeah.

00;17;03;22 - 00;17;28;14
So yeah, I mean they don't, they don't view us as lesser you know, than us is currently equals and. Yeah. Which is why they like to interact with us but they also like to play games and be funny. And somehow the humans that they interact with so far, they wanted them to do that. They wanted the dolphins to do that.

00;17;28;16 - 00;17;36;26
Yeah. Who doesn't like an entertaining dolphin? Yeah, an acrobat from a dolphin. The dolphin seems to be talking to you or.

00;17;36;27 - 00;17;37;11

00;17;37;11 - 00;17;38;19
Saying something.

00;17;38;22 - 00;17;48;23
Yeah, but then switched from that. From the Dolphins perspective, how do they view the humans? Are we entertaining to them? Are we? We don't do acrobatics for them.

00;17;48;26 - 00;17;49;10

00;17;49;10 - 00;17;50;16
What do they get out of it.

00;17;50;19 - 00;18;18;29
Yeah, that's a good question. What do they get out of it. Well, everybody likes a little praise, so we praise the Dolphins for doing something like that. Is the praise enough, or do they want us to entertain them? Maybe. I know. Like in aquariums, sometimes you see people trying to entertain the dolphins a little bit. But do they want do they want underground TV or do they want more of us to jump in the water and try and do acrobats for them?

00;18;19;01 - 00;18;24;27
Do they really want do they want to praise or do they actually want us to perform for them or do something for them?

00;18;24;29 - 00;18;28;16
I don't know. I mean, that's something I guess we could find out.

00;18;28;19 - 00;18;29;20

00;18;29;22 - 00;18;33;19
Or maybe they're just okay. They say they like performing, right? Like performing.

00;18;33;19 - 00;18;43;08
We already discussed how they, like they chose those bodies because they're acrobatic, because they can move quickly in the water and freely. And they like acrobatics.

00;18;43;10 - 00;18;44;08

00;18;44;10 - 00;18;48;22
So they like our praise and acknowledgment for their.

00;18;48;25 - 00;18;58;04
Yeah, but that can't. I mean, is that the only thing that they get out of this? They must get more out of this. Maybe their maybe they would like more.

00;18;58;06 - 00;18;59;09
Well ask.

00;18;59;11 - 00;19;09;04
Yeah. Yeah. They okay they want to see kind of like boy, some kind of human dolphin civilization.

00;19;09;11 - 00;19;17;12
Do they want us to come down underwater or do they want to come up for more interaction? They want more interaction.

00;19;17;15 - 00;19;23;15
Yeah. So like it was before before meeting. So like eons ago.

00;19;23;19 - 00;19;43;26
Eons ago before. So we're having trouble with this interaction, the dilemma of interaction, because we don't feel it's right to put dolphins in captivity in So many of them die in captivity. And we can't guarantee good management of their captive situations.

00;19;43;26 - 00;19;46;15
And you know, they don't want to be slaves.

00;19;46;18 - 00;19;55;06
Right? They don't want to be slaves. So do they have any ideas of how we could interact with them without without infringing on their freedom? And there.

00;19;55;08 - 00;19;58;15
We'd have to figure out how to live underwater part of the time when.

00;19;58;15 - 00;20;03;09
We know how to do that. Was scuba gear. But that's quite cumbersome.

00;20;03;11 - 00;20;05;24
Yeah, I'll say so. I mean, it's like.

00;20;05;28 - 00;20;07;26
But they're saying that's what they'd like.

00;20;07;29 - 00;20;16;23
This ideally not not not humans in scuba gear but humans to figure out some way to actually live underwater some of the time.

00;20;17;00 - 00;20;33;06
Interesting. We could do it. You know, you just need a long pipe so you're not carrying the tank with you. We wouldn't be able to go as deep as the dolphins, but we would be able to swim around for longer if we had a like a not a pipe, but a hose, you know, at the right.

00;20;33;08 - 00;20;34;22

00;20;34;24 - 00;20;37;04
We could spend more time.

00;20;37;07 - 00;20;39;26
They're thinking about this question. You know.

00;20;39;28 - 00;20;43;06
We. If that's really what they want, you know, it's.

00;20;43;09 - 00;20;53;14
But they want it to be so to the benefit of everybody. Right. Meaning that we'd have to be making some improvements in our lifestyles.

00;20;53;21 - 00;20;59;07
As in, like, the sunscreens we wear or the our consciousness levels.

00;20;59;10 - 00;21;07;03
Or wear the sunscreens. Okay. Improvements in communication.

00;21;07;06 - 00;21;07;15
With the.

00;21;07;15 - 00;21;19;20
Dolphins. With the dolphins. Right. Improvements in. Well, they're saying we should be making improvements about how we communicate with each other. That's what they're saying.

00;21;19;25 - 00;21;22;15
With each other, meaning humans to.

00;21;22;18 - 00;21;32;25
Humans. Yeah. And improvements also to to their environment if we're going to be in it part of the time too. Yeah.

00;21;32;27 - 00;21;39;20
So right now they have things like underground bars and underwater bars and stuff where you can go down.

00;21;39;20 - 00;21;41;13
And the dolphins.

00;21;41;16 - 00;21;49;22
Know the people have you can go into this underground bar and sit there and dolphins can swim around.

00;21;49;24 - 00;21;51;22
There, but they're outside of the glass.

00;21;51;22 - 00;22;05;05
Well, any fish can swim around basically. So they're outside the glass and there's not real interaction other than you can wave and you can see them more in their environment. Is that like a baby step or is that just annoying to them?

00;22;05;13 - 00;22;31;21
Well, it's not annoying because you realize, okay, this is an effort on the part of humans, Right? But it's kind of like it's not really an effort towards enhancing dolphin to human interaction. It's more of an effort to enhance its, you know, moneymaking capabilities.

00;22;31;23 - 00;22;39;15
yeah. Well, and I don't know, once you enter that alcohol in there, you might not be enhancing communication.

00;22;39;20 - 00;22;45;11
Right. So they're actually finding this conversation very interesting. So.

00;22;45;14 - 00;23;13;07
So there's an area in Hawaii called Dolphin Ville where people feel one with the Dolphins and they apparently, a lot of them try and swim with the dolphins. But then there's been a lot of laws that have stopped that capacity that the dolphins missed those people that were swimming with them regularly. Do they miss that freedom or are they glad the laws are in place because it was getting to be too much?

00;23;13;09 - 00;23;20;25
Okay. Well, I think they're saying that these the humans were not tourists. The humans were. People live there.

00;23;20;28 - 00;23;23;07
Right. Dolphins or people and rider.

00;23;23;10 - 00;23;46;11
And so. Okay. All right. There is some kind of there's still interaction between there, the humans and the dolphins. But they're saying it's not like it was before. And yeah, they do miss it. But I mean, they can't really do anything about it. The dolphins? So, you know, they just say, well, it is what it is.

00;23;46;14 - 00;24;01;21
But they're saying the humans are finding other ways to interact with so too. So it's not like they're totally cut off.

00;24;01;24 - 00;24;03;14
Is recording now. Yeah.

00;24;03;16 - 00;24;09;20
Okay. They're they're really looking forward to meeting us in February.

00;24;09;23 - 00;24;16;03
that's awesome. Well, I'm really glad they gave us the information they gave us today, and.

00;24;16;05 - 00;24;18;08
They can give us more information.

00;24;18;11 - 00;24;18;27
Right now.

00;24;19;04 - 00;24;21;06
Perhaps topics that we don't want to be talking.

00;24;21;06 - 00;24;26;05
About. that's like.

00;24;26;07 - 00;24;26;21

00;24;26;25 - 00;24;40;01
Well, maybe we should wrap this one up for now. Yeah, we should. Now we can do a whole other podcast again with the Dolphins and ask them more questions. And I have to say to the Dolphins, thank you. And I'm very excited about meeting them as well.

00;24;40;03 - 00;24;44;08
Yes, yes. We all we're all excited about meeting each other.

00;24;44;10 - 00;24;56;23
All right. That's it. That's all for this episode of the 1 to 9 podcast. Thank you for listening. And please sign up for our newsletter at 1 to 9

Dolphins want us humans to know more and interact more
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