Insightful Conversations with Carrots and Sunflowers

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This episode is a delightful conversation where Diana and Karin engage in a whimsical conversation with carrots and sunflowers, tuning in to their "thoughts" and insights. The carrots, sourced from my sister's farm in Cleveland, Georgia, and the sunflowers from my own garden, offer their unique perspectives. The carrots express their special vibration, sharing advice on proper storage and the benefits of consuming them, while their central message encourages us to be resilient both physically and mentally. The sunflowers gain solar wisdom from basking in the sun, and urge us to shine brightly and embrace our inner light. Together, the carrots and sunflowers amplify their happiness, creating a vibrant blend of nourishment and inspiration.

For a creamy carrot sunflower soup recipe, follow this link 
Insightful Conversations with Carrots and Sunflowers
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